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搜索关键字:too    ( 5795个结果
Your build host version of Xamarin.IOS (release NO.)is too recent to work with the IOS designer
Encounted such error in VS after I update the xamarin at Mac side.Here is the solution for u to reference: Open VS ->Tools->Options->Xamarin->IOS Sett...
分类:移动开发   时间:2014-09-11 15:08:52    阅读次数:320
新浪邮箱退信错误代码详解,经常有客户发往新浪邮箱退信,但是很多人看不懂错误代码,今天思威电邮为大家解答一下新浪邮箱退信的问题。供大家参考。Q: 退信错误代码如何解释?A: 421 Too many messages退信原因:邮件数量超限改善建议:如果您是发信域的邮件管理员,请暂停该IP的发信,降低发...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-11 09:33:01    阅读次数:274
ORA-06502:PL/SQL :numberic or value error: character string buffer too small
今天遇到一个错误提示:ORA-06502:PL/SQL :numberic or value error: character string buffer too small,一般对应的中文信息为:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: 数字或值错误 :字符串缓冲区太小。仔细检查调试过程中才发现是开发...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-09-10 22:17:21    阅读次数:509
Mobile HTML5
Book DescriptionBuild kickass websites and applications for all mobile (and non-mobile) platforms by adding HTML5 and CSS3 to your web development too...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-09-07 18:29:05    阅读次数:232
HDOJ What is your grade?
题目:Problem Description“Point, point, life of student!”This is a ballad(歌谣)well known in colleges, and you must care about your score in this exam too....
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-07 10:57:54    阅读次数:257
阻止用户从未经授权的位置安装设备驱动程序。 组策略 。。。too long too see directly.what determins when a drivers i s load.specifying driver laod order./ load order group for file...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-05 14:09:41    阅读次数:222
Nginx出现“413 Request Entity Too Large”错误解决方法
今天使用phpmyadmin的导入功能的时候,由于sql文件过大,服务器出现错误提示了,413RequestEntityToo Large,google了一下,发现是Nginx的错误提示。解决方法:打开nginx主配置文件nginx.conf,找到http{}段,添加 client_max_body_size100m;fedora下vi/etc/nginx/nginx.conf重..
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-05 03:16:31    阅读次数:241
The most difficult aspect of running Nettuts+ is accounting for so many different skill levels. If we post too many advanced tutorials, our beginner a...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-09-02 19:40:45    阅读次数:425
Vertica “ERROR: Too many ROS containers exist”
Vertica “ERROR: Too many ROS containers exist”...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-01 09:21:23    阅读次数:340
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