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搜索关键字:complex    ( 1359个结果
Objective C 快速入门学习二
Objective-C类、对象、方法1.编写一个复数类:#import @interface Complex: NSObject //类声明,Complex继承NSObject{ int iReal;//成员变量声明,在括号内 int iImag;}//成员函数声明,在括号外-(...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-19 19:07:42    阅读次数:213
Objective C 快速入门学习五
继承和多态@class Complex 声明类(同C++)子类函数成员 super 访问父类 同C++类似1.通过继承 在子类中添加新方法2.通过继承 在子类中添加新成员3.通过继承 实现多态(实现比较简单,通过Id通用类型作为父类)4.重载5.抽象类abstract作用:创建子类更容易;提...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-19 16:17:02    阅读次数:270
Objective C 快速入门学习四
类1.合成存取器方法@property 成员变量@synthesize 成员变量可以让编译器自动合成 设置和获取函数的方法,不用手动生成set成员变量,Get成员变量@interface Complex : NSObject{ int iReal,iImag;}@property int iReal...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-19 15:08:15    阅读次数:224
daniel@daniel-mint /usr/lib/ghc/haskell2010- $ tree.├── Control│ └── Monad.hi├── Data│ ├── Array.hi│ ├── Bits.hi│ ├── Char.hi│ ├── Complex.hi│ ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-14 20:35:19    阅读次数:225
1. 指令集的知识解:CPU通过指令控制系统,指令集分为复杂指令集CISC和精简指令集RISC,其中C/RISC是complex/reduced instruction set computing的缩写 主要区别 RISC指令集指令数目少,每条指令采用相同的字节长度,4bytes一般,字边界对其.....
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-09 00:25:44    阅读次数:207
C++ 运算符的重载
#include #include using namespace std;class Complex //复数类{public:double real;//实数double imag;//虚数Complex(double real=0,double imag=0){ this->real=rea....
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-07-07 00:57:44    阅读次数:273
python之禅 --- import this
>>> import thisThe Zen of Python, by Tim PetersBeautiful is better than ugly.Explicit is better than implicit.Simple is better than complex.Complex is...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-07-06 23:48:26    阅读次数:303
Basic Memory Management 基础内存管理 If you're writing an application for Mac OS X, you have the option to enable garbage collection. In general, this means that you don't have to think about memory management until you get to more complex cases. 如果你正在写运行在...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-06 00:58:44    阅读次数:275
Python数据类型之间的转换函数描述int(x [,base])将x转换为一个整数long(x [,base] )将x转换为一个长整数float(x)将x转换到一个浮点数complex(real [,imag])创建一个复数str(x)将对象 x 转换为字符串repr(x)将对象 x 转换为表达式...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-07-03 09:48:00    阅读次数:217
Starting Threads and Using Anonymous Classes
As we all know,a thread is a separate process on your computer.you can run multiple threads all at the same time. multi-threaded code has the disadvantage of becoming quite complex very quickly,altho...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-22 07:25:06    阅读次数:244
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