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标签:example   过程   oid   error   不能   condition   fit   err   exactly   

         右值引用是C++11         引入的新特性。它解决了两类问题:实现移动语义和完美转发。本文大绝大部分内容,来自于文章:http://kuring.me/post/cpp11_right_reference/




int a = 42;
int b = 43;

// a and b are both l-values:
a = b; // ok
b = a; // ok
a = a * b; // ok

// a * b is an rvalue:
int c = a * b; // ok, rvalue on right hand side of assignment
a * b = 42; // error, rvalue on left hand side of assignment





         如果对左值右值的严格定义感兴趣,可以参考Mikael Kilpel?inen的文章:《ACCU article




class MyString {
    MyString() { 
        _data = nullptr; 
        _len = 0; 
        printf("Constructor is called!\n");
    MyString(const char* p) { 
        _len = strlen (p); 
        cout << "Constructor is called! this->_data: " << (long)_data << endl;
    MyString(const MyString& str) { 
        _len = str._len; 
           cout << "Copy Constructor is called! src: " << (long)str._data << " dst: " << (long)_data << endl;
    ~MyString() { 
        if (_data)
            cout << "DeConstructor is called! this->_data: " << (long)_data << endl; 
            std::cout << "DeConstructor is called!" << std::endl; 
    MyString& operator=(const MyString& str) { 
        if (this != &str) { 
            _len = str._len; 
           cout << "Copy Assignment is called! src: " << (long)str._data << " dst" << (long)_data << endl; 
        return *this; 
    operator const char *() const {
        return _data;
    char *_data; 
    size_t   _len; 
    void _init_data(const char *s) { 
        _data = new char[_len+1]; 
        memcpy(_data, s, _len); 
        _data[_len] = ‘\0‘; 

MyString foo()
    MyString middle("123");
    return middle;

int main() { 
    MyString a = foo(); 
    return 1;



g++ -std=c++11 -fno-elide-constructors -g  -o leftright leftright.cpp




Constructor is called! this->_data: 29483024 // foo函数中middle对象的构造函数
Copy Constructor is called! src: 29483024 dst: 29483056 //foo函数的返回值,也就是临时对象的构造,通过middle对象调用复制构造函数
DeConstructor is called! this->_data: 29483024 // foo函数中middle对象的析构
Copy Constructor is called! src: 29483056 dst: 29483024 // a对象构造,通过临时对象调用复制构造函数
DeConstructor is called! this->_data: 29483056 // 临时对象析构
DeConstructor is called! this->_data: 29483024 // a对象析构





MyString(MyString &&str) {
    cout << "Move Constructor is called! src: " << (long)str._data << endl;
    _len = str._len;
    _data = str._data;
    str._data = nullptr;






Constructor is called! this->_data: 22872080 // foo函数中middle对象构造
Move Constructor is called! src: 22872080 //foo函数的返回值,也就是临时对象的构造,通过移动构造函数构造,将middle申请的内存窃取
DeConstructor is called! // foo函数中middle对象析构
Move Constructor is called! src: 22872080 // 对象a通过移动构造函数构造,将临时对象的内存窃取
DeConstructor is called! // 临时对象析构
DeConstructor is called! this->_data: 22872080 // 对象a析构







void fun(MyString &str)
    cout << "left reference" << endl;
void fun(MyString &&str)
    cout << "right reference" << endl;
int main() { 
    MyString a("456"); 
    fun(a); // 左值引用,调用void fun(MyString &str)
    fun(foo()); // 右值引用,调用void fun(MyString &&str)
    return 1;





MyString& operator=(MyString&& str) { 
    cout << "Move Operator= is called! src: " << (long)str._data << endl; 
    if (this != &str) { 
        if (_data != nullptr)
        _len = str._len;
        _data = str._data;
        str._len = 0;
        str._data = nullptr;
    return *this; 

int main() { 
    MyString b;
    b = foo();
    return 1;



Constructor is called! // 对象b构造函数调用
Constructor is called! this->_data: 14835728 // middle对象构造
Move Constructor is called! src: 14835728 // 临时对象通过移动构造函数由middle对象构造
DeConstructor is called! // middle对象析构
Move Operator= is called! src: 14835728 // 对象b通过移动赋值操作符由临时对象赋值
DeConstructor is called! // 临时对象析构
DeConstructor is called! this->_data: 14835728 // 对象b析构函数调用



         引入了右值引用之后,引用就可以划分为 const左值引用、非const左值引用、const右值引用和非const右值引用四种类型。其中左值引用的绑定规则和之前是一样的。




         const右值引用类型仅是为了语法的完整性而设计的,比如可以使用const MyString &&right_ref = foo(),但是右值引用类型的引入主要是为了移动语义,而移动语义需要右值引用是可以被修改的,因此const右值引用类型没有实际意义。









template <class T> 
void swap ( T& a, T& b )
    T c(a); 





template <class T> 
void swap (T& a, T& b)
    T c(std::move(a)); 



void MyString::display()
    if (_data)
        cout << "str is " << _data << "(" << (long)_data << ")" << endl;
        cout << "nothing" << endl;

int main() { 

    MyString d("123");
    MyString e("456");

    std::swap(d, e);

    return 1;



