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Thinking Through Analytics Data


  • 数据库
  • 外部分析者提供,比如keen.io

A Quick Look At Dataquest

首先需要明确Dataquest这个网站是怎样构造的:当前处在一个任务中,任务是由数据库,以及教授的一些技能组成。每个任务包含多个屏幕(screen ),屏幕的目录在右边,可以点击它跳到相应的屏幕中。这些屏幕可以是code屏幕,也可以是文本屏幕,code屏幕通常需要你写答案,然后这个习题来检测答案的正确性。系统所使用的语言是python3.

Looking At Student Data


  • 学习进展信息(progress data):是否成功完成某个屏幕,学生所写的代码,比如你刚完成了一个屏幕的内容就产生了一个新的记录(是否成功完成以及你的代码)。每个progress数据由一个pk值唯一确定。
  • 尝试数据(attempt data):包含学生对每个任务所作的各种代码尝试记录,每个progress data都有一个或多个与之关联的attempt data,每一个attempt数据有一个pk值唯一确定,attempt中screen_progress属性就是progress的pk值,这是attempt的外键,通过这个外键将其与progress联系到一起。

  • 为了是分析更简单,本文提取了50个学生的数据库信息:

# The attempts are stored in the attempts variable, and progress is stored in the progress variable.

# Here‘s how one progress record looks.
print("Progress Record:")
# Pretty print is a custom function we made to output json data in a nicer way.

# Here‘s how one attempt record looks.
print("Attempt Record:")
Progress Record:
    "fields": {
        "attempts": 0,
        "complete": true,
        "created": "2015-04-07T21:21:57.316Z",
        "last_code": "# We‘ll be coding in python.\n# Python is a great general purpose language, and is used in a lot of data science and machine learning applications.\n# If you don‘t know python, that‘s okay -- important concepts will be introduced as we go along.\n# In python, any line that starts with a # is called a comment, and is used to put in notes and messages.\n# It isn‘t part of the code, and isn‘t executed.",
        "last_context": null,
        "last_correct_code": "# We‘ll be coding in python.\n# Python is a great general purpose language, and is used in a lot of data science and machine learning applications.\n# If you don‘t know python, that‘s okay -- important concepts will be introduced as we go along.\n# In python, any line that starts with a # is called a comment, and is used to put in notes and messages.\n# It isn‘t part of the code, and isn‘t executed.",
        "last_output": "{\"check\":true,\"output\":\"\",\"hint\":\"\",\"vars\":{},\"code\":\"# We‘ll be coding in python.\\n# Python is a great general purpose language, and is used in a lot of data science and machine learning applications.\\n# If you don‘t know python, that‘s okay -- important concepts will be introduced as we go along.\\n# In python, any line that starts with a # is called a comment, and is used to put in notes and messages.\\n# It isn‘t part of the code, and isn‘t executed.\"}",
        "screen": 1,
        "updated": "2015-04-07T21:25:07.799Z",
        "user": 48309
    "model": "missions.screenprogress",
    "pk": 299076

Attempt Record:
    "fields": {
        "code": "# We‘ll be coding in python.\n# Python is a great general purpose language, and is used in a lot of data science and machine learning applications.\n# If you don‘t know python, that‘s okay -- important concepts will be introduced as we go along.\n# In python, any line that starts with a # is called a comment, and is used to put in notes and messages.\n# It isn‘t part of the code, and isn‘t executed.",
        "correct": true,
        "created": "2015-03-01T16:33:56.537Z",
        "screen_progress": 231467,
        "updated": "2015-03-01T16:33:56.537Z"
    "model": "missions.screenattempt",
    "pk": 62474


  • 列表是一种数据结构,可以通过索引来获取索引中的某个元素。
arnold_movies = ["Terminator", "Predator", "Total Recall", "Conan the Barbarian"]

# We can add items to a list using .append.
# If for some reason, we want to acknowledge Kindergarten Cop as a movie, we can do this...
arnold_movies.append("Kindergarten Cop")

