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Python 笔记 #14# Pandas: Selection

时间:2018-01-21 00:02:57      阅读:197      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:bool   numpy   元素   oat   log   exe   pandas   sig   randn   


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

dates = pd.date_range(20180116, periods=3) # 创建 16 17 18 等六个日期

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(3,4), index=dates, columns=list(ABCD)) # 这是二维的,类似于一个

# Getting

# print(df[‘A‘]) # 选中一列
# 2013-01-01    0.469112
# 2013-01-02    1.212112
# 2013-01-03   -0.861849
# 2013-01-04    0.721555
# 2013-01-05   -0.424972
# 2013-01-06   -0.673690
# Freq: D, Name: A, dtype: float64

# print(df[0:3]) # 不包括第三行!
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-16 -0.621070 -0.558260 -0.068434 -1.225484
# 2018-01-17  0.500783 -0.289074 -0.251468 -0.935832
# 2018-01-18  0.299410  2.279664  0.325912  0.461620

# print(df[‘20180116‘:‘20180117‘]) # 顾名思义
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-16 -0.009937  0.545212  0.682592  0.666001
# 2018-01-17  0.641140  0.539408  0.876006 -0.410707

# Selection by Label
# print(df)
# print(df.loc[dates[0]])
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-16 -1.531173  0.473732 -0.017051 -0.911358
# 2018-01-17 -2.153974  1.320710  1.970252 -1.992209
# 2018-01-18 -0.829090  1.096573  0.997688 -0.401185
# A   -1.531173
# B    0.473732
# C   -0.017051
# D   -0.911358
# Name: 2018-01-16 00:00:00, dtype: float64

# print(df)
# print(df.loc[:,[‘A‘,‘B‘]])
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-16  0.077497  1.364726  0.343679 -1.099019
# 2018-01-17 -0.573355 -0.939503  0.020275  1.073868
# 2018-01-18 -0.507676 -0.820279 -1.802128 -0.328978
#                    A         B
# 2018-01-16  0.077497  1.364726
# 2018-01-17 -0.573355 -0.939503
# 2018-01-18 -0.507676 -0.820279

# print(df)
# print(df.loc[‘20180116‘:‘20180117‘,[‘A‘,‘B‘]])
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-16  2.526965  0.820404  0.095466  0.611306
# 2018-01-17 -1.359352  1.602012  0.337596  2.380324
# 2018-01-18 -0.453608  1.454857  1.443562  2.145979
#                    A         B
# 2018-01-16  2.526965  0.820404
# 2018-01-17 -1.359352  1.602012

# print(df)
# print(df.loc[‘20180116‘,[‘A‘,‘B‘]])
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-16 -0.143268 -0.954798  0.637066 -1.433980
# 2018-01-17  0.527822  1.673820  1.150244 -0.644368
# 2018-01-18  0.550647  0.012898  1.065985  2.614110
# A   -0.143268
# B   -0.954798
# Name: 2018-01-16 00:00:00, dtype: float64

# print(df)
# print(df.loc[dates[0],‘A‘])
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-16  0.557596 -0.140733  0.921194 -0.618365
# 2018-01-17  0.499742 -0.709669 -0.128449 -3.033026
# 2018-01-18  0.014871 -1.198496 -0.241682 -0.502687
# 0.5575964215814226

# print(df)
# print(df.at[dates[0],‘A‘])
# at的使用方法与loc类似,但是比loc有更快的访问数据的速度,而且只能访问单个元素,不能访问多个元素。
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-16  0.557596 -0.140733  0.921194 -0.618365
# 2018-01-17  0.499742 -0.709669 -0.128449 -3.033026
# 2018-01-18  0.014871 -1.198496 -0.241682 -0.502687
# 0.5575964215814226

# Selection by Position

# print(df)
# print(df.iloc[0])
# print(df.iloc[2])
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-16 -0.660315  0.116266 -0.914127  0.598307
# 2018-01-17 -1.882812  1.715777 -0.355752 -0.192475
# 2018-01-18  0.628092  0.700135  0.402080  0.949126
# A   -0.660315
# B    0.116266
# C   -0.914127
# D    0.598307
# Name: 2018-01-16 00:00:00, dtype: float64
# A    0.628092
# B    0.700135
# C    0.402080
# D    0.949126
# Name: 2018-01-18 00:00:00, dtype: float64

