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标签:类似于oraclemysql中的desc   sybase中desc查询表结构方法   



desc 表名;


sp_help 表名;





/* Sccsid = "%Z% generic/sproc/%M% %I% %G%" */
/*	4.8	1.1	06/14/90	sproc/src/help */
** Messages for "sp_help"               17570
** 17460, "Object must be in the current database."
** 17461, "Object does not exist in this database."
** 17570, "Operating System File"
** 17571, "---------------------"
** 17573, "Object is Remote/External"
** 17574, "-------------------------"
** 17575, "Object existed prior to Omni"
** 17576, "Lock scheme is Allpages" 
** 17577, "Lock scheme is Datapages"
** 17578, "Lock scheme is Datarows" 
** 17579, "Lock scheme Unknown or Corrupted" 
** 17581, "Trigger is disabled."
** 17582, "Trigger is enabled."
** 18571, "The attribute '%1!' is not applicable to tables with allpages lock scheme."
** 17589, "computed column"
** 19456, "Object is a computed column in table '%1!'."
** 19457, "Object is a function-based index key in table '%1!'."

** This stored procedure uses the built-in function object_id() in the
** where clause of a select query. If you intend to change this query
** or use the object_id() or db_id() builtin in this procedure, please read the
** READ.ME file in the $DBMS/generic/sproc directory to ensure that the rules
** pertaining to object-id's and db-id's outlined there, are followed.

@objname varchar(767) = NULL			/* object name we're after */

declare @typeid int				/* type of object in systypes */
declare @basetypeid int				/* base type in systypes */
declare @lenfactor int				/* length factor */
declare @sysstat smallint			/* the type of the object */
declare @OS_file varchar(255)			/* physical file for ext tab */
declare @msg varchar(1024)
declare @sptlang	int
declare @len1 int, @len2 int, @len3 int, @len4 int, @len5 int, @len6 int, @sysstat2 int,
	@valstat2	int
declare @sqltext varchar(1024)			/* SQL to execute using execute
						** immediate. */
declare @and_access	int /* cache bits in OBJECT.sysstat2 */
declare @or_access	int /* cache bits in OBJECT.sysstat2 */

declare @sqlj_proc      int /* indicates a sqlj proc */
declare @opt_ind_status	int /* status of optimistic index lock */
declare @opt_ind_value	int /* user input value of optimistic index lock */
declare @opt_ind_lock	int /* Server constant for optimistic index lock */
declare @opt_text_dealloc int
declare @opt_text_value int
declare @opt_ind2_ascinserts int /* Server constant for ascinserts */
declare @encrypted_col	int /* indicates encrypted col */	
      , @decrypt_def    int /* indicates decrypt default col */
      , @inrowlob	int /* status2: whether column is LOB 'in row' */
      , @thiskey        varchar(30)		/* index key column of 
						** virtually hashed table. 
declare @notruncate	int /* indicates no truncation for varbinary columns */
declare @indid          int			
declare @new_char_value varchar(255)		/* hash factors of virtually 
						** hashed table. 
declare @num_keys       int			/* #index keys columns. */
declare @key_count      int,
	@msgnum		int,
	@valstat3	int,
	@sysstat3	int,
	@sep		varchar(2),
	@sysopt_name	varchar(100)
declare @tab_lob_cmplvl	tinyint			/* LOB compression level for table */
declare @objtype	char(2)			/* object type in sysobjects */
declare	@db_stat4	int
declare @db_dealloc_ftp	int			/* Dealloc FTP after NULL update */
declare @tab_keep_ftp	int			/* Keep FTP after NULL update */
declare @tab_dealloc_ftp	int		/* Dealloc FTP after NULL update */

if @@trancount = 0
	set chained off

set transaction isolation level 1

select @sptlang = @@langid

if @@langid != 0
	if not exists (
		select * from master.dbo.sysmessages where error
		between 17100 and 17109
		and langid = @@langid)
	    select @sptlang = 0

set nocount on

**  If no @objname given, give a little info about all objects.
**  Note: 0x80f is the mask for sysstats (=2063decimal).
** 	  800 is used by Stratus for external tables.

select  @sqlj_proc = hextoint("0x2000000")

if @objname is NULL
begin -- {
	** Instead of Triggers are sub_types of trigger
	** type; so first check for sysstat to be 8, then build the
	** prefix of "instead of" for the trigger if needed.
	    select Name = o.name,
		Owner = user_name(uid),
		Object_type = (case
				when ((o.sysstat & 15) = 8)
				then (case
					when (o.type = "IT")
					then "instead of "
					else    null
				else null
				+ (m.description + x.name)
	    into #sphelp1rs
			from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v,
			master.dbo.spt_values x, master.dbo.sysmessages m
		where o.sysstat & 2063 = v.number 
			 and ((v.type = "O" and 
	                    (o.type != "XP" and ((o.sysstat2 & @sqlj_proc) = 0
				  or o.type = "U" or o.type = "S")) and
			    (o.type != "RS")) /* precomputed result set */
			    or (v.type = "O1" and o.type = "XP") or
			    (v.type = "O2" and (o.sysstat2 & @sqlj_proc) != 0
				  and o.type != "U" and o.type != "S")
			    or (v.type = "O1" and o.type ="RS") /* precomputed result set */
			    or (v.type = "EK" and o.type = "EK"))
			and v.msgnum = m.error
			and isnull(m.langid, 0) = @sptlang
			and ((m.error between 17100 and 17109) or
			     (m.error between 17587 and 17589) or
			     (m.error between 18903 and 18904) or
			     (m.error = 17588 or m.error = 17139
				or m.error = 17015))