# We can get the second item in a list
bad_arnold_movies = ["Junior", "Batman & Robin", "Kindergarten Cop"]


  • 字典是另一种数据结构,它的索引是独一无二的键,键可以是字符串也可以是数值。
# We can also nest dictionaries.
cities = {
        "Boston": {
            "weather": "ridiculously bad"
        "San Francisco": {
            "weather" : "okay, better than Boston at least"
        "San Diego": {
            "weather" : "why haven‘t you moved here yet?"
weird_presidential_facts = [
    {"name": "Benjamin Harrison", "oddity": "Afraid of electricity."},
    {"name": "Theodore Roosevelt", "oddity": "Had a pet badger named Josiah who bit people."},
    {"name": "Andrew Jackson", "oddity": "Taught his parrot to curse."}

The Structure Of The Data


Progress record

  • pk – the id of the record in the database
  • fields
    • attempts – a count of how many attempts the student made on the
    • complete – whether the student successfully passed the screen (True
      if they have / False if not).
    • created – what time the student first saw the screen.
    • last_code – the text of the last code the student wrote.
    • last_correct_code – the last code the student wrote that was
      correct. Null if they don’t have anything correct.
    • screen – the id of the screen this progress is associated with.
    • user – the id of the user this progress is associated with.

Attempt record

  • pk – the id of the record in the database
  • fields
    • code – the code that was submitted for this attempt.
    • correct – whether or not the student got the answer right.
    • screen_progress – the id of the progress record this attempt is associated with.
# This gets the fields attribute from the first attempt, and prints it
# As you can see, fields is another dictionary
# The keys for fields are listed above

# This gets the "correct" attribute from "fields" in the first attempt record
    "code": "# We‘ll be coding in python.\n# Python is a great general purpose language, and is used in a lot of data science and machine learning applications.\n# If you don‘t know python, that‘s okay -- important concepts will be introduced as we go along.\n# In python, any line that starts with a # is called a comment, and is used to put in notes and messages.\n# It isn‘t part of the code, and isn‘t executed.",
    "correct": true,
    "created": "2015-03-01T16:33:56.537Z",
    "screen_progress": 231467,
    "updated": "2015-03-01T16:33:56.537Z"



Exploring The Data


  • The number of attempts.
  • The number of progress records.
  • The number of attempts each student makes per screen (# of attempts /
    # of progress records).
# Number of screens students have seen
progress_count = len(progress)

# Number of attempts
attempt_count = len(attempts)

Getting To User Level Data

  • 我们需要获取用户是如何与网站进行交互的,比如用户通过了多少个任务等等,所以首先需要获取有多少个用户id,然后根据id分组计算频数:
# A list to put the user ids
all_user_ids = []

# A for loop lets us repeat code.  
# In this case, we‘re pulling each record from the progress list, in order, 
# and doing a manipulation.
for record in progress:
    user_id = record["fields"]["user"]

# This pulls out only the unique user ids
all_user_ids = list(set(all_user_ids))
all_user_ids  : list (<class ‘list‘>)


  • asarray可以将list对象转换为array,其实直接用array就可以了。
# We can import python package like this.
import numpy

# The numpy asarray method converts a list to an array.
vector = numpy.array([1,2,3,4])


  • 矩阵是二维数组,矩阵的索引形式如下matrix[1,2]。
# If we use the as keyword, we can import something, but rename it to a shorter name
# This makes it easier when we do analysis because we don‘t have to type the full name
import numpy as np

# If we pass a list of lists to asarray, it converts them to a matrix.
matrix = np.asarray([
matrix_1_1 = matrix[1,1]
matrix_0_2 = matrix[0,2]

Pandas Dataframes

  • Dataframes和矩阵相似,但是Dataframes存储的数据的每个列可以是不同的数据类型。并且有许多內建的函数可以用来做数据分析和数据可视化。创建一个Dataframes对象的最简单的方法就是通过字典列表来初始化。但是这个字典里面不能有嵌套,也就是所有的键都在同一个水平上。所以对于我们的数据需要做些调整。由于之前一条progress记录包含pk,field主键,而field里面又有很多子键,因此将field去掉,将其子键提取出来和pk在同一个水平。
# "Flatten" the progress records out.
flat_progress = []
for record in progress:
    # Get the fields dictionary, and use it as the start of our flat record.
    flat_record = record["fields"]
    # Store the pk in the dictionary
    flat_record["pk"] = record["pk"]

