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winform 打印条码

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2、拖取 打印 相关控件
PageSetupDialog 、 PrintDialog 、 PrintDocument 、PrintPreviewDialog
4、设置按钮等控件 及 添加相应按钮事件

public partial class Form3 : Form
    public Form3()
        this.printDocument1.OriginAtMargins = true;//启用页边距
        this.pageSetupDialog1.EnableMetric = true; //以毫米为单位


    private void btnSetPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void btnPrePrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.printDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)

    private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
        ////打印内容 为 整个Form
        //Image myFormImage;
        //myFormImage = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height);
        //Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(myFormImage);
        //g.CopyFromScreen(this.Location.X, this.Location.Y, 0, 0, this.Size);
        //e.Graphics.DrawImage(myFormImage, 0, 0);

        ////打印内容 为 局部的 this.groupBox1
        //Bitmap _NewBitmap = new Bitmap(groupBox1.Width, groupBox1.Height);
        //groupBox1.DrawToBitmap(_NewBitmap, new Rectangle(0, 0, _NewBitmap.Width, _NewBitmap.Height));
        //e.Graphics.DrawImage(_NewBitmap, 0, 0, _NewBitmap.Width, _NewBitmap.Height); 

        //打印内容 为 自定义文本内容 
        Font font = new Font("宋体", 12);
        Brush bru = Brushes.Blue; 
        for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
            e.Graphics.DrawString("Hello world ", font, bru, i*20, i*20);



>> itf14条码打印:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;

namespace Frm.Common
    class ITF14

        private string Raw_Data;

        private string[] ITF14_Code = { "NNWWN", "WNNNW", "NWNNW", "WWNNN", "NNWNW", "WNWNN", "NWWNN", "NNNWW", "WNNWN", "NWNWN" };

        public ITF14(string input)
            Raw_Data = input;

        /// <summary>
        /// Encode the raw data using the ITF-14 algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        public string Encode_ITF14()
            //check length of input
            string result = "1010";

            for (int i = 0; i < Raw_Data.Length; i += 2)
                bool bars = true;
                string patternbars = ITF14_Code[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[i].ToString())];//码图
                string patternspaces = ITF14_Code[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[i + 1].ToString())];//空格图
                string patternmixed = "";// 混合图

                while (patternbars.Length > 0)
                    patternmixed += patternbars[0].ToString() + patternspaces[0].ToString();
                    patternbars = patternbars.Substring(1);
                    patternspaces = patternspaces.Substring(1);

                foreach (char c1 in patternmixed)
                    if (bars)
                        if (c1 == N)
                            result += "1";
                            result += "11";
                        if (c1 == N)
                            result += "0";
                            result += "00";
                    bars = !bars;

            //add ending bars
            result += "1101";
            return result;

        private void CheckDigit()
            //calculate and include checksum if it is necessary
            if (Raw_Data.Length == 13)
                int total = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i <= Raw_Data.Length - 1; i++)
                    int temp = Int32.Parse(Raw_Data.Substring(i, 1));
                    total += temp * ((i == 0 || i % 2 == 0) ? 3 : 1);

                int cs = total % 10;
                cs = 10 - cs;
                if (cs == 10)
                    cs = 0;

                Raw_Data += cs.ToString();

        public Bitmap getFile(string Code)
            if (Code != null)
                Bitmap saved = Generate_Image(Code);
                return saved;
                return null;

        public void saveFile(string Code, string strFile)
            if (Code != null)
                Bitmap saved = Generate_Image(Code);
                saved.Save("D:\\1.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);

        private Bitmap Generate_Image(string strBar)
            Bitmap b = null;

            int width = 320;
            int height = 40;
            b = new Bitmap(width, height);

            int bearerwidth = (int)((b.Width) / 12.05);
            int iquietzone = Convert.ToInt32(b.Width * 0.05);
            int iBarWidth = (b.Width - (bearerwidth * 2) - (iquietzone * 2)) / strBar.Length;
            int shiftAdjustment = ((b.Width - (bearerwidth * 2) - (iquietzone * 2)) % strBar.Length) / 2;

            if (iBarWidth <= 0 || iquietzone <= 0)
                throw new Exception("EGENERATE_IMAGE-3: Image size specified not large enough to draw image. (Bar size determined to be less than 1 pixel or quiet zone determined to be less than 1 pixel)");

            //draw image
            int pos = 0;

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b))
                //fill background

