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outer wilds review

时间:2020-03-29 01:44:58      阅读:85      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:sts   his   outer   OLE   minutes   ons   des   enc   who   


You solar system is a ticking time bomb
Generations were born, live, and die, not knowing that the sun will eventually destroy their world.
It doesn’t particularly matter to anyone before today.
But that unstoppable super nova does matter to me, the person who have achieved his dream of becoming an astronaut, minutes before the explosion.
It also matters to the scientists who have spent their whole life trying to unravel the mystery of the universe, and were inches away before they saw all of it destroyed.
It probably matters to the kid who just want to play hide and seek, the elder who have seen astronauts like me come and go, the explorers who have taken up residence on another planet
It probably matters to them too.

outer wilds review

标签:sts   his   outer   OLE   minutes   ons   des   enc   who   


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