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2.2 去除字符串特别字符

时间:2018-03-21 23:22:07      阅读:199      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:ttl   turn   fst   word   AC   must   pil   equal   ring   


package main

import (

const refString = "Mary had a little lamb"

func main() {

    words := strings.Fields(refString)
    for idx, word := range words {
        fmt.Printf("Word %d is: %s\n", idx, word)


Word 0 is: Mary
Word 1 is: had
Word 2 is: a
Word 3 is: little
Word 4 is: lamb


package main

import (

const refString = "Mary_had a little_lamb"

func main() {

    words := strings.Split(refString, "_")
    for idx, word := range words {
        fmt.Printf("Word %d is: %s\n", idx, word)


Word 0 is: Mary
Word 1 is: had a little
Word 2 is: lamb



package main

import (

const refString = "Mary*had,a%little_lamb"

func main() {

    // The splitFunc is called for each
    // rune in a string. If the rune
    // equals any of character in a "*%,_"
    // the refString is splitted.
    splitFunc := func(r rune) bool {
        return strings.ContainsRune("*%,_", r)

    words := strings.FieldsFunc(refString, splitFunc)
    for idx, word := range words {
        fmt.Printf("Word %d is: %s\n", idx, word)


Word 0 is: Mary
Word 1 is: had
Word 2 is: a
Word 3 is: little
Word 4 is: lamb


package main

import (

const refString = "Mary*had,a%little_lamb"

func main() {

    words := regexp.MustCompile("[*,%_]{1}").Split(refString, -1)
    for idx, word := range words {
        fmt.Printf("Word %d is: %s\n", idx, word)


Word 0 is: Mary
Word 1 is: had
Word 2 is: a
Word 3 is: little
Word 4 is: lamb


2.2 去除字符串特别字符

标签:ttl   turn   fst   word   AC   must   pil   equal   ring   


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