这一次,笔者使用了STL库中的优先级队列(Priority Queue)来完成Dijkstra算法中extract-min()语句(即从未选中的节点中选取一个距离原点s最小的点)的功能。由于优先级队列的插入、删除操作只需要logn的时间花费,因此降低了不少运行时间。
/** * Dijkstra‘s Single Source Shortest Path Algorithm in C++ * Time Cost : O(MlogN) * Thanks to Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS) Chapter 24.3 * Author: Zheng Chen / Arclabs001 * Copyright 2015 Xi‘an University of Posts & Telecommunications. All rights reserved. */ #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <fstream> #define INF 0xfffffff using namespace std; const int N = 5; const int M = 10; ifstream in; enum status {UNSELECTED,SELECTED}; struct edge { int dest; int weight; }; struct vertex { int num; int dist; int inDegree,outDegree; status _stat; vertex * parent; }V[N]; //The elements of priority queue //The dest_vertex means the number of vertex, and dist means V[dest_vertex].dist struct PQ_elem { int dest_vertex,dist; }; //Overload the operator ‘<‘ so as to sort the priority queue bool operator < (const PQ_elem &a, const PQ_elem &b) { return a.dist > b.dist; } vector<edge> AdjList[N]; vector<int> SELECTED_vertex; priority_queue<PQ_elem> Edge_PQ; void relax(int u, int v, int weight) //The "relax" operation { if(V[v].dist > V[u].dist + weight) { V[v].dist = V[u].dist + weight; V[v].parent = &V[u]; } } void initialize(int s) { for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { V[i].num = i; V[i].dist = INF; V[i].parent = nullptr; V[i].inDegree = 0; V[i].outDegree = 0; V[i]._stat = UNSELECTED; AdjList[i].clear(); } in.open("Dijkstra.txt"); for(int i=0; i<M; i++) //Read informations of edges and insert into the Adjacent List { int _start, _dest, _weight; edge * tmp = new edge; in>>_start>>_dest>>_weight; tmp->dest = _dest; tmp->weight = _weight; V[_start].outDegree++; V[_dest].inDegree++; AdjList[_start].push_back(*tmp); } in.close(); V[s].dist = 0; SELECTED_vertex.clear(); edge tmp_edge; PQ_elem temp_PQ_elem; //Push the vertices which adjacent to the source vertex into priority queue for(int j=0; j<V[s].outDegree; j++) { tmp_edge = AdjList[s][j]; relax(s, tmp_edge.dest, tmp_edge.weight); if(V[tmp_edge.dest]._stat == UNSELECTED) { temp_PQ_elem.dest_vertex = tmp_edge.dest; temp_PQ_elem.dist = V[tmp_edge.dest].dist; Edge_PQ.push(temp_PQ_elem); } } } //Print the shortest path from vertex s to v. //If vertex s cannot reach vertex v, the function will print an error note on your display. void print_path(vertex *s, vertex *v) { if(v == s) cout<<s->num; else if(v->parent == nullptr) cout<<"No path from "<<s->num<<" to "<<v->num<<endl; else { print_path(s,v->parent); cout<<"->"<<v->num; } } //The main function of Dijkstra algorithm void Dijkstra(int s) { initialize(s); //int numof_UNSELECTED = N-1; SELECTED_vertex.push_back(s); while(!Edge_PQ.empty()) { PQ_elem temp_PQ_elem = Edge_PQ.top(); Edge_PQ.pop(); int this_vertex = temp_PQ_elem.dest_vertex; edge tmp_edge; for(int j=0; j<V[this_vertex].outDegree; j++) { tmp_edge = AdjList[this_vertex][j]; relax(this_vertex, tmp_edge.dest, tmp_edge.weight); if(V[tmp_edge.dest]._stat == UNSELECTED) { temp_PQ_elem.dest_vertex = tmp_edge.dest; temp_PQ_elem.dist = V[tmp_edge.dest].dist; Edge_PQ.push(temp_PQ_elem); } } V[this_vertex]._stat = SELECTED; } } int main() { int s = 0; Dijkstra(s); cout<<"Succeed ! The distance of each vertex are :"<<endl; for(int i=0; i<N; i++) if(V[i].dist == INF) cout<<"INF "; else cout<<V[i].dist<<" "; cout<<endl<<"One of the shortest path is :"<<endl; print_path(&V[0],&V[4]); return 0; } /* Pseudo Code : Dijkstra(G,w,s) S = empty set Q = G.V - s while Q != empty set u = EXTRACT-MIN(Q) S = S ∪ u for each vertex v in AdjList[u] relax(u,v,w) */
0 1 10
0 3 5
1 2 1
1 3 2
2 4 4
3 1 3
3 2 9
3 4 2
4 0 7
4 2 6
初学图论-Dijkstra单源最短路径算法基于优先级队列(Priority Queue)的实现