    # Add the flat record to flat_progress
flat_attempts = []
for record in attempts:
    flat_record = record["fields"]
    flat_record["pk"] = record["pk"]

Creating Dataframes

import pandas as pd

progress_frame = pd.DataFrame(flat_progress)
# Print the names of the columns
Index([‘attempts‘, ‘complete‘, ‘created‘, ‘last_code‘, ‘last_context‘, ‘last_correct_code‘, ‘last_output‘, ‘pk‘, ‘screen‘, ‘updated‘, ‘user‘], dtype=‘object‘)
attempt_frame = pd.DataFrame(flat_attempts)

Indexing Dataframes

  • 现在通过Dataframes的一些内建函数可以很快速简单的获取一些统计信息,比如有多少个用户user_ids,以及每个用户的progress个数user_id_counts,以及每个屏幕被记录了多少次screen_counts.并且value_counts()是按照值从小到大排序的。
# Get all the unique values from a column.
user_ids = progress_frame["user"].unique()

# Make a table of how many screens each user attempted
user_id_counts = progress_frame["user"].value_counts()
screen_counts = progress_frame["screen"].value_counts()
46578    177
48108    136
49340    135
54823    131
47451    123
42983    118
52584    108

Making Charts

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Plot how many screens each user id has seen.
# The value_counts method sorts everything in descending order.
user_counts = progress_frame["user"].value_counts()

# The range function creates an integer range from 1 to the specified number.
x_axis = range(len(user_counts))

# Make a bar plot of the range labels against the user counts.
plt.bar(x_axis, user_counts)

# We have to use this to show the plot.
  • 下图显示的是每用户的progess数量,由于user_counts是排好序的,因此图中的从打大小排下来的。


Pandas Filtering

  • 选择第一个屏幕的progress数据:
screen_1_frame = progress_frame[progress_frame["screen"] == 1]

Matching Attempts To Progress

将每个attempt和对应的progess(每个用户对每个screen都会产生一个pregress记录)联系在一起,这样才可以统计每个screen总共有多少个attempt,他们中有多少个是正确的。attempt可以通过screen_progress (the id of the progress record this attempt is associated with)这个属性将其与progess(pk)联系在一起。

  • 下面这个代码是找到1137条记录的的尝试情况:
# 这是个布尔型Series,找到第1137条progress(某个人对某个screen的详细信息)的记录的尝试信息。
has_progress_row_id = attempt_frame["screen_progress"] == progress_frame["pk"][1137]
progress_attempts = attempt_frame[has_progress_row_id]
# 一共有49条尝试,正确的有5条,错误的有44条
correct_attempts_count = progress_attempts[progress_attempts["correct"] == True].shape[0]
incorrect_attempts_count = progress_attempts[progress_attempts["correct"] == False].shape[0]

Figuring Out Attempt Ratios

  • DataFrame对象通过groupby函数根据某列”screen_progress”的取值将其分组得到一个DataFrameGroupBy对象。然后利用groups.aggregate将DataFrameGroupBy对象中某个取值进行聚合np.mean得到比率。的通过correct将其聚类
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Split the data into groups
groups = attempt_frame.groupby("screen_progress")
ratios = []
# Compute ratios for each group
# Loop over each group, and compute the ratio.
for name, group in groups:
    # The ratio we want is the number of correct attempts divided by the total number of attempts.
    # Taking the mean of the correct column will do this.
    # If you take the sum or mean of a boolean column, True values will become 1, and False values 0.
    ratio = np.mean(group["correct"])

    # Add the ratio to the ratios list.

# This code does the same thing as the segment above, but it‘s simpler.
# We aggregate across each group using the np.mean function.
# This takes the mean of every column in each group, then makes a dataframe with all the means.
# We only care about correctness, so we only select the correct column at the end.
easier_ratios = groups.aggregate(np.mean)["correct"]
                  correct      pk
231467           1.000000   62474
231470           1.000000   62476
231474           1.000000   62477
231476           1.000000   62479
400199           0.333333  340950
400201           1.000000  340952
400202           0.500000  340953
400204           1.000000  340956
400205           1.000000  340958

