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An error from my past projects

时间:2017-02-26 01:21:49      阅读:140      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:gui   question   guess   err   orm   database   when   one   list   

When i build todo list in the web, i need to distinguish between users in the database. So I should post the information of users, and get the information of the user. The problem is that when I add an account to the database, two data will be add to database. I guess this question is that when I post the information to the database, the project post twice. So I look for the code of post, and I find two code of post. At last I delete one to solve the question. I analysis the reasons according to the failure.

An error from my past projects

标签:gui   question   guess   err   orm   database   when   one   list   


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