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About Automatic Startup of Database Services

时间:2017-10-20 11:59:50      阅读:213      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:note   doc   color   srvctl   span   ring   data   pre   one   

About Automatic Startup of Database Services

When your database is managed by Oracle Restart, you can configure startup options for each individual database service (service). If you set the management policy for a service to AUTOMATIC (the default), the service starts automatically when you start the database with SRVCTL. If you set the management policy to MANUAL, the service does not automatically start, and you must manually start it with SRVCTL. A MANUAL setting does not prevent Oracle Restart from monitoring the service when it is running and restarting it if a failure occurs.

In an Oracle Data Guard (Data Guard) environment in which databases are managed by Oracle Restart, you can additionally control automatic startup of services by assigning Data Guard roles to the services in their Oracle Restart configurations. A service automatically starts upon manual database startup only if the management policy of the service is AUTOMATIC and if one of its assigned roles matches the current role of the database.

See "srvctl add service" and "srvctl modify service" for the syntax for setting the management policy of and Data Guard roles for a service.


When using Oracle Restart, Oracle strongly recommends that you use SRVCTL to create database services.

About Automatic Startup of Database Services

标签:note   doc   color   srvctl   span   ring   data   pre   one   


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