                //lines are fBarWidth wide so draw the appropriate color line vertically
                using (Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black, iBarWidth))
                    pen.Alignment = PenAlignment.Right;

                    while (pos < strBar.Length)
                        //draw the appropriate color line vertically
                        if (strBar[pos] == 1)
                            g.DrawLine(pen, new Point((pos * iBarWidth) + shiftAdjustment + bearerwidth + iquietzone, 0), new Point((pos * iBarWidth) + shiftAdjustment + bearerwidth + iquietzone, height));




            return b;
Common.ITF14 itf14 = new Common.ITF14("1234567890123");

             string strBar = itf14.Encode_ITF14();
            Bitmap bmp=  itf14.getFile(strBar);
            if (bmp == null)
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, new Point(10, 10));


>> ean13条码打印:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Drawing;

namespace Frm.Common
    public class BarCode_EAN13
        #region 生成条码  EAN13码

        public static string getEAN13(string s, int width, int height)

            int checkcode_input = -1;//输入的校验码

            if (!Regex.IsMatch(s, @"^\d{12}$"))

                if (!Regex.IsMatch(s, @"^\d{13}$"))

                    return "存在不允许的字符!";



                    checkcode_input = int.Parse(s[12].ToString());

                    s = s.Substring(0, 12);



            int sum_even = 0;//偶数位之和

            int sum_odd = 0;//奇数位之和

            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)

                if (i % 2 == 0)

                    sum_odd += int.Parse(s[i].ToString());



                    sum_even += int.Parse(s[i].ToString());



            int checkcode = (10 - (sum_even * 3 + sum_odd) % 10) % 10;//校验码

            if (checkcode_input > 0 && checkcode_input != checkcode)

                return "输入的校验码错误!";


            s += checkcode;//变成13位

            // 000000000101左侧42个01010右侧35个校验7个101000000000

            // 6        101左侧6位 01010右侧5位 校验1位101000000000

            string result_bin = "";//二进制串

            result_bin += "000000000101";

            string type = ean13type(s[0]);

            for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)

                result_bin += ean13(s[i], type[i - 1]);


            result_bin += "01010";

            for (int i = 7; i < 13; i++)

                result_bin += ean13(s[i], C);


            result_bin += "101000000000";

            string result_html = "";//HTML代码

            string color = "";//颜色

            int height_bottom = width * 5;

            foreach (char c in result_bin)

                color = c == 0 ? "#FFFFFF" : "#000000";

                result_html += "<div style=\"width:" + width + "px;height:" + height + "px;float:left;background:" + color + ";\"></div>";


            result_html += "<div style=\"clear:both\"></div>";

            result_html += "<div style=\"float:left;color:#000000;width:" + (width * 9) + "px;text-align:center;\">" + s[0] + "</div>";

            result_html += "<div style=\"float:left;width:" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#000000;\"></div>";

            result_html += "<div style=\"float:left;width:" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#FFFFFF;\"></div>";

            result_html += "<div style=\"float:left;width:" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#000000;\"></div>";

            for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)

                result_html += "<div style=\"float:left;width:" + (width * 7) + "px;color:#000000;text-align:center;\">" + s[i] + "</div>";


            result_html += "<div style=\"float:left;width:" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#FFFFFF;\"></div>";

            result_html += "<div style=\"float:left;width:" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#000000;\"></div>";

            result_html += "<div style=\"float:left;width:" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#FFFFFF;\"></div>";

            result_html += "<div style=\"float:left;width:" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#000000;\"></div>";

            result_html += "<div style=\"float:left;width:" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#FFFFFF;\"></div>";

            for (int i = 7; i < 13; i++)

                result_html += "<div style=\"float:left;width:" + (width * 7) + "px;color:#000000;text-align:center;\">" + s[i] + "</div>";


            result_html += "<div style=\"float:left;width:" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#000000;\"></div>";

            result_html += "<div style=\"float:left;width:" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#FFFFFF;\"></div>";

            result_html += "<div style=\"float:left;width:" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#000000;\"></div>";

            result_html += "<div style=\"float:left;color:#000000;width:" + (width * 9) + "px;\"></div>";

            result_html += "<div style=\"clear:both\"></div>";

            return "<div style=\"background:#FFFFFF;padding:0px;font-size:" + (width * 10) + "px;font-family:‘楷体‘;\">" + result_html + "</div>";


        private static string ean13(char c, char type)

            switch (type)

                case A:

                        switch (c)

                            case 0: return "0001101";

                            case 1: return "0011001";

                            case 2: return "0010011";

                            case 3: return "0111101";//011101

                            case 4: return "0100011";

                            case 5: return "0110001";

                            case 6: return "0101111";

                            case 7: return "0111011";

                            case 8: return "0110111";

                            case 9: return "0001011";

                            default: return "Error!";



                case B:

                        switch (c)

                            case 0: return "0100111";

