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key directories in the linux file system

时间:2019-04-02 18:31:59      阅读:154      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:ini   int   dia   dmi   roo   load   logs   log   bottom   

Key directories in the file system:

*/: Root directory (base of file system)

/bin: Executable programs

/boot: Linux kernel and boot loader

/dev: Special device files

/etc: System configuration files

/home: Home directories of all users

/lib: Library files for programs


/media: Mount points for CD-ROM and other media

/root: Home directory of the root user

*/sbin: System administration commands

/srv: Data for services such as Web and FTP

*/tmp: Temporary directory

/usr: Many of the important administration programs

/var: Various system files, such as logs

key directories in the linux file system

标签:ini   int   dia   dmi   roo   load   logs   log   bottom   


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