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搜索关键字:over    ( 9270个结果
Codeforces Amusing Joke 题解
So, the New Year holidays are over. Santa Claus and his colleagues can take a rest and have guests at last. When two "New Year and Christmas Men" meet, thear assistants cut out of cardboard the letter...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-22 23:03:53    阅读次数:521
Windows 7下阻止系统关机
从Vista开始,想阻止系统关机就开始变麻烦了,不能只拦截WM_QUERYENDSESSION了,操作系统只给一个应用程序两秒钟的时间去保存自己的东西,两秒钟之后,不管做完了没有,Game Over!可是如果你正在刻录一张光盘呢?两秒钟是都不够的,所以Vista之后也给提供了一种方式阻止系统关机,就是ShutdownBlockReasonCreate函数,只要调用这个函数,第一个参数传递创建主窗口...
分类:Windows程序   时间:2014-07-22 23:02:15    阅读次数:618
[递推dp] zoj 3747 Attack on Titans
题目链接: http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemId=5170 Attack on Titans Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB Over centuries ago, mankind faced a new enemy, th...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-22 23:00:16    阅读次数:536
android File存储
文件存储的用途: A File object is suited to reading or writing large amounts of data in start-to-finish order without skipping around. For example, it's good for image files or anything exchanged over a netw...
分类:移动开发   时间:2014-05-05 13:01:21    阅读次数:339
JAVA之IO技术键盘录入 System.in
package ioTest.io2; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; /* *键盘录入:如果录入的是一行数据打印,如果录入了over就结束录入 *System.in:标准输入流对象 *System.out:标准输出流对象 */ public class ReadIn { public static v...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-05-03 17:07:53    阅读次数:268
jQuery DataTables Plugin Meets C#
Over the weekend, I was doing some work on the internal CMS we use over at eagleenvision.net and I wanted to scrap my custom table implementation for ...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-05-01 14:28:26    阅读次数:613
UDT: Breaking the Data Transfer Bottleneck
http://udt.sourceforge.net/DT is a reliable UDP based application level data transport protocol for distributed data intensive applications over wide ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-01 13:21:54    阅读次数:488
Transition属性主要是用来对某个CSS属性的变化过程进行控制,官方的介绍是”CSS Transitions allow property changes in CSS values to occur smoothly over a specified duration.“。而我个人则简单地理...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-05-01 01:12:52    阅读次数:518
POJ 3356 AGTC(DP-最小编辑距离)
DescriptionLetxandybe two strings over some finite alphabetA. We would like to transformxintoyallowing only operations given below:Deletion:a letter i...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-04-29 16:22:00    阅读次数:450
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