# print(df)
# print(df.iloc[0:1,1:3]) # [0:1] 不包括 1 , [1:3] 不包括 3
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-16 -0.685245  1.835675 -0.630813 -0.408195
# 2018-01-17 -0.899057  0.257409  0.305275 -0.956311
# 2018-01-18 -1.111117  0.280925 -0.463713  0.882284
#                    B         C
# 2018-01-16  1.835675 -0.630813

# print(df)
# print(df.iloc[[1,2,0],[0,2]]) # 选第2行、第3行、第0行,第1列第3列
# print(df.iloc[1:2,:])
# print(df.iloc[:,1:2])
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-16  0.221714  0.357890 -0.905870 -0.099446
# 2018-01-17 -0.636384 -1.428893 -0.471488 -1.197841
# 2018-01-18  1.044619 -0.346529 -0.164955  0.201145
#                    A         C
# 2018-01-17 -0.636384 -0.471488
# 2018-01-18  1.044619 -0.164955
# 2018-01-16  0.221714 -0.905870
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-17 -0.636384 -1.428893 -0.471488 -1.197841
#                    B
# 2018-01-16  0.357890
# 2018-01-17 -1.428893
# 2018-01-18 -0.346529

# print(df.iloc[1,1])
# print(df.iat[1,1]) # 访问确切的值 比上面的快?
# -0.2891820477026986
# -0.2891820477026986

# Boolean Indexing
# print(df[df.A > 0]) # 多随机几次是有可能 empty set 的,选中的就是 df.A > 0 的那些行!
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-17  0.322452  0.803659 -0.982818  0.149446
# 2018-01-18  0.501591 -0.114393 -0.306871 -2.258557
# 上面几列都是 A 列数字大于 0 的

# print(df[df > 0]) # 这个是全局选值
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-16  1.453356       NaN  0.120802  0.368208
# 2018-01-17  0.459706  0.802484       NaN       NaN
# 2018-01-18       NaN  0.569428  0.952326  0.541748

# Setting

# Setting a new column automatically aligns the data by the indexes
# s1 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index=pd.date_range(‘20180116‘, periods=3))
# print(s1)
# print(df)
# df[‘F‘] = s1
# print(df)
# 2018-01-16    1
# 2018-01-17    2
# 2018-01-18    3
# Freq: D, dtype: int64
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-16 -0.261046 -0.561609 -2.263514  2.359545
# 2018-01-17  0.563822 -1.301185  0.906939  0.478209
# 2018-01-18  0.942304  1.231033 -0.016457  0.659738
#                    A         B         C         D  F
# 2018-01-16 -0.261046 -0.561609 -2.263514  2.359545  1
# 2018-01-17  0.563822 -1.301185  0.906939  0.478209  2
# 2018-01-18  0.942304  1.231033 -0.016457  0.659738  3

# print(df)
# df.at[dates[0],‘A‘] = 0 # Setting values by label
# df.iat[0, 1] = 0 # Setting values by position
# df.loc[:,‘D‘] = np.array([99] * len(df)) # Setting by assigning with a numpy array
# print(df)
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-16  1.113651 -0.978514 -0.852811  0.933365
# 2018-01-17 -1.395547 -0.158742 -1.509723 -0.917854
# 2018-01-18  0.672396 -1.248654 -1.430043 -1.133012
#                    A         B         C   D
# 2018-01-16  0.000000  0.000000 -0.852811  99
# 2018-01-17 -1.395547 -0.158742 -1.509723  99
# 2018-01-18  0.672396 -1.248654 -1.430043  99

# A where operation with setting.
# df2 = df.copy()
# print(df2)
# df2[df2 > 0] = -df2
# print(df2)
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-16  0.824635 -0.914218 -0.953014  0.166094
# 2018-01-17 -0.037925  0.018838  0.927026  0.322848
# 2018-01-18  0.596024  0.851863 -0.548556  0.243168
#                    A         B         C         D
# 2018-01-16 -0.824635 -0.914218 -0.953014 -0.166094
# 2018-01-17 -0.037925 -0.018838 -0.927026 -0.322848
# 2018-01-18 -0.596024 -0.851863 -0.548556 -0.243168


Python 笔记 #14# Pandas: Selection

标签:bool   numpy   元素   oat   log   exe   pandas   sig   randn   


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