			and x.type = "R"
			and o.userstat & -32768 = x.number
	    exec sp_autoformat @fulltabname = #sphelp1rs,
		@orderby = "order by 3 desc, 1 asc"
	    drop table #sphelp1rs

	    select User_type = s.name,
		Storage_type = st.name,
		Length = s.length,
		Nulls = s.allownulls,
		Default_name = object_name(s.tdefault),
		Rule_name = object_name(s.domain),
		Access_Rule_name = object_name(s.accessrule)
	   into #sphelp2rs
		from systypes s, systypes st
		    where s.type = st.type
			and s.usertype > 99
			and st.name not in ("sysname", "longsysname", "nchar", "nvarchar")
			and st.usertype < 100
	   exec sp_autoformat @fulltabname = #sphelp2rs,
		@orderby = "order by 1"
	   drop table #sphelp2rs

	/* Display list of Java classes installed in this database */
	print ""
	select Class_name =  x.xtname, 
		Jar_name = isnull(j.jname, '')
	into #sphelp3rs
		from sysxtypes x, sysjars j
		where x.xtcontainer *= j.jid
	exec sp_autoformat @fulltabname = #sphelp3rs,
		@orderby = "order by 1"
	drop table #sphelp3rs

	/* Display list of Java JARs installed in this database */
	print ""
	exec sp_autoformat @fulltabname = sysjars,
		@selectlist = "'Jar_name' = jname",
		@orderby = "order by 1"
	print ""
	return (0)
end -- }

** If this is a 4-part object name, mangle the name appropriately.
** [Note: this must be run in tempdb for successful results.]
if @objname like "%.%.%.%"
	select @objname = str_replace(@objname, '.', '_')

**  Make sure the @objname is local to the current database.
if @objname like "%.%.%" and
	substring(@objname, 1, charindex(".", @objname) - 1) != db_name()
	/* 17460, "Object must be in the current database." */
	raiserror 17460
	return  (1)

**  Now check to see if the @objname is in sysobjects.  It has to be either
**  in sysobjects or systypes.
if not exists (select *
		from sysobjects
		where id = object_id(@objname))

**  It wasn't in sysobjects so we'll check in systypes.
begin	-- {
	select @typeid = usertype, @basetypeid = type
		from systypes
			where name = @objname

	**  Time to give up -- @objname is not in sysobjects or systypes.
	if @typeid is NULL
		/* 17461, "Object does not exist in this database." */
		raiserror 17461
		return  (1)

 	** Get length factor: types based on unichar/univarchar
	** are 2 bytes per character.
	if (@basetypeid in (select type from systypes where
			name in ('unichar', 'univarchar')))
		select @lenfactor = @@unicharsize
		select @lenfactor = 1

	** Print help about a data type

	    select Type_name = s.name,
		   Storage_type = st.name,
		   Length = s.length/ @lenfactor,
		   Nulls = s.allownulls,
		   Prec = s.prec,
		   Scale = s.scale,
		   Default_name = object_name(s.tdefault),
		   Rule_name = object_name(s.domain),
		   Access_Rule_name = object_name(s.accessrule),
		   Ident = s.ident
	    into #sphelp4rs
		from systypes s, systypes st
		    where s.usertype = @typeid
			and s.type = st.type
			and st.name not in ("timestamp", "sysname", "longsysname", "nchar", "nvarchar")
			and st.usertype < 100

	   exec sp_autoformat @fulltabname = #sphelp4rs,
		@selectlist = "Type_name, Storage_type,Length,Prec,Scale,Nulls,Default_name,Rule_name,Access_Rule_name,'Identity' = Ident"
	   drop table #sphelp4rs

	return (0)
end	-- }

**  It's in sysobjects so print out the information.

** Define status bit values for O2_ACCESS_CONTROL
select	@and_access = hextoint("0x1000000"),
	@or_access = hextoint("0x4000000")