Constructor is called! this->_data: 9498640  // 对象d构造
Constructor is called! this->_data: 9498672  // 对象e构造
str is 123(9498640)  // 对象d的内容
str is 456(9498672)  // 对象e的内容
Move Constructor is called! src: 9498640  // swap函数中的对象c通过移动构造函数构造
Move Operator= is called! src: 9498672    // swap函数中的对象a通过移动赋值操作符赋值
Move Operator= is called! src: 9498640    // swap函数中的对象b通过移动赋值操作符赋值
DeConstructor is called!  // swap函数中的对象c析构
str is 456(9498672)  // 对象d的内容
str is 123(9498640)  // 对象e的内容
DeConstructor is called! this->_data: 9498640  // 对象e析构
DeConstructor is called! this->_data: 9498672  // 对象d析构







void test_rvalue_rref(MyString &&str)
    cout << "tmp object construct start" << endl;
    MyString tmp = str;
    cout << "tmp object construct finish" << endl;
int main() {
    return 1;



Constructor is called! this->_data: 28913680
Move Constructor is called! src: 28913680
DeConstructor is called!
tmp object construct start
Copy Constructor is called! src: 28913680 dst: 28913712 // 可以看到这里调用的是复制构造函数而不是移动构造函数
tmp object construct finish
DeConstructor is called! this->_data: 28913712
DeConstructor is called! this->_data: 28913680


         我想程序运行的结果肯定跟大多数人想到的不一样,“Are you kidding me?不是应该调用移动构造函数吗?为什么调用了复制构造函数?”。关于右值引用和左右值之间的规则是:





         而如果我们调用的是MyString b = foo()语句,由于foo()函数返回的是临时对象没有名字属于右值,因此b的构造会调用移动构造函数。








void fun(int &) { cout << "lvalue ref" << endl; } 
void fun(int &&) { cout << "rvalue ref" << endl; } 
void fun(const int &) { cout << "const lvalue ref" << endl; } 
void fun(const int &&) { cout << "const rvalue ref" << endl; }

template<typename T>
void PerfectForward(T t) { fun(t); } 

int main()
    PerfectForward(10);           // rvalue ref
    int a;
    PerfectForward(a);            // lvalue ref
    PerfectForward(std::move(a)); // rvalue ref
    const int b = 8;
    PerfectForward(b);            // const lvalue ref
    PerfectForward(std::move(b)); // const rvalue ref
    return 0;


         在上述例子中,我们想达到的目的是PerfectForward模板函数能够完美转发参数t到fun函数中。上述例子中的PerfectForward函数必然不能够达到此目的,因为PerfectForward函数的参数为左值类型,调用的fun函数也必然为void fun(int &)。上述代码的运行结果就是打印5次”lvalue ref”。并且调用PerfectForward之前就产生了一次参数的复制操作,因此这样的转发只能称之为正确转发,而不是完美转发。要想达到完美转发,需要做到像转发函数不存在一样的效率。



         在C++11之前,不允许定义引用的引用:像A& &这样的写法会导致编译错误。而在C++11中,引入了引用折叠规则。该规则如下:

A& & => A&
A& && => A&
A&& & => A&
A&& && => A&&





template<typename T>
void foo(T&&);







void fun(int &) { cout << "lvalue ref" << endl; }
void fun(int &&) { cout << "rvalue ref" << endl; }
void fun(const int &) { cout << "const lvalue ref" << endl; }
void fun(const int &&) { cout << "const rvalue ref" << endl; }

// 利用引用折叠规则代替了原有的不完美转发机制
template<typename T>
void PerfectForward(T &&t) { fun(static_cast<T &&>(t)); }

int main()
    PerfectForward(10);           // rvalue ref,折叠后t类型仍然为T &&
    int a;
    PerfectForward(a);            // lvalue ref,折叠后t类型为T &
    PerfectForward(std::move(a)); // rvalue ref,折叠后t类型为T &&
    const int b = 8;
    PerfectForward(b);            // const lvalue ref,折叠后t类型为const T &
    PerfectForward(std::move(b)); // const rvalue ref,折叠后t类型为const T &&
    return 0;



rvalue ref
lvalue ref
rvalue ref
const lvalue ref
const rvalue ref



// 参数为左值,引用折叠规则引用前
template<int &T>
void PerfectForward(int & &t) { fun(static_cast<int & &>(t)); }
// 引用折叠规则应用后
template<int &T>
void PerfectForward(int &t) { fun(static_cast<int &>(t)); }

// 参数为右值,引用折叠规则引用前
template<int &&T>
void PerfectForward(int && &&t) { fun(static_cast<int && &&>(t)); }
// 引用折叠规则应用后
template<int &&T>
void PerfectForward(int &&t) { fun(static_cast<int &&>(t)); }





template<typename T>
void PerfectForward(T &&t) { fun(std::forward<T>(t)); }







         当编写一个不抛出异常的移动操作时,我们应该将此事通知标准库。除非标准库知道不会抛出异常,否则它会为了处理可能抛出异常这种可能性而做一些额外的工作。一种通知标准库的方法是将构造函数指明为 noexcept。这个关键字是新标准引入的。不抛出异常的移动构造函数和移动赋值运算符都必须标记为noexcept.




         Ok, that‘s it, the whole story on rvalue references. As you can see, the benefits are considerable. The details are gory. As a C++ professional, you will have to understand these details. Otherwise, you have given up on fully understanding the central tool of your trade. You can take solace, though, in the thought that in your day-to-day programming, you will only have to remember three things about rvalue references:

         By overloading a function like this:

void foo(X& x); // lvalue reference overload

void foo(X&& x); // rvalue reference overload

         you can branch at compile time on the condition "is foo being called on an lvalue or an rvalue?" The primary (and for all practical purposes, the only) application of that is to overload the copy constructor and copy assignment operator of a class for the sake of implementing move semantics. If and when you do that, make sure to pay attention to exception handling, and use the new noexcept keyword as much as you can. 


         std::move turns its argument into an rvalue.


         std::forward allows you to achieve perfect forwarding if you use it exactly as shown in the factory function example in Section 8.





标签:example   过程   oid   error   不能   condition   fit   err   exactly   


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