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分类:其他好文   时间:2014-04-28 02:44:39    阅读次数:471
1.创建数据库:create database database_name;2.选择数据库:use database_name;3.创建表:create table tablename(column1 data_type1, column2 data_type2,...,columnn dataty...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-04-28 02:34:53    阅读次数:560
Oracle core06_latch&lock
lock and latch在oracle中为了保护共享资源,使用了两种不同的锁机制lock和latch,这两种锁有明显不同点:1,lock和pin,采用的是队列的方式,先来先服务的策略,latch和mutex,采用的是抢占的方式,fast fail模式2,lock可以hold的时间比较长,而lat...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-04-28 02:21:00    阅读次数:889
Conceptual blockbusting- chap2 perceptual blocks
Page 30Perceptual blocks are obstacles that prevent the problem-solver from clearly perceiving either the problem itself or the information needed to ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-04-28 00:54:37    阅读次数:403
How can I add a new user as sudoer using the command line?
Two ways to use sudo command for a standard user account:First,If you want to use sudo command for a standard user account, then you need to add this ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-04-28 00:42:49    阅读次数:616
memcached-1.2.8-repcached-2.2.tar.gztar zxvfmemcached-1.2.8-repcached-2.2.tar.gzcdmemcached-1.2.8-repcached-2.2./configure --prefix=/usr/local/repcach...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-04-27 21:55:09    阅读次数:557
sql之left join、right join、inner join的区别
left join(左联接) 返回包括左表中的所有记录和右表中联结字段相等的记录right join(右联接) 返回包括右表中的所有记录和左表中联结字段相等的记录inner join(等值连接) 只返回两个表中联结字段相等的行举例如下:--------------------------------...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-04-27 21:38:38    阅读次数:764
思路1)#define WINVER 0X500 // 放在所有头文件前 #include 2) WM_CREATE AnimateWindow(hwnd, 1000, AW_ACTIVATE|AW_BLEND); InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); UpdateWi...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-04-27 21:32:09    阅读次数:546
老白的JAVA课程14 GUI 窗口的设置
项目驱动 需求分析-系统设计-编码-测试-维护期GUI Swing程序的建立步骤 1.建立容器-可以容纳其他图形对象的类,容器中还可以添加容器 2.建立组件-组件就是一套图形对象 3.将组件放到容器当中-将创建好的对象添加到容器中,才能在窗口中显示 4.设置布局JFrame:带有标题和边框的顶级窗口...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-04-27 21:31:35    阅读次数:693
Conceptual Blockbusting Intro & chap1
Page 6:Natural tendency in problem solving is to pick the first solution that comes to mind and run with it. The disadvantage of this approach is you ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-04-27 21:27:40    阅读次数:510
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