select	Name = o.name, 
	Owner = user_name(uid), 

	** Decode object type, and figure out if its an access rule
	** type. Access rules are sub-types of the rule type; so
	** first check for sysstat to be 7. Build the prefix of
	** 'AND access', or 'OR access', or '' strings. The prefix
	** will be concatenated to the string 'rule' as obtained
	** from the other tables.
	** Meanwhile, Instead of Triggers are sub_types of trigger
	** type; so first check for sysstat to be 8, then build the
	** prefix of "instead of" for the trigger if needed.
	Object_type = (case	
			when ((o.sysstat & 15) = 7)
			then (case 
				when ( ((o.sysstat2 & @and_access) > 0)
					and ((o.sysstat2 & @or_access) > 0))
				then "OR access"
				when ((o.sysstat2 & @and_access) > 0)
				then "AND access"
				else          null
			 when ((o.sysstat & 15) = 8)
			 then (case
				when (o.type = "IT")
				then "instead of "
				else	null
			else null
			+ (m.description + x.name)
	, Object_status = convert(varchar(255), ' ')
	, Create_date = o.crdate
	into #sphelp5rs
	from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v,
		master.dbo.spt_values x, master.dbo.sysmessages m
	where o.id = object_id(@objname)
		and o.sysstat & 2063 = v.number
		and ((v.type = "O" and
		     (o.type != "XP" and ((o.sysstat2 & @sqlj_proc) = 0
				  or o.type = "U" or o.type = "S"))
		     and (o.type != "RS")) or /* precomputed result set */
		     (v.type = "O1" and o.type = "XP") or
		     (v.type = "O2" and (o.sysstat2 & @sqlj_proc) != 0
				  and o.type != "U" and o.type != "S") or
		     (v.type = "O1" and o.type = "RS") or /* precomputed result set */
		     (v.type = "EK" and o.type = "EK"))
		and v.msgnum = m.error
		and isnull(m.langid, 0) = @sptlang
		and ((m.error between 17100 and 17199) or
		     (m.error between 17587 and 17589) or
		     (m.error between 18903 and 18904) or
		     (m.error = 17588 or m.error = 17015)) 
		and x.type = "R"
		and o.userstat & -32768 = x.number

	** Set Object_status based on sysstat2 to show any special status the object may have.
	** Currently only object status 'deallocate first text page' or 'keep first text page'
	** would be displayed based on both table level (by sp_chgattribute) and db level (by
	** sp_dboption) settings as below.
	** 'deallocate first text page' will be displayed when
	**	o column sysstat2 of sysobjects entry has value 536870912
	**	o or column sysstat2 of sysobjects entry neither has value 536870912 nor
	**	  -2147483648, but column status4 of sysdatabases entry (for current
	**	  database) has value -2147483648.
	** otherwise, 'keep first text page' will be displayed.
	** Table level setting for option dealloc_first_txtpg (sysstat2 in sysobjects)
	**	0x2000000 ---- 536870912, deallocate first text page after NULL update
	**	0x8000000 ---- -2147483648, keep first text page after NULL update
	** DB level setting for option 'deallocate first text page' (status4 in sysdatabases)
	**	0x8000000 ---- -2147483648, deallocate first text page after NULL update
	select  @db_dealloc_ftp = hextoint('0x80000000')
	select  @tab_dealloc_ftp = hextoint('0x20000000')
	select  @tab_keep_ftp = hextoint('0x80000000')

	select @sysstat2 = sysstat2, @objtype = type
	from sysobjects
	where id = object_id(@objname)

	** Only check user tables
	if (@objtype = 'U')
		select @db_stat4 = status4 from master.dbo.sysdatabases
		where dbid = db_id()

		if ((@sysstat2 & @tab_dealloc_ftp != 0) or
 		    ((@sysstat2 & @tab_keep_ftp = 0) and (@db_stat4 & @db_dealloc_ftp != 0)))
			select @valstat2 = @tab_dealloc_ftp
			select @valstat2 = @tab_keep_ftp

		select @msgnum = msgnum, @sysopt_name = name, @sep = ''
		from master.dbo.spt_values
		where type = 'O2' and number = @valstat2

		if (@msgnum != 17119)
			select @sysopt_name = isnull(description, @sysopt_name)
			from master.dbo.sysmessages
			where error = @msgnum
			  and isnull(langid, 0) = @sptlang

			update #sphelp5rs
			set Object_status = ltrim(Object_status + @sep + @sysopt_name)
			from #sphelp5rs a, sysobjects o
			where a.Name = o.name
			  and o.sysstat & 15 = 3
			  and o.id = object_id(@objname)
	end -- }

	/* Set Object_status based on sysstat3 to show any special status the object may have */
	select @sysstat3 = sysstat3, @objtype = type
	from sysobjects
	where id = object_id(@objname)

	select @valstat3 = min(number), @sep = ''
	from master.dbo.spt_values
	where type = 'O3'
	  and number > 0
	  and number & @sysstat3 = number

	while (@valstat3 is not null)
	begin -- {
		select @msgnum = msgnum, @sysopt_name = name
		from master.dbo.spt_values
		where type = 'O3' and number = @valstat3

		/* We do not allow PRS objects to be defined on other PRS
		** objects. Even if we plan to support this in future, this
		** will be a major design change and sp_help will have to be
		** updated accordingly to allow that. The bit 0x40 in sysstat3
		** is currently overridden to check if PRS objects are defined
		** on any object.
		if not (@objtype = 'RS' and @msgnum = 17119)
			select @sysopt_name = isnull(description, @sysopt_name)
			from master.dbo.sysmessages
			where error = @msgnum
			  and isnull(langid, 0) = @sptlang

			update #sphelp5rs
			set Object_status = ltrim(Object_status + @sep + @sysopt_name)
			from #sphelp5rs a, sysobjects o
			where a.Name = o.name
			  and o.sysstat & 15 in (3, 4)
			  and o.sysstat3 & @valstat3 = @valstat3

		select @valstat3 = min(number), @sep = ', '
		from master.dbo.spt_values
		where type = 'O3'
		  and number > @valstat3
		  and number & @sysstat3 = number
	end -- }

