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标签:ESS   HCL   大型   娱乐性   形式   gui   cte   been   hydra   



D-麦角酸二乙胺,即麦角二乙酰胺,普遍被称为LSD,是一种强大的半人工致幻剂。LSD的一次典型剂量只有100微克,相当於一粒沙子重量的十分之一。 LSD会造成持续6到12个小时的感官、感觉、记忆和自我意识的强烈化与变化。另外,LSD通常会产生一些视觉效果,比如会动的几何图形、物体移动的「残迹」、和光辉的色彩等。LSD通常不会产生严格定义下的幻觉,而是一些幻影和生动如白日梦般的幻想。如果集中力比较高的话,则可以造成感觉相连症(synaesthesia)。LSD是从麦角酸中合成出来,并且对氧气、紫外线与氯很敏感,尤其是在液态的时候。纯的LSD无色、无气味,味道是苦的。 LSD典型上是口服,通常是以某种吸取物质,比如说吸墨纸、方糖或明胶,吸取LSD后将该吸取物放入口中,不过也有可能透过食物或饮料来服用。所有的这些服用方法中,LSD都是无味的。

LSD这三个英文字母是该化合物的德文Lysergs?ure-di?thylamid的简写而来。它是在1938年由一位瑞士化学家艾伯特·霍夫曼(Albert Hofmann)博士,於巴塞尔的桑多兹实验室(Sandoz 实验室)进行一个有关麦角碱类复合物的大型研究计画时,第一次合成出来的。LSD的精神转换效果则一直要到霍夫曼於5年之后的1943 年回到化学研究中才发现的。他在一次意外的接触中透过皮肤吸收了微量的LSD而发现的,并使他继续在他自己身上试验LSD的精神效果(完整故事)。

直到1966年为止,LSD和psilocybin都是由桑多兹实验室免费提供给有兴趣的科学家。精神病学家使用这些化合物来得到对精神分裂症一个比较好的亲身体验,是一种可以被接受的行为。许多临床实验在研究关於把LSD使用於精神治疗的可能性,普遍都得到非常正面的结果。LSD的首度大众娱乐化,是在 1950年代期间流行於一小群心理健康专家(比如精神病学家和心理学家),和一些政治和社会上的重要人士之间,如亨利·路斯(Henry Luce)。


一些心理健康专家,比如哈佛大学心理学教授提莫西·李瑞(Timothy Leary)博士和理察·艾尔帕(Richard Alpert)博士(后来以拉姆·达斯Ram Dass闻名),相信LSD有可以做为精神成长工具的潜力。他们被传统心理学术圈开除,并且在1960年代的嬉皮运动中成为反文化的精神导师,将LSD的使用扩展到更广大的群众。当LSD与反文化和嬉皮的关系变得越来越密切时,它在1967年被美国禁止。美国进行了庞大的宣传工作来妖魔化这个药物,通常是在学校的反毒教育中传布有关其药效的明显错误资讯。LSD在美国的使用於1970年代和80年代下滑,可能就是这些计画造成的结果。



剂量 LSD按重量而言是迄今为止发现的最强烈(potent)的精神{百毒}药品之一。从试验者的体验和药物学方法(例如受体结合实验)都发现LSD比光盖伞素和光盖伞辛要强100倍,比墨斯卡林强4000倍。LSD的剂量以微克为单位,相对而言几乎所有其他的药品和毒品都以毫克为单位。





