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Help-.NET-.NET Pet Shop 4.0:ReadMe

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ylbtech-Help-.NET-.NET Pet Shop 4.0:ReadMe



Microsoft .NET Pet Shop 4 ReadMe

© 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

This documentation provides installation instructions for Microsoft .NET Pet Shop 4.

Installation Prerequisites

Microsoft .NET Pet Shop 4 has the following installation prerequisites:

  • Operating System: Windows XP SP2 or Windows Server 2003 
  • Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005, SQL Server Express, or Oracle 10g
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or greater
  • Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET 2005

Manual Setup Instructions (“Code Only” install option)

1.      Navigate to <Pet Shop 4 Install Folder>\DatabaseScripts.

2.      Edit InstallDatabases.cmd:

a.      Modify the connection settings to reflect the way you connect to SQL Server. Use osql /? command for reference.

b.      Modify the path to the .NET 2.0 runtime environment.

3.      Run InstallDatabases.cmd.   It will install the Microsoft .NET Pet Shop 4 databases.

4.      Verify that there were no errors during installation.

5.      Edit <Pet Shop 4 Install Folder>\Web\Web.config:

a.   Modify the server path in SQLProfileConnString, SQLMembershipConnString, SQLConnString1, SQLConnString2, and SQLConnString3 connection strings, using host_name\instance_name schema. Example: server=(local)\sqlexpress;.

Note: To install Pet Shop 4 databases on Oracle 10g, please use the “Full Install” option during setup.

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Manual Build Instructions

1.  Run <Pet Shop 4 Install Folder>\Build.bat.  This utility will build the entire solution in release mode.

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Running Microsoft .NET Pet Shop 4

1.  Open the Petshop solution file from the Start Menu | All Programs | Microsoft .NET Pet Shop 4 | Petshop.sln.

2.  Set the Web project as the startup project. You can do this by right-clicking on the web project and selecting Set as StartUp Project.

3.  Right-click on the Solution node and select Build.

4. Expand the Web project, right-click on Default.aspx and select View in Browser.

5. If you install Membership/Profile databases on SQL Server or SQL Server Express, 12 demo accounts will be created. You can use any of the following usernames: demo, AdamBarr, KimAbercrombie, RobYoung, TomYoutsey, GaryWYukish, RobCaron, KarinZimprich, RandallBoseman, KevinKennedy, DianeTibbott, or GarrettYoung. The password for all demo accounts is set to: pass@word1.

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Configuring MSDTC

Since the checkout step uses a distributed transaction, MSDTC must be running. To start the MSDTC service, open Administrative Tools | Services and start the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service.

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Encrypting and Decrypting the Connection Strings

Run <Pet Shop 4 Install Folder>\EncryptWebConfig.bat or DecryptWebConfig.bat to encrypt or decrypt connection strings in Web.config.

Note: If you select the “Full Install” option during setup, Web.config is automatically encrypted. Use DecryptWebConfig.bat should you need to decrypt it.

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Asynchronous Order Placement Setup Instructions

1.      Add a new private queue for Pet Shop called “PSOrders”

2.      Modify web.config:

a.      Change the OrderStrategyClass key to OrderAsynchronous
< add key="OrderStrategyClass" value="PetShop.BLL.OrderAsynchronous"/>

b.      Change the MachineName in the following line to your MSMQ computer name.
< add key="OrderQueuePath" value="FormatName:DIRECT=OS:MachineName\Private$\PSOrders"/>

3.      Modify app.config in the OrderProcessor project:

a.      Change the MachineName in the OrderQueuePath key:
< add key="OrderQueuePath" value="FormatName:DIRECT=OS:MachineName\Private$\PSOrders"/>

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Microsoft .NET Pet Shop 4 Removal Instructions

Removing Microsoft .NET Pet Shop 4 is a two-step process. First delete the databases.  Second delete the application. 

1. Delete the Microsoft .NET Pet Shop 4 databases (optional)

1.1. Navigate to <Pet Shop 4 Install Folder>\DatabaseScripts.

1.2. Open UninstallDatabases.cmd files in Notepad.

1.3. Modify connection settings to reflect the way you connect to the SQL Server. Use osql /? command for reference.

1.4. Run<Pet Shop 4 Install Folder>\DatabaseScripts\UninstallDatabases.cmd.

If for any reason you were not able to uninstall databases using the provided script, you can remove the databases using the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, Enterprise Manager, or a similar tool:

A. Open the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and delete the four Microsoft .NET Pet Shop 4 databases: MSPetShop4, MSPetShop4Orders, MSPetShop4Services, and MSPetShop4Profile.

B. Delete the mspetshop server login from the Security | Logins node.

2. Delete the Microsoft .NET Pet Shop 4 application

2.1.      Open Add and Remove Programs from the Control Panel

2.2.      Select the “.NET Pet Shop 4.0” application. 

2.3.      Select the Remove option. 

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技术图片 作者:ylbtech

Help-.NET-.NET Pet Shop 4.0:ReadMe

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