	** If the object type is precomputed result set then set Object_status
	** information with the following properties:
	** a. Refresh Policy: immediate/manual
	** b. State: enabled/disabled
	** c. QRW State: enabled/disabled for QRW
	if @objtype = 'RS'
	begin -- {
		/* #sphelp5rs will only have 1 row corresponding to a PRS */
		update #sphelp5rs
		  Object_status =
		    /* Save existing Object_status information */
		      when (Object_status != "") then Object_status + ", "
		      else null
		      end) + 
		    /* refresh policy */
		      when ((@sysstat3 & 8) = 8) then "manual"
		      when ((@sysstat3 & 16) = 16) then "immediate"
		      end) + ", " +
		    /* state */
		      when ((@sysstat3 & 32) = 32) then "disabled"
		      else "enabled"
		      end) + ", " +
		    /* query rewrite state */
		      when ((@sysstat3 & 64) = 64) then "disabled for QRW"
		      else "enabled for QRW"
	end -- }

	update #sphelp5rs
	set Object_status = (select description
				from master.dbo.sysmessages
				where error = 17661
				  and isnull(langid, 0) = @sptlang)
	where datalength(Object_status) < 2

	exec sp_autoformat @fulltabname = #sphelp5rs
	drop table #sphelp5rs

**  Objects have the following value for sysstat & 15:
**	0 - any/illegal object 
**	1 - system table
**	2 - view
**	3 - user table
**	4 - sproc
**	5 - predicate
**	6 - default
**	7 - rule
**	8 - trigger
**	9 - referential constraint
**	10 - sql function  
**      11 - extended type
**      12 - sqlj function
**      13 - computed column
**      14 - partition condition
**      15 - encryption key
**  If the object is a system table, view, or user table, we want to check
**  out the objects columns here.

select @sysstat = sysstat, @sysstat2 = sysstat2
	from sysobjects
		where id = object_id(@objname)

**  Fix of bug 91669:
**  For the current design, a view having nameless column may be created,
**  e.g. create view view1 as select sum(column1) from table1. 
**  In this case, c.name is NULL. Using builtin function isnull() to  
**  make the following query work. 

select @encrypted_col 	= hextoint("0x00000080")
     , @decrypt_def 	= hextoint("0x00001000")
     , @inrowlob 	= hextoint("0x00040000")
     , @notruncate 	= hextoint("0x00200000")

-- Report on the following "table" objects:
-- 	1: System tables
-- 	2: Views
-- 	3: User tables
if (@sysstat & 15) in (1, 2, 3)
	select Column_name = isnull(c.name, 'NULL'),
	       Col_order = colid,
	       Type = isnull(convert(char(30), x.xtname), 
					get_xtypename(c.xtype, c.xdbid)),
	       Length = c.length,
	       In_row_Len = c.inrowlen,
	       Prec = c.prec,
	       Scale = c.scale,
	       Nulls = convert(bit, (c.status & 8)),
	       Not_compressed = convert(bit, (isnull(c.status2, 0) & 131072)),
	       Lob_compression_level = c.lobcomp_lvl,
	       Default_name = object_name(c.cdefault),
	       Rule_name = object_name(c.domain),
	       Access_Rule_name = object_name(c.accessrule),
	       Computed_Column_object = 
		case when (c.status3 & 1) = 1
		     then object_name(c.computedcol)+
				" (functional index key)"
		     when (c.status2 & 32) = 32
		     then object_name(c.computedcol)+" (materialized)"
		     when (c.status2 & 16) = 16
		     then object_name(c.computedcol)+" (virtual)" 
		     else object_name(c.computedcol)
	       rtype = t.type, utype = t.usertype, xtype = c.xtype,
	       Ident = convert(bit, (c.status & 0x80)),
	       Encrypted = 
			case when (c.status2 is null) then 0 
			     when (c.status2 & @encrypted_col) > 0 then 1
	       Decrypt_Default_name =
                        case when (c.status2 is null) then NULL 
			     when (c.status2 & @decrypt_def) > 0 then 
				(select object_name(a.object)
				 from sysattributes a
                                 where a.class = 25
                                    and a.attribute = 1
                                    and a.object_info1 = c.id
           			    and a.object_info2 = c.colid)
                             else NULL
	       Object_storage =                        
			     when ((isnull(c.status2,0) & @inrowlob) != 0)
			     			      then "in row"
			     when (c.xstatus is null) then NULL
                             when (c.xstatus & 1) = 1 then "off row"
                             else                          "in row " 
	       Varbinary_is_truncated =
			case when (c.status2 is null) then NULL
			     when (c.status2 & @notruncate) > 0 then 0
			     else 1 
	into #helptype
	from syscolumns c, systypes t, sysxtypes x
		where c.id = object_id(@objname)
			and c.usertype *= t.usertype
			and c.xtype *= x.xtid