# We can plot a histogram of the easier_ratios series.
# The kind argument specifies that we want a histogram.
# Histograms show how values are distributed -- in this case, 900 of the screens have only 1 (correct) attempt.
# Many more appear to have had two attempts (a .5 ratio).
counts = groups.aggregate(len)["correct"]
                 code  correct  created  pk  updated
231467              1        1        1   1        1
231470              1        1        1   1        1
231474              1        1        1   1        1
231476              1        1        1   1        1
231481              1        1        1   1        1
231489              1        1        1   1        1
231492              2        2        2   2        2
231493              4        4        4   4        4
easier_ratios : Series (<class ‘pandas.core.series.Series‘>)
231467             1
231470             1
400190             0.500000
400199             0.333333
400201             1.000000
400202             0.500000
400204             1.000000
400205             1.000000

counts : Series (<class ‘pandas.core.series.Series‘>)
231467             1
231470             1
231474             1
231476             1
400190             2
400199             3
400201             1
400202             2
400204             1
400205             1


Who Gives Up?

  • 探索谁放弃了继续学习,可能是这个任务比较困难。那么如果我们获取到这个信息,就可以采取一些措施来帮助他。所以首先需要获取用户放弃之前所作的一些尝试。
  • 首先找到progress中没有如果complete的那些记录,然后将与之相连的attempts提取出来。gave_up_ids 存储的是那些放弃了的process的pk值。可以通过pk值与attempt中的screen_progress 相连。
gave_up = progress_frame[progress_frame["complete"] == False]
gave_up_ids = gave_up["pk"]

Graphing Attempt Counts

  • 现在获取那些放弃学习的用户的attempt数据,pandas中有一个isin函数可以实现这个功能。其中groups.aggregate(len)计算的是每组(screen_progress)的个数:
gave_up_boolean = attempt_frame["screen_progress"].isin(gave_up_ids)
gave_up_attempts = attempt_frame[gave_up_boolean]
groups = gave_up_attempts.groupby("screen_progress")
counts = groups.aggregate(len)["correct"]


Attempt Count Differential


gave_up = attempt_frame[attempt_frame["screen_progress"].isin(gave_up_ids)]
groups = gave_up.groupby("screen_progress")
counts = groups.aggregate(len)["correct"]

# We can use the .mean() method on series to compute the mean of all the values.
# This is how many attempts, on average, people who gave up made.

# We can filter our attempts data to find who didn‘t give up (people that got the right answer).
# To do this, we use the ~ operator.
# It negates a boolean, and swaps True and False.
# This filters for all rows that aren‘t in gave_up_ids.
eventually_correct = attempt_frame[~attempt_frame["screen_progress"].isin(gave_up_ids)]
groups = eventually_correct.groupby("screen_progress")
counts = groups.aggregate(len)["correct"]
  • 从结果中发现放弃的人提交的平均次数要大于没有放弃的人提交的平均次数。

Another Data Store


  • started-mission – a mission is started by a student
  • started-screen – a screen in a mission is started
  • show-hint – a click on the “hint” button
  • run-code – a click on the “run” button
  • reset-code – a click on the “reset code” button
  • next-screen – a click on the “next” button
  • get-answer – a click on the “show answer” button


list (<class ‘list‘>)
[[{‘event_type‘: ‘started-mission‘,
   ‘keen‘: {‘created_at‘: ‘2015-06-12T23:09:03.966Z‘,
    ‘id‘: ‘557b668fd2eaaa2e7c5e916b‘,
    ‘timestamp‘: ‘2015-06-12T23:09:07.971Z‘},
   ‘sequence‘: 1},
  {‘event_type‘: ‘started-screen‘,
   ‘keen‘: {‘created_at‘: ‘2015-06-12T23:09:03.979Z‘,
    ‘id‘: ‘557b668f90e4bd26c10b6ed6‘,
    ‘timestamp‘: ‘2015-06-
# We have 200 sessions

