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How to save money when traveling to Seattle

时间:2019-10-16 13:15:25      阅读:88      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:ali   from   ann   roo   mos   factor   img   unique   cdn   



Since 2008, guests and hosts have used Airbnb to travel in a more unique, personalized way.I want to use a dateset from Airbnb to help people make decision when traveling to Seattle.

Part I: When is the busiest time of the year in Seattle?

When we want to travel to a city, the first question come to our mind is when to travel.

I counted the monthly bookings for Seattle,and find that Seattle is very busy in summer. If you want to travel in a more leisure way, you‘d better not go to Seattle in summer


Part II: What factors are house prices related to?

Travel budget is an important part of travel planning.So i want to know what factors are house prices related to?

By building a model to predict the house price, I find the most important factor is room type and neighbor.If you wan to reduce your travel budget, you‘d better find a house in a cheap neighborhood and share with others.

Part III:Where can we find cheap house?

I group the house by neighbor,and find Magnolia, Queen Anne and Downtown is the most expensive area. So if you want to reduce your travel budget, you should avoid to order a house in these places.



Through my analysis, i found that summer is the busiest season. If you want to travel in a more leisure way, you‘d better not go to Seattle in summer.

By building a model to predict the price of house,i found that neighbourhood is the most important factor affecting housing prices. Magnolia, Queen Anne and Downtown is the most expensive area. So if you want to reduce your travel budget, you should avoid to order a house in these places.



How to save money when traveling to Seattle

标签:ali   from   ann   roo   mos   factor   img   unique   cdn   


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