	** We truncate extended type names >30 characters to 30,
	** and print them with a trailing "+" character.
	update #helptype
		set Type = substring(Type, 1, 29) + "+"
		where xtype is not null
		      and substring(Type, 29, 1) != " "

	/* Handle National Characters */
	update #helptype
		set Length = Length / @@ncharsize
		where (rtype = 47 and utype = 24)
		   or (rtype = 39 and utype = 25)

	/* Handle unichar/univarchar */
	update #helptype
		set Length = Length / @@unicharsize
		where rtype in (select type from systypes
			where name in ('unichar', 'univarchar'))

        /* Handle unsigned types by outputing user syntax */
        update #helptype
                set Type = "unsigned " + 
			substring(Type, charindex("u", Type) + 1, 30)
                where utype in (44, 45, 46)

	** Construct the SQL query against #helptype. Be careful not to
	** exceed 255 characters, or the string will get truncated.
	select @sqltext = "Column_name,Type, Length"
	/* Display in-row length only if there are any in-row LOBs */
	if exists (select 1 from #helptype
		   where In_row_Len is not null)
		/* Convert bytes to unichars for length of unitext */
		update #helptype
			set In_row_Len = In_row_Len / @@unicharsize
			where rtype in (select type from systypes
				where name = 'unitext')

		select @sqltext = @sqltext + ",In_row_Len "

	select @sqltext = @sqltext
			+ ", Prec,Scale,Nulls,Not_compressed,Default_name,Rule_name,Access_Rule_name,Computed_Column_object,'Identity' = Ident"

	/* Display the Object_storage only if there are object columns. */
	if exists (select * from #helptype 
		   where Object_storage is not null)
		select @sqltext = @sqltext + ", Object_storage "

	** Display the Encrypted column status only if there are encrypted
	** columns.
	if exists (select * from #helptype 
		   where Encrypted != 0)
		select @sqltext = @sqltext + ", Encrypted "

	** Display the Decrypt_Default_name only if there 
	** are encrypted columns that have decrypt default values
	if exists (select * from #helptype 
		   where Decrypt_Default_name is not null)
		select @sqltext = @sqltext + ", Decrypt_Default_name"

	** Display Lob compression level only if there are compressed LOB
	** columns.
	if exists (select * from #helptype 
		   where Lob_compression_level is not null)
		select @sqltext = @sqltext + ", Lob_compression_level"

	** Display the varbinary truncation only if there 
	** is any varbinary column.
	if exists (select * from #helptype where Type = "varbinary" or (Type = "binary" and Nulls = 1))
		select @sqltext = @sqltext + ", Varbinary_is_truncated"

		/* Update the field non-varbinary types */
		update #helptype set Varbinary_is_truncated =  NULL
			where (Type != "varbinary"  and (Type != "binary" or Nulls = 0))
				or Computed_Column_object is not null

	exec sp_autoformat @fulltabname = #helptype,
		@selectlist = @sqltext,
		@orderby = "order by Col_order asc"
	drop table #helptype

** If this is a table object that has computed columns, display the
** computed column information.
if (@sysstat & 15) in (1, 3)
	if exists (select 1 from syscolumns where id = object_id(@objname) 
		and computedcol is not null and (status3 & 1) !=1) 
		print ""
		execute dbo.sp_helpcomputedcolumn @objname, 0

**  For procedures and sqlj functions, the parameters of the procedures 
**  are stored in syscolumns.
if @sysstat & 15 in (4, 10, 12)
	exec sp_help_params @objname

**  If the object is an external table, show which OS file it's using.
if @sysstat & 2063 = 2051
	select @OS_file = name from sysindexes
		where id = object_id(@objname)
		and indid in (0,1)
	** 17570, "Operating System File"
	** 17571, "---------------------"
	print ""
	exec sp_getmessage 17570, @msg out
	print @msg
	exec sp_getmessage 17571, @msg out
	print @msg
	print @OS_file
	print ""
**  If the object is an Omni-managed table, show its storage location.
if (@sysstat2 & 1024 = 1024)
	declare	@dbname varchar(255),
		@site  varchar(255),
		@owner varchar(255),
		@tabname varchar(255),
		@retcode int

	exec @retcode = sp_namecrack @objname, @site output, @dbname output,
			@owner output, @tabname output

	select @OS_file = char_value from sysattributes
			where class = 9 and attribute = 1 and 
			object_cinfo = @tabname

	**  17573, "Object is Remote/External"
	**  17574, "-------------------------"
	print ""
 	exec sp_getmessage 17573, @msg out
 	print @msg 
 	exec sp_getmessage 17574, @msg out
 	print @msg
	print @OS_file
	print ""

	if (@sysstat2 & 2048 = 2048)
		** 17575, "Object existed prior to Omni"
		exec sp_getmessage 17575, @msg out
 		print @msg 
 		print ""

**  If the object is a table, display sysattributes information
**  if there is any.  It could be in the current database under
**  type "T".