                            case 1: return "0110011";

                            case 2: return "0011011";

                            case 3: return "0100001";

                            case 4: return "0011101";

                            case 5: return "0111001";

                            case 6: return "0000101";//000101

                            case 7: return "0010001";

                            case 8: return "0001001";

                            case 9: return "0010111";

                            default: return "Error!";



                case C:

                        switch (c)

                            case 0: return "1110010";

                            case 1: return "1100110";

                            case 2: return "1101100";

                            case 3: return "1000010";

                            case 4: return "1011100";

                            case 5: return "1001110";

                            case 6: return "1010000";

                            case 7: return "1000100";

                            case 8: return "1001000";

                            case 9: return "1110100";

                            default: return "Error!";



                default: return "Error!";



        private static string ean13type(char c)

            switch (c)

                case 0: return "AAAAAA";

                case 1: return "AABABB";

                case 2: return "AABBAB";

                case 3: return "AABBBA";

                case 4: return "ABAABB";

                case 5: return "ABBAAB";

                case 6: return "ABBBAA";//中国

                case 7: return "ABABAB";

                case 8: return "ABABBA";

                case 9: return "ABBABA";

                default: return "Error!";



        public static void Paint_EAN13(string ean13, Graphics g, Rectangle drawBounds)
            string barCode = ean13;

            char[] symbols = barCode.ToCharArray();

            //--- Validate barCode -------------------------------------------------------------------//
            if (barCode.Length != 13)
            foreach (char c in symbols)
                if (!Char.IsDigit(c))

            //--- Check barcode checksum ------------------------//
            int checkSum = Convert.ToInt32(symbols[12].ToString());
            int calcSum = 0;
            bool one_three = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                if (one_three)
                    calcSum += (Convert.ToInt32(symbols[i].ToString()) * 1);
                    one_three = false;
                    calcSum += (Convert.ToInt32(symbols[i].ToString()) * 3);
                    one_three = true;

            char[] calcSumChar = calcSum.ToString().ToCharArray();
            if (checkSum != 0 && checkSum != (10 - Convert.ToInt32(calcSumChar[calcSumChar.Length - 1].ToString())))

            Font font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8);

            // Fill backround with white color
            //   g.Clear(Color.White);

            int lineWidth = 2;
            int x = drawBounds.X;

            // Paint human readable 1 system symbol code
            g.DrawString(symbols[0].ToString(), font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height - 16);
            x += 10;

            // Paint left ‘guard bars‘, always same ‘101‘
            g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, lineWidth), x, drawBounds.Y, x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height);
            x += lineWidth;
            g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.White, lineWidth), x, drawBounds.Y, x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height);
            x += lineWidth;
            g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, lineWidth), x, drawBounds.Y, x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height);
            x += lineWidth;

            // First number of barcode specifies how to encode each character in the left-hand 
            // side of the barcode should be encoded.
            bool[] leftSideParity = new bool[6];
            switch (symbols[0])
                case 0:
                    leftSideParity[0] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[1] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[2] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[3] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[4] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[5] = true;  // Odd
                case 1:
                    leftSideParity[0] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[1] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[2] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[3] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[4] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[5] = false; // Even
                case 2:
                    leftSideParity[0] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[1] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[2] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[3] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[4] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[5] = false; // Even
                case 3:
                    leftSideParity[0] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[1] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[2] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[3] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[4] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[5] = true;  // Odd
                case 4:
                    leftSideParity[0] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[1] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[2] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[3] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[4] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[5] = false; // Even
                case 5:
                    leftSideParity[0] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[1] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[2] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[3] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[4] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[5] = false; // Even
                case 6:
                    leftSideParity[0] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[1] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[2] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[3] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[4] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[5] = true;  // Odd
                case 7:
                    leftSideParity[0] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[1] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[2] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[3] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[4] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[5] = false; // Even
                case 8:
                    leftSideParity[0] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[1] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[2] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[3] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[4] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[5] = true;  // Odd
                case 9:
                    leftSideParity[0] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[1] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[2] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[3] = true;  // Odd
                    leftSideParity[4] = false; // Even
                    leftSideParity[5] = true;  // Odd