 生理是迷幻性最强的药。 服用可能导致逼真幻觉、时空幻觉。 长期服用可能有旅行片段。













步骤1 使用黄色灯



步骤2 使用红色灯





步骤1 使用黄色灯



步骤2 使用黄色灯






步骤1 使用白色灯



步骤2 使用白色灯



步骤3 使用红色灯







步骤1 使用用长波紫外线的暗房



步骤2 使用红色灯






  First of All, All we‘re doing is extracting the lysergic acid amides
  either from morning glory or Hawaiian wood rose seeds
  首先, 我们所要做的都是从牵牛花或者Hawaiian wood rose的种子里提取D-麦角酸二乙胺
  1) Grind up 150 grams of morning glory seeds or baby hawaiian wood rose seeds.
  将150克牵牛花或baby hawaiian wood rose的种子磨碎
  2) In 130 cc. of petroleum ether soak the seeds for two days.
  3) Filter the Solution through a tight screen.
  4) Throw away the liquid and let the seed mush dry.
  5) For two days allow the seed mush to soak in 110 cc. of wood alchohol.
  6) Filter the solution again, saving the liquid and labeling it "1".
  再次过滤溶液, 保存过滤的液体并标号为1
  7) Resoak the mush in 110 cc. of wood alcohol for two days
  8) Filter and throw away mush.
  9) Add the liquid from the second soak to the solution labeled "1".
  10) Pour the liquid into a cookie tray and allow to evaporate.
  11) When all the liquid has evaporated, a yellow gum remains. This should be
   scraped up into capsules.
  当所有的液体都蒸发掉后, 会得到一个黄色的胶状物. 这个胶状物需要收集到胶囊里
  30 Grams Of Morning Glory Seeds = One Trip
  15 Grams Hawaiian Wood Rose Seeds = One Trip
  15克Hawaiian Wood Rose种子可以产生一次"旅行"
  Many companies, such as Northop-King, have been coating their seeds with a
  toxic chemical, which is poison. Order seeds from a wholesaler, as it is
  much safer and cheaper.
  很多公司, 比如Northop-King, 将他们生产的种子的外面包裹一层有毒的化学物质. 因此最好从批发商那里购买种子, 更安全并且更便宜






LSD-25 Synthesis from "Psychedelic Guide to the Preparation of the Eucharist"

Preparatory arrangements

Starting material may be any lysergic acid derivative, from ergot on rye grain or from culture, or morning glory seeds or from synthetic sources. Preparation #1 uses any amide, or lysergic acid as starting material. Preparations #2 and #3 must start with lysergic acid only, prepared from the amides as follows:

10 g of any lysergic acid amide from various natural sources dissolved in 200 ml of methanolic KOH solution and the methanol removed immediately in vacuo. The residue is treated with 200 ml of an 8% aqueous solution of KOH and the mixture heated on a steam bath for one hour. A stream of nitrogen gas is passed through the flask during heating and the evolved NH3 gas may be titrated is HCl to follow the reaction. The alkaline solution is made neutral to congo red with tartaric acid, filtered, cleaned by extraction with ether, the aqueous solution filtered and evaporated. Digest with MeOH to remove some of the coloured material from the crystals of lysergic acid.


Arrange the lighting in the lab similarly to that of a dark room. Use photographic red and yellow safety lights, as lysergic acid derivatives are decomposed when light is present. Rubber gloves must be worn due to the highly poisonous nature of ergot alkaloids. A hair drier, or, better, a flash evaporator, is necessary to speed up steps where evaporation is necessary.







Preparation #1


Step I. Use Yellow light


Place one volume of powdered ergot alkaloid material in a tiny roundbottom flask and add two volumes of anhydrous hydrazine. An alternate procedure uses a sealed tube in which the reagents are heated at 112 C. The mixture is refluxed (or heated) for 30 minutes. Add 1.5 volumes of H2O and boil 15 minutes. On cooling in the refrigerator, isolysergic acid hydrazide is crystallised.


Step II. Use Red light


Chill all reagents and have ice handy. Dissolve 2.82 g hydrazine rapidly in 100 ml 0.1 N ice-cold HCl using an ice bath to keep the reaction vessel at 0 C. 100 ml ice-cold 0.1 N NaNO2 is added and after 2 to 3 minutes vigorous stirring, 130 ml more HCl is added dropwise with vigorous stirring again in an ice bath. After 5 minutes, neutralise the solution with NaHCO3 saturated sol. and extract with ether. Remove the aqueous solution and try to dissolve the gummy substance in ether. Adjust the ether solution by adding 3 g diethylamine per 300 ml ether extract. Allow to stand in the dark, gradually warming up to 20 C over a period of 24 hours. Evaporate in vacuum and treat as indicated in the purification section for conversion of iso-lysergic amides to lysergic acid amides.






Preparation #2


Step I. Use Yellow light


5.36 g of d-lysergic acid are suspended in 125 ml of acetonitrile and the suspension cooled to about -20 C in a bath of acetone cooled with dry ice. To the suspension is added a cold (-20 C) solution of 8.82 g of trifluoroacetic anhydride in 75 ml of acetonitrile. The mixture is allowed to stand at -20 C for about 1.5 hours during which the suspended material dissolves, and the d-lysergic acid is converted to the mixed anhydride of lysergic and trifluoroacetic acids. The mixed anhydride can be separated in the form of an oil by evaporating the solvent in vacuo at a temperature below 0 C, but this is not necessary. Everything must be kept anhydrous.