if @sysstat & 15 in (1, 3)
	/*  Create temporary table for sysattributes data */
	create table #sphelpattr
		class 		varchar(255),
		class_id	smallint,
		attribute 	varchar(255),
		attribute_id	smallint,
		int_value	int NULL,
		char_value	varchar(255) NULL,
		comments	varchar(255) NULL

	**  The join with master..sysattributes here is to
	**  get the string descriptions for the class and attribute.
	**  These should never be more than 30 chars, so it's okay to
	**  truncate them.

	insert #sphelpattr (class, class_id, attribute, attribute_id, int_value,
				 char_value, comments)
		select  c.char_value, 
			t.int_value, t.char_value, t.comments
		from sysattributes t, master.dbo.sysattributes c, 
			master.dbo.sysattributes a
		where t.object_type = "T"
		and t.object = object_id(@objname)
		and c.class = 0 and c.attribute = 0
		and a.class = 0 and a.attribute = 1
		and t.class = c.object
		and t.class = a.object
		and t.attribute = a.object_info1
        ** If the table is virtually hashed, then print the list of index key
        ** columns and their correspondig hash factors as char_value.
	if(exists(select attribute from #sphelpattr
			where attribute = 'hash key factors'))
		/* The table is Virtually Hashed */
		exec sp_getmessage 19586, @msg out
		print @msg
		print ""

		select @new_char_value = ""
                select @num_keys = keycnt from sysindexes
                        where id = object_id(@objname)

                select @key_count = 1

                select @indid = min(indid)
                        from sysindexes
                        where id = object_id(@objname)
                                and indid > 0
                                and indid < 255

                set nocount on

                ** Get the list of index key columns.
                while (@key_count <= @num_keys)
                        select @thiskey = 
				index_col(@objname, @indid, @key_count)

                        if (@thiskey is NULL)

                        if(@key_count > 1)
                                select @new_char_value = @new_char_value + ", "

                        select @new_char_value = @new_char_value + @thiskey

                        ** In current 'char_value', we have an array of hash
                        ** factors of type 'double' that was written to
                        ** 'char_value' as byte string.
                        ** Hence to get the array of hash factors back:
                        ** 1. Divide 'char_value' into disjoint substrings,
                        **    each of length 8 (sizeof double).
                        ** 2. Convert the substring into binary type.
                        ** 3. Convert the binary value into 'double'.
                        ** Once obtained the value, convert it to character
                        ** type and append to @new_char_value
                        select @new_char_value = @new_char_value 
				+ ":" + 
                                convert(double precision,
                                substring(char_value, @key_count * 8 - 7, 8))))
                        from #sphelpattr
			where attribute = 'hash key factors'

                        select @key_count = @key_count + 1

                ** Append the 'max_hash_key' to @new_char_value
                select @new_char_value = @new_char_value + ", max_hash_key"

                select @new_char_value = @new_char_value + 
			"=" + 
                        convert(double precision,
                        substring(char_value, @key_count * 8 - 7, 8))))
                from #sphelpattr
		where attribute = 'hash key factors'

                update #sphelpattr set char_value = @new_char_value
			where attribute = 'hash key factors'

	** It's possible a cache is deleted without doing an unbind first. After
	** a server reboot the binding is marked 'invalid' (int_value = 0).
	** If we have such an invalid binding, don't show it in the output.
	delete from #sphelpattr
	where class_id = 3
	and attribute_id = 0
	and int_value = 0

	if exists (select * from #sphelpattr)
		exec sp_autoformat @fulltabname = #sphelpattr,
			@selectlist = "'attribute_class' = class, attribute, int_value,char_value, comments"
	drop table #sphelpattr

**  If the object is a procedure, display sysattributes information
**  if there is any.

if @sysstat & 15 = 4
	if exists (select * from sysattributes
			where  object_type = "P"
			and object = object_id(@objname))
		**  The join with master..sysattributes here is to
		**  get the string descriptions for the class 
		**  (master.dbo.sysattributes c) and attribute
		**  (master.dbo.sysattributes a).

		select  attribute_class =
				convert(varchar(512), c.char_value), 
			attribute = convert(varchar(512), a.char_value),
			char_value = convert(varchar(512), t.char_value), 
		into #sphelp6rs
		from sysattributes t, master.dbo.sysattributes c, 
			master.dbo.sysattributes a
		where t.object_type = "P"
		and t.object = object_id(@objname)
		and c.class = 0 and c.attribute = 0
		and a.class = 0 and a.attribute = 1
		and t.class = c.object
		and t.class = a.object
		and t.attribute = a.object_info1

		exec sp_autoformat @fulltabname = #sphelp6rs
		drop table #sphelp6rs

**  If the object is a table, check out the indexes.
if @sysstat & 15 in (1, 3)
	execute dbo.sp_helpindex @objname

**  If the object is a table or view, check out the keys.
if @sysstat & 15 in (1, 2, 3)
	execute dbo.sp_helpkey @objname

**  If the object is a table, check out the slices/partitions
if @sysstat & 15 in (1, 3)
	execute dbo.sp_helpartition @objname