            // second number system digit + 5 symbol manufacter code
            string lines = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                bool oddParity = leftSideParity[i];
                if (oddParity)
                    switch (symbols[i + 1])
                        case 0:
                            lines += "0001101";
                        case 1:
                            lines += "0011001";
                        case 2:
                            lines += "0010011";
                        case 3:
                            lines += "0111101";
                        case 4:
                            lines += "0100011";
                        case 5:
                            lines += "0110001";
                        case 6:
                            lines += "0101111";
                        case 7:
                            lines += "0111011";
                        case 8:
                            lines += "0110111";
                        case 9:
                            lines += "0001011";
                // Even parity
                    switch (symbols[i + 1])
                        case 0:
                            lines += "0100111";
                        case 1:
                            lines += "0110011";
                        case 2:
                            lines += "0011011";
                        case 3:
                            lines += "0100001";
                        case 4:
                            lines += "0011101";
                        case 5:
                            lines += "0111001";
                        case 6:
                            lines += "0000101";
                        case 7:
                            lines += "0010001";
                        case 8:
                            lines += "0001001";
                        case 9:
                            lines += "0010111";

            // Paint human readable left-side 6 symbol code
          //  g.DrawString(barCode.Substring(1, 6), font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height - 12);

            char[] xxx = lines.ToCharArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < xxx.Length; i++)
                if (xxx[i] == 1)
                    g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, lineWidth), x, drawBounds.Y, x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height - 12);
                    g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.White, lineWidth), x, drawBounds.Y, x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height - 12);
                x += lineWidth;

            // Paint center ‘guard bars‘, always same ‘01010‘
            g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.White, lineWidth), x, drawBounds.Y, x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height);
            x += lineWidth;
            g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, lineWidth), x, drawBounds.Y, x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height);
            x += lineWidth;
            g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.White, lineWidth), x, drawBounds.Y, x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height);
            x += lineWidth;
            g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, lineWidth), x, drawBounds.Y, x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height);
            x += lineWidth;
            g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.White, lineWidth), x, drawBounds.Y, x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height);
            x += lineWidth;

            // 5 symbol product code + 1 symbol parity
            lines = "";
            for (int i = 7; i < 13; i++)
                switch (symbols[i])
                    case 0:
                        lines += "1110010";
                    case 1:
                        lines += "1100110";
                    case 2:
                        lines += "1101100";
                    case 3:
                        lines += "1000010";
                    case 4:
                        lines += "1011100";
                    case 5:
                        lines += "1001110";
                    case 6:
                        lines += "1010000";
                    case 7:
                        lines += "1000100";
                    case 8:
                        lines += "1001000";
                    case 9:
                        lines += "1110100";

            // Paint human readable left-side 6 symbol code
          //  g.DrawString(barCode.Substring(7, 6), font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height - 12);

            xxx = lines.ToCharArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < xxx.Length; i++)
                if (xxx[i] == 1)
                    g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, lineWidth), x, drawBounds.Y, x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height - 12);
                    g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.White, lineWidth), x, drawBounds.Y, x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height - 12);
                x += lineWidth;

            // Paint right ‘guard bars‘, always same ‘101‘
            g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, lineWidth), x, drawBounds.Y, x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height);
            x += lineWidth;
            g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.White, lineWidth), x, drawBounds.Y, x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height);
            x += lineWidth;
            g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, lineWidth), x, drawBounds.Y, x, drawBounds.Y + drawBounds.Height);




>> 128条码打印:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;