Step II. Use Yellow light


The solution of mixed anhydrides in acetonitrile from Step I is added to 150 ml of a second solution of acetonitrile containing 7.6 g of diethylamine. The mixture is held in the dark at room temperature for about 2 hours. The acetonitrile is evaporated in vacuo, leaving a residue of LSD-25 plus other impurities. The residue is dissolved in 150 ml of chloroform and 20 ml of ice water. The chloroform layer is removed and the aqueous layer is extracted with several portions of chloroform. The chloroform portions are combined and in turn washed with four 50 ml portions of ice-cold water. The chloroform solution is then dried over anhydrous Na2SO4 and evaporated in vacuo.






Preparation #3


This procedure gives good yield and is very fast with little iso-lysergic acid being formed (its effect are mildly unpleasant). However, the stoichometry must be exact or yields will drop.


Step I. Use White light


Sulfur trioxide is produced in anhydrous state by carefully decomposing anhydrous ferric sulfate at approximately 480 C. Store under anhydrous conditions.


Step II. Use White light


A carefully dried 22 litre RB flask fitted with an ice bath, condenser, dropping funnel and mechanical stirrer is charged with 10 to 11 litres of dimethylformamide (freshly distilled under reduced pressure). The condenser and dropping funnel are both protected against atmospheric moisture. 2 lb of sulfur trioxide (Sulfan B) are introduced dropwise, very cautiously stirring, during 4 to 5 hours. The temperature is kept at 0-5 C throughout the addition. After the addition is complete, the mixture is stirred for 1-2 hours until some separated, crystalline sulfur trioxide-dimethylformamide complex has dissolved. The reagent is transferred to an air- tight automatic pipette for convenient dispensing, and kept in the cold. Although the reagent, which is colourless, may change from yellow to red, its efficiency remains unimpaired for three to four months in cold storage. An aliquot is dissolved in water and titrated with standard NaOH to a phenolphthalein end point.


Step III. Use Red light


A solution of 7.15 g of d-lysergic acid mono hydrate (25 mmol) and 1.06 g of lithium hydroxide hydrate (25 mmol) in 200 ml of MeOH is prepared. The solvent is distilled on the steam bath under reduced pressure. the residue of glass-like lithium lysergate is dissolved in 400 ml of anhydrous dimethyl formamide. From this solution about 200 ml of the dimethyl formamide is distilled off at 15 ml pressure through a 12 inch helices packed column. the resulting anhydrous solution of lithium lysergate left behind is cooled to 0 C and, with stirring, treated rapidly with 500 ml of SO3-DMF solution (1.00 molar). The mixture is stirred in the cold for 10 minutes and then 9.14 g (125.0 mmol) of diethylamine is added. The stirring and cooling are continued for 10 minutes longer, when 400 ml of water is added to decompose the reaction complex. After mixing thoroughly, 200 ml of saturated aqueous saline solution is added. The amide product is isolated by repeated extraction with 500 ml portions of ethylene dichloride. the combined extract is dried and then concentrated to a syrup under reduced pressure. Do not heat up the syrup during concentration. the LSD may crystallise out, but the crystals and the mother liquor may be chromatographed according to the instructions on purification.


Purification of LSD-25


The material obtained by any of these three preparations may contain both lysergic acid and iso-lysergic acid amides. Preparation #1 contains mostly iso-lysergic diethylamide and must be converted prior to separation. For this material, go to Step II first.


Step I

Use darkroom and follow with a long wave UV The material is dissolved in a 3:1 mixture of benzene and chloroform. Pack the chromatography column with a slurry of basic alumina in benzene so that a 1 inch column is six inches long. Drain the solvent to the top of the alumina column and carefully add an aliquot of the LSD-solvent solution containing 50 ml of solvent and 1 g LSD. Run this through the column, following the fastest moving fluorescent band. After it has been collected, strip the remaining material from the column by washing with MeOH. Use the UV light sparingly to prevent excessive damage to the compounds. Evaporate the second fraction in vacuo and set aside for Step II. The fraction containing the pure LSD is concentrated in vacuo and the syrup will crystallise slowly. This material may be converted to the tartrate by tartaric acid and the LSD tartrate conveniently crystallised. MP 190-196 C.