** If the object is a trigger, it is either enabled or disabled
if @sysstat & 15 in (0,8)
	** 1048676 <==> 0x100000 <==> insert trigger disabled
	** 2097152 <==> 0x200000 <==> delete trigger disabled
	** 4194304 <==> 0x400000 <==> update trigger disabled
	if exists (select 1 from sysobjects trig, sysobjects tab
		where trig.id = object_id(@objname)
		and   trig.deltrig = tab.id
		and ((trig.id = tab.deltrig and tab.sysstat2 & 2097152 <> 0)
		or   (trig.id = tab.updtrig and tab.sysstat2 & 4194304 <> 0)
		or   (trig.id = tab.instrig and tab.sysstat2 & 1048576 <> 0)))
			exec sp_getmessage 17581, @msg out
			exec sp_getmessage 17582, @msg out

	print @msg

** If the object is a table, display the table level LOB compression level
if @sysstat & 15 in (1, 3)
	select @tab_lob_cmplvl = lobcomp_lvl
	from sysobjects
	where id = object_id(@objname)

	select @msg = "Table LOB compression level " + convert(varchar(3), @tab_lob_cmplvl)
	print @msg

	if exists (select 1 from sysattributes
                where object_type="TI" and object_info1 & 4096 = 4096
                        and object = object_id(@objname))
		select @msg = "Table " + @objname + " has columns dropped by no datacopy method."
		print @msg 

** Print the lock scheme information for the table objects
if @sysstat & 15 in (1, 3)
	** the bits 0x2000, 0x4000 & 0x8000 represents any 
	** explicit lock scheme bits that can be set, so
	** get them out ( 0x2000 + 0x4000 + 0x8000 = 57344)
	select @sysstat2 = (sysstat2 & 57344)
		from sysobjects
			where id = object_id(@objname)
	** The value 0, refers that no lock scheme is 
	** specified (old style tables) so they support only
	** allpages locking
	if (@sysstat2 in (0, 8192, 16384, 32768))
		if (@sysstat2  = 8192 or @sysstat2 = 0)
			/* 17576, "Lock scheme is Allpages" */
        		exec sp_getmessage 17576, @msg out
        		print @msg
		        /* 18571, "The attribute '%1!' is */
                        /* not applicable to tables with  */
                        /* allpages lock scheme."         */
			exec sp_getmessage 18571, @msg out
			print @msg, 'exp_row_size'
			/* 18571, "The attribute '%1!' is */
			/* not applicable to tables with  */
			/* allpages lock scheme."         */
			exec sp_getmessage 18571, @msg out
			print @msg, 'concurrency_opt_threshold'

		if ( @sysstat2 = 16384 )
			/* 17577, "Lock scheme is Datapages" */
        		exec sp_getmessage 17577, @msg out
        		print @msg

			/* 18983, "The '%1!' attribute is not applicable 
			** to tables with datarow or datapage lock schemes.
        		exec sp_getmessage 18983, @msg out
        		print @msg, 'ascinserts'

		if (@sysstat2 = 32768)
			/* 17578, "Lock scheme is Datarows" */
        		exec sp_getmessage 17578, @msg out
        		print @msg

			/* 18983, "The '%1!' attribute is not applicable 
			** to tables with datarow or datapage lock schemes.
        		exec sp_getmessage 18983, @msg out
        		print @msg, 'ascinserts'

		/* Server defined value for ascinserts 
		** if ascinserts is set, then master..sysindexes.status2=64 
		select @opt_ind2_ascinserts = 64
		print " "
		select  exp_rowsize "exp_row_size",
                        res_page_gap "reservepagegap",  
                        fill_factor "fillfactor",
                        maxrowsperpage "max_rows_per_page",
                        isnull(identitygap, 0) "identity_gap",
			(case when ((@opt_ind2_ascinserts & status2) > 0)
				then 1
				else 0
			) "ascinserts"
			from sysindexes
			      where id = object_id(@objname)
				and indid <= 1

		/* Server defined constant for optimistic index lock */
		select @opt_ind_lock = 268435456

		/* Server defined constant for dealloc first txtpg */
		select	@db_dealloc_ftp = hextoint('0x80000000')
		select  @tab_dealloc_ftp = hextoint("0x020000000")
		select  @tab_keep_ftp = hextoint('0x80000000')

		/* Get db level status */
		select @db_stat4 = status4 from master.dbo.sysdatabases
		where dbid = db_id()

		select @opt_ind_status = (sysstat2 & @opt_ind_lock),
		       @opt_text_dealloc = (sysstat2 & (@tab_dealloc_ftp | @tab_keep_ftp))
		from sysobjects where id = object_id(@objname)

		if (@opt_ind_status = 0)
			select @opt_ind_value = 0
			select @opt_ind_value = 1

		if ((@opt_text_dealloc = @tab_dealloc_ftp) or
		    ((@opt_text_dealloc = 0) and (@db_stat4 & @db_dealloc_ftp != 0)))
			select @opt_text_value = 1
		else if (@opt_text_dealloc = @tab_keep_ftp)
			select @opt_text_value = 2
			select @opt_text_value = 0