namespace Frm.Common
    class BarCode
        public class Code128
            private DataTable m_Code128 = new DataTable();
            private uint m_Height = 40;
            /// <summary>
            /// 高度
            /// </summary>
            public uint Height { get { return m_Height; } set { m_Height = value; } }
            private Font m_ValueFont = null;
            /// <summary>
            /// 是否显示可见号码  如果为NULL不显示号码
            /// </summary>
            public Font ValueFont { get { return m_ValueFont; } set { m_ValueFont = value; } }
            private byte m_Magnify = 0;
            /// <summary>
            /// 放大倍数
            /// </summary>
            public byte Magnify { get { return m_Magnify; } set { m_Magnify = value; } }
            /// <summary>
            /// 条码类别
            /// </summary>
            public enum Encode
            public Code128()
                m_Code128.CaseSensitive = true;
                #region 数据表
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("0", " ", " ", "00", "212222");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("1", "!", "!", "01", "222122");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("2", "\"", "\"", "02", "222221");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("3", "#", "#", "03", "121223");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("4", "$", "$", "04", "121322");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("5", "%", "%", "05", "131222");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("6", "&", "&", "06", "122213");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("7", "", "", "07", "122312");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("8", "(", "(", "08", "132212");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("9", ")", ")", "09", "221213");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("10", "*", "*", "10", "221312");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("11", "+", "+", "11", "231212");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("12", ",", ",", "12", "112232");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("13", "-", "-", "13", "122132");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("14", ".", ".", "14", "122231");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("15", "/", "/", "15", "113222");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("16", "0", "0", "16", "123122");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("17", "1", "1", "17", "123221");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("18", "2", "2", "18", "223211");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("19", "3", "3", "19", "221132");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("20", "4", "4", "20", "221231");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("21", "5", "5", "21", "213212");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("22", "6", "6", "22", "223112");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("23", "7", "7", "23", "312131");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("24", "8", "8", "24", "311222");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("25", "9", "9", "25", "321122");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("26", ":", ":", "26", "321221");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("27", ";", ";", "27", "312212");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("28", "<", "<", "28", "322112");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("29", "=", "=", "29", "322211");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("30", ">", ">", "30", "212123");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("31", "?", "?", "31", "212321");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("32", "@", "@", "32", "232121");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("33", "A", "A", "33", "111323");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("34", "B", "B", "34", "131123");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("35", "C", "C", "35", "131321");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("36", "D", "D", "36", "112313");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("37", "E", "E", "37", "132113");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("38", "F", "F", "38", "132311");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("39", "G", "G", "39", "211313");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("40", "H", "H", "40", "231113");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("41", "I", "I", "41", "231311");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("42", "J", "J", "42", "112133");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("43", "K", "K", "43", "112331");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("44", "L", "L", "44", "132131");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("45", "M", "M", "45", "113123");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("46", "N", "N", "46", "113321");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("47", "O", "O", "47", "133121");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("48", "P", "P", "48", "313121");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("49", "Q", "Q", "49", "211331");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("50", "R", "R", "50", "231131");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("51", "S", "S", "51", "213113");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("52", "T", "T", "52", "213311");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("53", "U", "U", "53", "213131");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("54", "V", "V", "54", "311123");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("55", "W", "W", "55", "311321");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("56", "X", "X", "56", "331121");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("57", "Y", "Y", "57", "312113");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("58", "Z", "Z", "58", "312311");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("59", "[", "[", "59", "332111");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("60", "\\", "\\", "60", "314111");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("61", "]", "]", "61", "221411");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("62", "^", "^", "62", "431111");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("63", "_", "_", "63", "111224");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("64", "NUL", "`", "64", "111422");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("65", "SOH", "a", "65", "121124");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("66", "STX", "b", "66", "121421");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("67", "ETX", "c", "67", "141122");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("68", "EOT", "d", "68", "141221");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("69", "ENQ", "e", "69", "112214");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("70", "ACK", "f", "70", "112412");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("71", "BEL", "g", "71", "122114");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("72", "BS", "h", "72", "122411");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("73", "HT", "i", "73", "142112");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("74", "LF", "j", "74", "142211");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("75", "VT", "k", "75", "241211");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("76", "FF", "I", "76", "221114");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("77", "CR", "m", "77", "413111");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("78", "SO", "n", "78", "241112");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("79", "SI", "o", "79", "134111");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("80", "DLE", "p", "80", "111242");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("81", "DC1", "q", "81", "121142");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("82", "DC2", "r", "82", "121241");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("83", "DC3", "s", "83", "114212");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("84", "DC4", "t", "84", "124112");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("85", "NAK", "u", "85", "124211");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("86", "SYN", "v", "86", "411212");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("87", "ETB", "w", "87", "421112");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("88", "CAN", "x", "88", "421211");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("89", "EM", "y", "89", "212141");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("90", "SUB", "z", "90", "214121");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("91", "ESC", "{", "91", "412121");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("92", "FS", "|", "92", "111143");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("93", "GS", "}", "93", "111341");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("94", "RS", "~", "94", "131141");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("95", "US", "DEL", "95", "114113");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("96", "FNC3", "FNC3", "96", "114311");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("97", "FNC2", "FNC2", "97", "411113");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("98", "SHIFT", "SHIFT", "98", "411311");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("99", "CODEC", "CODEC", "99", "113141");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("100", "CODEB", "FNC4", "CODEB", "114131");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("101", "FNC4", "CODEA", "CODEA", "311141");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("102", "FNC1", "FNC1", "FNC1", "411131");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("103", "StartA", "StartA", "StartA", "211412");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("104", "StartB", "StartB", "StartB", "211214");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("105", "StartC", "StartC", "StartC", "211232");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("106", "Stop", "Stop", "Stop", "2331112");
            /// <summary>
            /// 获取128图形
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="p_Text">文字</param>
            /// <param name="p_Code">编码</param>      
            /// <returns>图形</returns>
            public Bitmap GetCodeImage(string p_Text, Encode p_Code)
                string _ViewText = p_Text;
                string _Text = "";
                IList<int> _TextNumb = new List<int>();
                int _Examine = 0;  //首位
                switch (p_Code)
                    case Encode.Code128C:
                        _Examine = 105;
                        if (!((p_Text.Length & 1) == 0)) throw new Exception("128C长度必须是偶数");
                        while (p_Text.Length != 0)
                            int _Temp = 0;
                                int _CodeNumb128 = Int32.Parse(p_Text.Substring(0, 2));
                                throw new Exception("128C必须是数字!");
                            _Text += GetValue(p_Code, p_Text.Substring(0, 2), ref _Temp);
                            p_Text = p_Text.Remove(0, 2);
                    case Encode.EAN128:
                        _Examine = 105;
                        if (!((p_Text.Length & 1) == 0)) throw new Exception("EAN128长度必须是偶数");
                        _Text += "411131";
                        while (p_Text.Length != 0)
                            int _Temp = 0;
                                int _CodeNumb128 = Int32.Parse(p_Text.Substring(0, 2));
                                throw new Exception("128C必须是数字!");
                            _Text += GetValue(Encode.Code128C, p_Text.Substring(0, 2), ref _Temp);
                            p_Text = p_Text.Remove(0, 2);
                        if (p_Code == Encode.Code128A)
                            _Examine = 103;
                            _Examine = 104;

