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support library

时间:2019-03-31 15:34:09      阅读:198      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:ogr   nts   format   size   直接   lis   dia   androi   ada   


v4 Support Libraries:zhege 

 These libraries include the largest set of APIs compared to the other libraries, including support for application components, user interface features, accessibility, data handling, network connectivity, and programming utilities. 

For complete, detailed information about the classes and methods provided by the v4 support libraries, see the android.support.v4 package in the API reference.包括的组件包括下面几个aar包的使用。

(v4 compat library、v4 core-utils library、v4 core-ui library、v4 media-compat library、v4 fragment library)


Note: Prior to Support Library revision 24.2.0, there was a single v4 support library. That library was divided into multiple modules to improve efficiency. For backwards compatibility, if you list support-v4 in your Gradle script, your APK will include all of the v4 modules. However, to reduce APK size, we recommend that you just list the specific modules your app needs.

v4包是 现在已经拆分了,可以分为好几个包使用,这样的好处是减少apk的大小,可以把不需要的包直接干掉,不要放到v4里面使用。


v7 appcompat library   :这个包以来v4 的包

These libraries provide specific feature sets and can be included in your application independently from each other.



Design Support Library主要包含谷歌的material design效果的控件,这个包依赖多个安卓的包


The design package provides APIs to support adding material design components and patterns to your apps.

The Design Support library adds support for various material design components and patterns for app developers to build upon, such as navigation drawers, floating action buttons (FAB), snackbars, and tab

The Gradle build script dependency identifier for this library is as follows:

技术图片  技术图片


Annotations Support Library这个包是单独依赖的,不会依赖任何support的包,只会依赖


The Annotation package provides APIs to support adding annotation metadata to your apps.

The Gradle build script dependency identifier for this library is as follows:



support library

标签:ogr   nts   format   size   直接   lis   dia   androi   ada   


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