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机器学习笔记(Washington University)- Classification Specialization-week five

时间:2017-05-17 23:28:21      阅读:173      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:import   机器学习   学习   init   nbsp   src   cal   tin   compute   

1. Ensemble classifier 

Each classifier votes on prediction

Ensemble model = sign(w1f1(xi) + w2f2(xi) + w3f3(xi))

www3 is the learning coefficients

f1(xi), f2(xi), f3(xi)) is three classifiers


2. Boosting

Focus on hard or more important pointsand keep adding new classfier.


Boosting is more robust to overfitting but we still need carefully to choose boosting captical T

using validation set or cross validation.


3. Adaboost

1. Start with weight for all points: αi = 1/N

For t = 1 ... T

  • Learn ft(x) with data weights αi
  • Compute coefficient w
    • Note :

      Adaboost use the formual below to compute coefficient wt of classifier ft(x)

      wt  = 1/2*ln(1- weighted_error(ft)/weighted_error(ft))

  • Recompute weights αi
    •   α= αie-Wt, if ft(xi)=yi else αieWt
  • Normalizing weights:
    •   αi = αi / (α1 +α2 ...  αN)


Final model predicts the value by:

y = sign(wf1(x) + wft(x) ... wfT(x))


Weighted classification error:

weighted_error = total weight of mistakes / total weights of all data points


Normalizing weights αi

normalize weights to add up to 1 after every iterationn

α= αi / (α1 +α2 ...  αN)


4. Adaboost Theorem

if we can find a weak leatner with weighted_error < 0.5 (beat random guess) at every iteration t,

 the training error of boosted classifier goes to zero as the iterations of boosting goes to infinity.


机器学习笔记(Washington University)- Classification Specialization-week five

标签:import   机器学习   学习   init   nbsp   src   cal   tin   compute   


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