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搜索关键字:maximum    ( 4142个结果
leetcode-Maximum Gap
Given an unsorted array, find the maximum difference between the successive elements in its sorted form. Try to solve it in linear time/space. Return 0 if the array contains less than 2 elements...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-12-14 10:46:23    阅读次数:189
LeetCode Longest Palindromic Substring
Given a stringS, find the longest palindromic substring inS. You may assume that the maximum length ofSis 1000, and there exists one unique longest pa...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-12-14 00:38:30    阅读次数:161
机器学习之&&SVM支持向量机入门:Maximum Margin Classifier
—— 支持向量机简介。...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-12-13 18:06:36    阅读次数:336
LeetCode 刷题之二:寻找二叉树的最大深度
题目为: Given a binary tree, find its maximum depth. The maximum depth is the number of nodes along the longest path from the root node down to the farthest leaf node. 阶梯思路:对于这种题目最简单的方法就是递归操作了...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-12-12 23:40:13    阅读次数:374
导出数据 超出的单元格样式的最大数量。您可以定义多达4000风格
The maximum number of cell styles was exceeded. You can define up to 4000 stylesPOI操作Excel中,导出的数据不是很大时,则不会有问题,而数据很多或者比较多时,就会报以下的错误,是由于cell styles太多cre...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-12-12 20:46:32    阅读次数:229
Maximum Subarray
Find the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum. For example, given the array [?2,1,?3,4,?1,2,1,?5,4], the contiguous subarray [4,?1,2,1] ha...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-12-12 19:12:27    阅读次数:205
S1:Aptina's MT9M021/MT9M031 sensor is capable of a maximum resolution of 1280 x 960at up to 45fps, or it may be configured to run 720p at 60fps。Regist...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-12-11 18:45:41    阅读次数:335
LeetCode Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III
Say you have an array for which theithelement is the price of a given stock on dayi.Design an algorithm to find the maximum profit. You may complete a...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-12-11 00:16:55    阅读次数:139
Linux 最大文件数
分类:系统相关   时间:2014-12-10 15:42:17    阅读次数:209
LeetCode Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
Given a binary tree, find the maximum path sum.The path may start and end at any node in the tree.For example:Given the below binary tree, 1 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-12-09 23:00:59    阅读次数:276
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