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Where is the SPFILE for a PDB database ?

时间:2018-05-24 21:55:15      阅读:229      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:pdb spfile   pdf pfile   

- Where is the SPFILE for a PDB database ? PDBs do not have an init.ora file or SPFILE, only the root‘s CDB has one. Parameters for the PDBs are stored in the DB‘s dictionary, in the PDB_SPFILE$ table. - I‘m querying the PDB‘s PDB_SPFILE$ table and it is empty, why ? This is expected, all the information about the modified parameters for a PDB are stored in the PDB_SPFILE$ table in the ROOT CDB. The only time when parameters are copied into the PDB‘s own pdb_spfile$ table is during PDB UNPLUG, and this is done as a fallback in case the XML is lost. Once the PDB plug back into another CDB the PDB‘s PDB_SPFILE$ table is truncated.

Where is the SPFILE for a PDB database ?

标签:pdb spfile   pdf pfile   


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