                        while (p_Text.Length != 0)
                            int _Temp = 0;
                            string _ValueCode = GetValue(p_Code, p_Text.Substring(0, 1), ref _Temp);
                            if (_ValueCode.Length == 0) throw new Exception("无效的字符集!" + p_Text.Substring(0, 1).ToString());
                            _Text += _ValueCode;
                            p_Text = p_Text.Remove(0, 1);
                if (_TextNumb.Count == 0) throw new Exception("错误的编码,无数据");
                _Text = _Text.Insert(0, GetValue(_Examine)); //获取开始位

                for (int i = 0; i != _TextNumb.Count; i++)
                    _Examine += _TextNumb[i] * (i + 1);
                _Examine = _Examine % 103;           //获得严效位
                _Text += GetValue(_Examine);  //获取严效位
                _Text += "2331112"; //结束位
                Bitmap _CodeImage = GetImage(_Text);
                GetViewText(_CodeImage, _ViewText);
                return _CodeImage;
            /// <summary>
            /// 获取目标对应的数据
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="p_Code">编码</param>
            /// <param name="p_Value">数值 A b  30</param>
            /// <param name="p_SetID">返回编号</param>
            /// <returns>编码</returns>
            private string GetValue(Encode p_Code, string p_Value, ref int p_SetID)
                if (m_Code128 == null) return "";
                DataRow[] _Row = m_Code128.Select(p_Code.ToString() + "=‘" + p_Value + "");
                if (_Row.Length != 1) throw new Exception("错误的编码" + p_Value.ToString());
                p_SetID = Int32.Parse(_Row[0]["ID"].ToString());
                return _Row[0]["BandCode"].ToString();
            /// <summary>
            /// 根据编号获得条纹
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="p_CodeId"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private string GetValue(int p_CodeId)
                DataRow[] _Row = m_Code128.Select("ID=‘" + p_CodeId.ToString() + "");
                if (_Row.Length != 1) throw new Exception("验效位的编码错误" + p_CodeId.ToString());
                return _Row[0]["BandCode"].ToString();
            /// <summary>
            /// 获得条码图形
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="p_Text">文字</param>
            /// <returns>图形</returns>
            private Bitmap GetImage(string p_Text)
                char[] _Value = p_Text.ToCharArray();
                int _Width = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i != _Value.Length; i++)
                    _Width += Int32.Parse(_Value[i].ToString()) * (m_Magnify + 1);
                Bitmap _CodeImage = new Bitmap(_Width, (int)m_Height);
                Graphics _Garphics = Graphics.FromImage(_CodeImage);
                //Pen _Pen;
                int _LenEx = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i != _Value.Length; i++)
                    int _ValueNumb = Int32.Parse(_Value[i].ToString()) * (m_Magnify + 1);  //获取宽和放大系数
                    if (!((i & 1) == 0))
                        //_Pen = new Pen(Brushes.White, _ValueNumb);
                        _Garphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, new Rectangle(_LenEx, 0, _ValueNumb, (int)m_Height));
                        //_Pen = new Pen(Brushes.Black, _ValueNumb);
                        _Garphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, new Rectangle(_LenEx, 0, _ValueNumb, (int)m_Height));
                    //_Garphics.(_Pen, new Point(_LenEx, 0), new Point(_LenEx, m_Height));
                    _LenEx += _ValueNumb;
                return _CodeImage;
            /// <summary>
            /// 显示可见条码文字 如果小于40 不显示文字
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="p_Bitmap">图形</param>           
            private void GetViewText(Bitmap p_Bitmap, string p_ViewText)
                if (m_ValueFont == null) return;