		** Currently, the following information will be same
		** for all partitions, only need to print once for
		** one of the partitions
		select  distinct
			conopt_thld "concurrency_opt_threshold",
			@opt_ind_value "optimistic_index_lock",
			@opt_text_value "dealloc_first_txtpg"
			from systabstats
			where id = object_id(@objname)
			and indid <= 1

		return  (0)
		/* 17579, "Lock scheme Unknown or Corrupted" */
       		exec sp_getmessage 17579, @msg out
       		print @msg
       		return  (1)

**  If the object is computed column, display 
**  computed column information.
**  We just simply follow the way sp_helpcomputedcolumn works.
if (@sysstat & 15) = 13
	declare @count int, @total int, @row_id int, @config_parm int, @mode int, @tab_name varchar(767)
	select @tab_name = object_name(id), @mode = status3 & 1
	from syscolumns
	where computedcol = object_id(@objname)

	** Create temporary table to stored computed column info 
	create table #helpcpc (colname varchar(255), computedcol int, 
				property varchar(15) null, row_id numeric identity)
	** Get info on computed columns
	if @mode != 1
		insert into #helpcpc(colname, computedcol, property) 
			select name, 
			       case when (status2 & 32 = 32) then "materialized"
				    else "virtual" end
			from syscolumns where 
			computedcol = object_id(@objname) and 
			status3 & 1 != 1 
			order by colid
	** Get Info on functional index keys
		insert into #helpcpc(colname, computedcol) 
			select name, computedcol from syscolumns where 
			computedcol = object_id(@objname) and 
			status3 & 1 = 1 
			order by colid
	** Display the header
	if @mode != 1
		exec sp_getmessage 19456, @msg output
		exec sp_getmessage 19457, @msg output
	print ""
	print @msg, @tab_name
	print ""
	** If the configuration parameter 'allow select on syscomments.text' 
	** is set to 0, then the user can access the text ONLY in the 
	** following cases
	**	1. if the user has sa_role
	**	2. if the object is owned by the user
	select @config_parm = value 
		from master.dbo.syscurconfigs 
	where config = 258
	if @config_parm = 0 and user_id() != 1
		** The object needs to be owned by the user
		if not exists (select name from sysobjects 
					where uid = user_id() 
					and id = object_id(@objname))
			** Inform the user the text cannot be displayed and 
			** print the rest info before return
			if @mode != 1
	        		exec sp_getmessage 19334, @msg output
				print @msg
				exec sp_autoformat #helpcpc, "'Column_Name' = colname,
					Property = property"
				exec sp_getmessage 19335, @msg output
				print @msg
				exec sp_autoformat #helpcpc, 
					"'Internal_Index_Key_Name' = colname"
			drop table #helpcpc
	** Now display the text
	create table #helptxt (text varchar(255), row_id numeric (10) identity)
	create table #helpname (colname varchar(255), property varchar(15) null)
	select @count = 1
	select @total = max(row_id) + 1 from #helpcpc
	while @count < @total
		insert into #helpname(colname, property)
		select colname, property from #helpcpc where row_id = @count
		if @mode != 1
			exec sp_autoformat #helpname, "'Column_Name' = colname, 
					Property = property"
			exec sp_autoformat #helpname, 
				"'Internal_Index_Key_Name' = colname"
		** See if the object is hidden (SYSCOM_TEXT_HIDDEN will be set)
		if exists (select 1 from syscomments m, #helpcpc h where
				(m.status & 1 = 1) and 
				m.id = h.computedcol and 
				h.row_id = @count)
	        	exec sp_getmessage 19337, @msg output
			print @msg
			print ""
			delete #helpname
			select @count = @count + 1
		insert #helptxt (text) select text from syscomments, #helpcpc
		where row_id = @count and id = computedcol order by colid2, colid
		print ""
		if @mode != 1
			exec sp_autoformat #helptxt, "Text = text"
			select @row_id = min(row_id) from #helptxt
			update #helptxt set text = right(text, char_length(text)-4)
			where row_id = @row_id
			select @row_id = max(row_id) from #helptxt
			update #helptxt set text = left(text, char_length(text)-13)
			where row_id = @row_id
			exec sp_autoformat #helptxt, "Expression = text"
		print ""
		select @count = @count + 1
		delete #helpname
		delete #helptxt
	drop table #helpcpc, #helpname, #helptxt	

return (0)


我们发现在源码的556行“if (@sysstat & 15) in (1, 2, 3)”有我们想要的结果,这段IF语句是将表结果查询之后插入一个临时表#helptype中,然后再进行查询出来的。



select isnull(c.name, 'NULL') '字段名',
<span style="white-space:pre">	</span>t.name '字段类型',
<span style="white-space:pre">	</span>c.length '字段长度'
from syscolumns c, systypes t, sysxtypes x
where c.id = object_id('表名')
<span style="white-space:pre">	</span>and c.usertype *= t.usertype
<span style="white-space:pre">	</span>and c.xtype *= x.xtid;



标签:类似于oraclemysql中的desc   sybase中desc查询表结构方法   


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