Step II. Use Red light


Dissolve the residue derived from the methanol stripping of the column in a minimum amount of alcohol. Add twice that volume of 4 N alcoholic KOH solution and allow the mixture to stand at room temperature for several hours. Neutralise with dilute HCl, make slightly basic with NH4OH and extract with chloroform or ethylene dichloride as in preparations #1 or #2. Evaporate in vacuo and chromatograph as in the previous step.

Lysergic acid compounds are unstable to heat, light and oxygen. In any form it helps to add ascorbic acid as an anti- oxidant, keeping the container tightly closed, light-tight with aluminum foil, and in a refrigerator.







Synthesis of d-LSD maleate or tartrate from lysergic acid with POCl3



Johnson, Ary, Teiger, Kassel. "Emetic Activity of Reduced Lysergamides." Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 16(5):532-537. 1973.




Huang, Marona-Lewicka, Pfaff, Nichols. "Drug Discrimination and Receptor Binding Studies of N-Isopropyl Lysergamide Derivates." Pharmacology, Biochmistry and Behavior. 47(3):667-673, 1994.


Oberlender, Pfaff, Johnson, Huang, Nichols. "Stereoselective LSD-like Activity in d-Lysergic Acid Amides of (R)- and (S)-2-Aminobutane." Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 35(2):203-211, 1992.


Hoffman-AJ, Nichols. "Synthesis and LSD-like Descriminative Stimulus Properties in a Series of N(6)-alkyl Norlysergic Acid N,N-Diethylamide Derivates." Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 28:1252-1255, 1985.


NOTE: JMC 35(2):203-211 has some amazing stereoviews of LSD which might interest non-chemists who like to cross their eyes.

Under reduced light (or red light) a stirred solution of 3.15g (11 mmol) of d-lysergic acid monohydrate and 4.45g (99 mmol) of diethylamine was brought to reflux by heating. Heat was removed, and reflux was maintained by the addition of 2ml (3.4g, 22mmol) of phosphorous oxychloride (POCl3) over a 2 minute period. The mixture was then refluxed for an additional 4-5 mins until an amber-colored solution resulted. The solution was brought to room temperature and was washed with 200ml of 1M NH4OH. The CHCl3 solution was dried (MgSO4), filtered, and concentrated under vacuum (not allowing the solution to exceed 40 degrees C). The last traces of the solvent were removed at 2-5 mm. The viscious residue was dissolved in a minimum amount of MeOH and acidified with a freshly prepared 20% solution of maleic acid in MeOH. Crystallization occured spontaneously. The needles were filtered, washed with cold MeOH and air-dried. Yield was 66% after further purification by column chromatography over alumina (Brockman) and elution with 3:1 benzene-chloroform. The chromatography takes appx 8-9 hours. Alternatively, it can be crystallized as the (+)-tartrate from MeOH. After crystallizing from cold MeOH, it is diluted with ethyl acetate, filtered and the the crystals are washed with ethyl acetate.


This procedure also works for primary amines and small dialkyl amines. LSD, however, probably remains the most worthwhile product. Other interesting amines might be the N-ethyl-N-propyl derivative (LEP) and the morpholide (LSM-775). 75ug of the morpholide have been reported to have been as effective as 50ug of d-LSD but with 45 min onset (vs 1 hour) and a 1 hour peak (vs 4 hours). The procedure would probably work well for LEP, but yields would be reduced for the morpholide. Other N(20)-alkyl-lysergic acid derivatives tend to be more than 10 times less potent than LSD if not effectively inactive. N(6)-ethyl- (and -allyl- and -propyl-) derivates of LSD may be more active than LSD itself, but synthetic routes to these chemicals presently start with LSD and yields would probably inhibit their appearance on the illicit market. (N(6) is the other nitrogen on the ring structure in addition to the N(1) pyrrole/indole nitrogen). Derivatives of LSD (besides LSA/LA-111 and lysergic acid) are not scheduled, but would be prosecutable under the designer drugs act after testimony from a DEA agent that _in their opinion_ the defendant was planning to distribute them.





标签:ESS   HCL   大型   娱乐性   形式   gui   cte   been   hydra   


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