                Graphics _Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(p_Bitmap);
                SizeF _DrawSize = _Graphics.MeasureString(p_ViewText, m_ValueFont);
                if (_DrawSize.Height > p_Bitmap.Height - 10 || _DrawSize.Width > p_Bitmap.Width)

                int _StarY = p_Bitmap.Height - (int)_DrawSize.Height;
                _Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, new Rectangle(0, _StarY, p_Bitmap.Width, (int)_DrawSize.Height));
                _Graphics.DrawString(p_ViewText, m_ValueFont, Brushes.Black, 0, _StarY);

            //(105 + (1 * 12 + 2 * 34 + 3 * 56 + 4 *78)) % 103 = 47
            //结果为starc +12 +34 +56 +78 +47 +end

            internal Image GetCodeImage(string p)
                throw new NotImplementedException();



>> 39条码打印:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Drawing;

namespace Frm.Common
    public class createcode
        #region 条形码 2014年9月12日11:27:57加

        public Hashtable Decode;
        public Hashtable CheckCode;
        private string SPARATOR = "0";
        public int LineHeight = 60;
        public int xCoordinate = 0;//75; //條碼起始座標
        public int WidthCU = 4; //粗線和寬間隙寬度
        public int WidthXI = 1; //細線和窄間隙寬度
        private int Height = 0;
        private int Width = 0;

        #region 碼表
        public void Inits()
            Decode = new Hashtable();
            #region 添加值
            Decode.Add("0", "000110100");
            Decode.Add("1", "100100001");
            Decode.Add("2", "001100001");
            Decode.Add("3", "101100000");
            Decode.Add("4", "000110001");
            Decode.Add("5", "100110000");
            Decode.Add("6", "001110000");
            Decode.Add("7", "000100101");
            Decode.Add("8", "100100100");
            Decode.Add("9", "001100100");
            Decode.Add("A", "100001001");
            Decode.Add("B", "001001001");
            Decode.Add("C", "101001000");
            Decode.Add("D", "000011001");
            Decode.Add("E", "100011000");
            Decode.Add("F", "001011000");
            Decode.Add("G", "000001101");
            Decode.Add("H", "100001100");
            Decode.Add("I", "001001101");
            Decode.Add("J", "000011100");
            Decode.Add("K", "100000011");
            Decode.Add("L", "001000011");
            Decode.Add("M", "101000010");
            Decode.Add("N", "000010011");
            Decode.Add("O", "100010010");
            Decode.Add("P", "001010010");
            Decode.Add("Q", "000000111");
            Decode.Add("R", "100000110");
            Decode.Add("S", "001000110");
            Decode.Add("T", "000010110");
            Decode.Add("U", "110000001");
            Decode.Add("V", "011000001");
            Decode.Add("W", "111000000");
            Decode.Add("X", "010010001");
            Decode.Add("Y", "110010000");
            Decode.Add("Z", "011010000");
            Decode.Add("-", "010000101");
            Decode.Add("%", "000101010");
            Decode.Add("$", "010101000");
            Decode.Add("*", "010010100");
            CheckCode = new Hashtable();
            #region 添加值
            CheckCode.Add("0", "0");
            CheckCode.Add("1", "1");
            CheckCode.Add("2", "2");
            CheckCode.Add("3", "3");
            CheckCode.Add("4", "4");
            CheckCode.Add("5", "5");
            CheckCode.Add("6", "6");
            CheckCode.Add("7", "7");
            CheckCode.Add("8", "8");
            CheckCode.Add("9", "9");
            CheckCode.Add("A", "10");
            CheckCode.Add("B", "11");
            CheckCode.Add("C", "12");
            CheckCode.Add("D", "13");
            CheckCode.Add("E", "14");
            CheckCode.Add("F", "15");
            CheckCode.Add("G", "16");
            CheckCode.Add("H", "17");
            CheckCode.Add("I", "18");
            CheckCode.Add("J", "19");
            CheckCode.Add("K", "20");
            CheckCode.Add("L", "21");
            CheckCode.Add("M", "22");
            CheckCode.Add("N", "23");
            CheckCode.Add("O", "24");
            CheckCode.Add("P", "25");
            CheckCode.Add("Q", "26");
            CheckCode.Add("R", "27");
            CheckCode.Add("S", "28");
            CheckCode.Add("T", "29");
            CheckCode.Add("U", "30");
            CheckCode.Add("V", "31");
            CheckCode.Add("W", "32");
            CheckCode.Add("X", "33");
            CheckCode.Add("Y", "34");
            CheckCode.Add("Z", "35");
            CheckCode.Add("-", "36");
            CheckCode.Add(".", "37");
            CheckCode.Add(",", "38");
            CheckCode.Add("$", "39");
            CheckCode.Add("/", "40");
            CheckCode.Add("+", "41");
            CheckCode.Add("%", "42");

