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How to develop on Xcode

时间:2018-12-01 11:05:42      阅读:158      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:lov   drag   develop   his   label   action   code   name   arp   

create a mac app,click button to change label text?
create project,click left window button on Main.storyboard,click ViewController on the left,drag push button and label to view controller,use duo code and ui framework with suit icon,ctrl-drag label and button named myLabel and myButton to create IBOutlet in ViewController.h,ctrl-drag button named myButton to create IBAction in ViewController.m,inner sender enter _myLabel.stringValue=@"love"; to change label text
remove git from xcode to avoid xcode read history code.

How to develop on Xcode

标签:lov   drag   develop   his   label   action   code   name   arp   


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