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Python如何将字典列表转换为元组列表(Python how to convert a list of dict to a list of tuples)

时间:2021-04-15 12:42:23      阅读:0      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:its   span   ref   dual   nal   pytho   div   eth   elements   

I have a list of dict that looks like this:

list=[{uhello:[001, 3], uword:[003, 1], uboy:[002, 2]}, 
     {udad:[007, 3], umom:[005, 3], uhoney:[002, 2]} ] 


What I need is to iterate on my list in order to create list of tuples like this:

new_list=[(hello,001, 3), (word,003,1), (boy,002, 2)
           (dad,007,3), (mom, 005, 3), (honey,002,2)]


You can use list comprehension for that:

new_list = [(key,)+tuple(val) for dic in list for key,val in dic.items()]


Here we iterate over all dictonaries in list. For every dictionary we iterate over its .items() and extract the key and value and then we construct a tuple for that with (key,)+val.

Whether the values are strings or not is irrelevant: the list comprehension simply copies the reference so if the original elements were Foos, they remain Foos.

Finally note that the dictionaries are unordered, so the order is undetermined. However if a dictionary d1 occurs before a dictionary d2, all the elements of the first will be placed in the list before the tuples of the latter. But the order of tuples for each individual dictionary is not determined.

Python如何将字典列表转换为元组列表(Python how to convert a list of dict to a list of tuples)

标签:its   span   ref   dual   nal   pytho   div   eth   elements   


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