        public Bitmap CreateBarImage(string Code, int UseCheck, int ValidateCode)
            string code39 = Encode39(Code, UseCheck, ValidateCode);
            if (code39 != null)
                Bitmap saved = new Bitmap(250, 100);
                //Bitmap saved = new Bitmap(200, 80);
                Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(saved);
                g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), 0, 0, this.Width, this.Height);
                this.DrawBarCode39(code39, g);
                //string filename = Server.MapPath("\\DesktopModules\\HospitalCare\\Images\\" + Code + ".jpg");
                string filename = "d:\\" + Code + ".jpg";
                return saved;

                return null;

        //public void saveFile(string Code, int UseCheck, int ValidateCode)
        //    string code39 = Encode39(Code, UseCheck, ValidateCode);
        //    if (code39 != null)
        //    {
        //        Bitmap saved = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height);
        //        //Bitmap saved = new Bitmap(200, 80);
        //        Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(saved);
        //        g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), 0, 0, this.Width, this.Height);
        //        this.DrawBarCode39(code39, g);
        //        //string filename = Server.MapPath("\\DesktopModules\\HospitalCare\\Images\\" + Code + ".jpg");
        //        string filename = "d:\\" + Code + ".jpg";
        //        try
        //        {
        //            saved.Save(filename, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
        //        }
        //        catch
        //        {
        //            //Response.Write("<script>alert(‘错了!‘);</script>");
        //            MessageBox.Show("请在本机D盘下建立TXM目录", "错误提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
        //        }
        //        saved.Dispose();
        //    }

        private string Encode39(string Code, int UseCheck, int ValidateCode)
            int UseStand = 1; //檢查輸入待編碼字元是否為標準格式(是否以*開始結束)

            string originalCode = Code;

            if (null == Code || Code.Trim().Equals(""))
                return null;
            Code = Code.ToUpper(); //轉為大寫
            Regex rule = new Regex(@"[^0-9A-Z%$\-*]");
            if (rule.IsMatch(Code))

                return null;
            if (UseCheck == 1)
                int Check = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Code.Length; i++)
                    Check += int.Parse((string)CheckCode[Code.Substring(i, 1)]);
                Check = Check % 43;
                if (ValidateCode == 1)
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry de in CheckCode)
                        if ((string)de.Value == Check.ToString())
                            Code = Code + (string)de.Key;
            if (UseStand == 1)
                if (Code.Substring(0, 1) != "*")
                    Code = "*" + Code;
                if (Code.Substring(Code.Length - 1, 1) != "*")
                    Code = Code + "*";
            string Code39 = string.Empty;
            for (int i = 0; i < Code.Length; i++)
                Code39 = Code39 + (string)Decode[Code.Substring(i, 1)] + SPARATOR;

            int height = 0 + LineHeight;//定義圖片高度      
            int width = xCoordinate;
            for (int i = 0; i < Code39.Length; i++)
                if ("0".Equals(Code39.Substring(i, 1)))
                    width += WidthXI;
                    width += WidthCU;
            this.Width = width + xCoordinate;
            this.Height = height;

            return Code39;
        private void DrawBarCode39(string Code39, Graphics g)
            //int UseTitle = 1; //條碼上端顯示標題
            //int UseTTF = 1; //使用TTF字體,方便顯示中文,需要$UseTitle=1時才能生效
            //if (Title.Trim().Equals(""))
            //    UseTitle = 0;
            Pen pWhite = new Pen(Color.White, 1);
            Pen pBlack = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);
            int position = xCoordinate;
            //if (UseTitle == 1)
            //    Font TitleFont = new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
            //    SizeF sf = g.MeasureString(Title, TitleFont);
            //    g.DrawString(Title, TitleFont, Brushes.Black, (Width - sf.Width) / 2, 5);
            for (int i = 0; i < Code39.Length; i++)
                if ("0".Equals(Code39.Substring(i, 1)))
                    for (int j = 0; j < WidthXI; j++)
                        g.DrawLine(pBlack, position + j, 0, position + j, 0 + LineHeight);
                    position += WidthXI;
                    for (int j = 0; j < WidthCU; j++)
                        g.DrawLine(pBlack, position + j, 0, position + j, 0 + LineHeight);
                    position += WidthCU;
                if ("0".Equals(Code39.Substring(i, 1)))
                    position += WidthXI;
                    position += WidthCU;



winform 打印条码



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