# The first session has 38 student events

# Here‘s a single event from the first user session -- it‘s a started-screen event

# We‘ll make a histogram of event counts per session
plt.hist([len(s) for s in sessions])
{‘event_type‘: ‘started-screen‘, ‘mission‘: 1, ‘type‘: ‘code‘, ‘sequence‘: 2, ‘keen‘: {‘timestamp‘: ‘2015-06-12T23:09:28.589Z‘, ‘id‘: ‘557b66a4672e6c40cd9249f7‘, ‘created_at‘: ‘2015-06-12T23:09:24.688Z‘}}


Event Structure

  • event_type – the type of event – there’s a list of event types in the last screen.
  • created_at – when the event occured – in the keen dictionary.
  • id – the unique id of the event – in the keen dictionary.
  • sequence – this field varies by event type – for started-mission events, it’s the mission that was started. For all other events, it’s the screen that the event occured on. Each mission consists of multiple screens.
  • mission – If the event occurs on a screen, then this is the mission the event occurs in.
  • type – if the event occurs on a screen, the type of screen (code, video, or text).
# Where we‘ll put the events after we "flatten" them
flat_events = []

# If we‘re going to combine everything in one dataframe, we need to keep 
# track of a session id for each session, so we can link events across sessions.
session_id = 1
# Loop through each session.
for session in sessions:
    # Loop through each event in each session.
    for event in session:
        new_event = {
            "session_id": session_id,
            # We use .get() to get the fields that could be missing.
            # .get() will return a default null value if the key isn‘t found in the dictionary.
            # If we used regular indexing like event["mission"], we would get an
            # error if the key wasn‘t found.
            "mission": event.get("mission"),
            "type": event.get("type"),
            "sequence": event.get("sequence")

        new_event["id"] = event["keen"]["id"]
        new_event["created_at"] = event["keen"]["created_at"]
        new_event["event_type"] = event["event_type"]

    # Increment the session id so each session has a unique id.
    session_id += 1
  • 为了将数据整理为DataFrame,首先需要将其转换为字典列表,所以需要将键都调整为统一水平,并且添加了一个新的键session_id,因为每个session有多个event,因此通过session_id将这些event联系起来。

Convert To Dataframe

event_frame = pd.DataFrame(flat_events)

Exploring The Session Data


# Sort event_frame in ascending order of created_at.
event_frame = event_frame.sort(["created_at"], ascending=[1])

# Group events by session
groups = event_frame.groupby("session_id")

ending_events = []
for name, group in groups:
    # The .tail() method will get the last few events from a dataframe.
    # The number you pass in controls how many events it will take from the end.
    # Passing in 1 ensures that it only takes the last one.
    last_event = group["event_type"].tail(1)

# The concat method will combine a list of series into a dataframe.
ending_events = pd.concat(ending_events)
ending_event_counts = ending_events.value_counts()


Most Common Events

event_counts = event_frame["event_type"].value_counts()



最常见的event和用户离开平台前的event有一个最主要的区别:绝大多数人在离开平台前都会触发started-screen event,要远远大于其平均概率。主要原因分析如下:
- 当人们打开一个screen,看了一眼觉得太难了然后离开这个学习平台。
- 或者他们打开了一个screen,运行的时间太长,使得他们离开了电脑。】
- 我们也可以看看哪个任务或者哪个屏幕用户在上面那个放弃了,这可以使我们意识到这个屏幕的内容或许太难或者太简单,然后做出相应的调整。

Mission Numbers

  • 我们想看看哪个mission上面的event最多,很显然,最开始mission有更多的观众。
event_counts = event_frame["mission"].value_counts()



  • mission中有字符型数据和数值型数据,所以上面那个条形图是对的。
count = event_frame["mission"].unique()
ndarray (<class ‘numpy.ndarray‘>)
array([None, 5, ‘5‘, ‘3‘, 3, 2, 7, ‘2‘, 6, ‘6‘, 1, ‘1‘, ‘9‘, 9, 4, ‘4‘,
       ‘7‘, ‘8‘, 8, ‘33‘, 51, ‘51‘], dtype=object)


  • 基于一个用户当前的sequence是否能预测他下一步要采取的动作
  • 是否某些events经常出现在某些missions
  • 能否评估mission的困难度
  • 其他的数据怎么收集




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