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osx brew mysql

时间:2019-01-13 00:14:51      阅读:204      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:UNC   cos   ack   mariadb   via   his   pack   form   macos   

MariaDB Server is available for installation on macOS (formerly Mac OS X) via the Homebrew package manager.

MariaDB Server is available as a Homebrew "bottle", a pre-compiled package. This means you can install it without having to build from source yourself. This saves time.

After installing Homebrew, MariaDB Server can be installed with this command:

brew install mariadb

After installation, start MariaDB Server:

mysql.server start

To auto-start MariaDB Server, use Homebrew‘s services functionality, which configures auto-start with the launchctl utility from launchd:

brew services start mariadb

After MariaDB Server is started, you can log in:

mysql -u root


refer: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/installing-mariadb-on-macos-using-homebrew/

osx brew mysql

标签:UNC   cos   ack   mariadb   via   his   pack   form   macos   


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