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Solr In Action 笔记(3) 之 SolrCloud基础

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Solr In Action 笔记(3) 之 SolrCloud基础

在Solr中,一个索引的实例称之为Core,而在SolrCloud中,一个索引的实例称之为Shard;Shard 又分为leader和replica。

1. SolrCloud的特质


  • 可扩展性



Scalability / limitation 
Mitigation strategy 

Number of documents indexed: Having a large number of documents in an index impacts the performance of faceting, sorting, and constructing filters. Also, we are currently limited to 2.1 billion documents per Lucene index due to the document ID being stored as an integer. 

Split large indexes into multiple smaller indexes using sharding; 

Document size and complexity: Having many fields or large text fields requires more memory and faster disk I/O. 

Add more RAM and faster disks. 

Indexing throughput: You may need to index thousands of documents per second. 

Distribute indexing operations across multiple nodes using sharding. 

Document volatility: If existing documents change frequently, your indexes will be more volatile, requiring constant seg- ment merging. 

Get faster disks to facilitate constant seg- ment merging; 

Query volume (typically measured by QPS—queries per second). 

Use replication to increase the number of threads available to execute queries. 

Query complexity: This includes facets, grouping, custom sorting impact, and query execution performance. 

Use sharding and replication to parallel- ize complex query computations such as faceting and sorting. 


  • 高可用性


  • 一致性

     对于一个分布式搜索引擎来说,一致性,性能,以及分割容差是三个主要指标,其中一致性与读写性能是个矛盾的指标,以SolrCloud为例,SolrCloud选择了一致性而适当放弃了写的性能。SolrCloud具有replica时,当有数据建立索引,SolrCloud首先将数据update至leader shard,然后leadershard再将数据进行分发至各个replica shard,leader shard进行分发是个同步的过程,也就是说它会一直等到所以replica shard的数据update成功才会返回成功,中间一旦出现错误就视为失败,这样就充分保证了leader和replica的数据一致性,当然这也就降低了写的速度。这里需要说明的是,当replica是不上线状态时候,SolrCloud的leader是不会分发至这个replica shard的,关于shard 的状态在下文中将会具体介绍。至于为什么SolrCloud对弱一致性的零容忍态度,主要是避免索引的部分成功以及多个shard查询结果的不同。

  • 简单性


  • 伸缩性


2. Zookeeper


  • 集中配置存储以及管理
  • 集群状态改变时进行监控以及通知
  • shard leader选举


2.1 zookeeper 数据类型





2.2 Znode Watcher

     Znode Watcher是Zookeeper一个重要概念和特性,当Znode发生变化时候,Zookeeper会告诉所有在该Znode注册的Watcher这个Znode改变了,从而出发相应的事务。比如SolrCloud的/clusterstate.json  Znode,SolrCloud的所有的Solr都会在这里进行注册,如果当有新的replica或者node下线了,所有的watcher就会收到通知,然后每一个Solr就会更新它的clusterstate。这在SolrCloud的shard leader选举过程中将会详细介绍。

2.3 配置



     SolrCloud配置Zookeeper时候,需要在solr.xml内的zkHost加入zookeeper节点配置,如zk1.example.com:2181, zk2.example.com:2181 。

2.4 Zookeeper Client Timeout

     当Solr加入集群后,会在Znode上建立短连接,当Solr下线时候,Zookeeper就会删除这个Znode。我们希望Zookeeper能够尽可能快的察觉出SolrCloud的集群状态变化。默认情况下,这个时间是15秒,我们可以设置zkClientTimeout 这个配置来修改他。


2.5  Zookeeper的配置存储以及分布式管理



3 Shard 和 Replica

3.1 Shard和Replica的数量


3.2 集群管理

      正常的SolrCloud Index 和Query都需要集群的shard 和 replica 都处于active状态, shard leader需要知道它的所有的active Replica才能进行update操作。SolrCloud具有多种状态:

状态 描述


Active nodes are happily serving queries and accepting update requests. Active rep- licas are in sync with their shard leader. A healthy cluster is one in which all nodes are active. 


Used during shard splitting to indicate that a Solr instance is no longer participating in the collection. Shards that get split enter this state once the splits are active. 


Used during shard splitting to indicate that a split is being created. Shards in this state buffer update requests from the parent shard but do not participate in queries. 


Recovering instances are running but can’t serve queries. They do accept update requests while recovering so that they don’t continue to fall behind the leader. 

Recovery Failed 

The instance attempted to recover but encountered an error. In most cases, you will need to consult the logs and manually resolve the issue preventing the instance from recovering. 


The instance is running and is connected to ZooKeeper but is not in a state in which it can recover, such as when Solr is initializing. A downed instance does not partici- pate in queries or accept updates. The down state is usually temporary, and the node will transition to one of the other states. 


The instance is not connected to ZooKeeper and has probably crashed. If a node is still running but ZooKeeper thinks it’s gone, the most likely cause is an OutOfMemoryError in the JVM. 

      Solr依赖Zookeeper实现集群的管理,在Zookeeper中有一个Znode 是/clusterstate.json  ,它存储了当前时刻下整个集群的状态。同时在一个集群中有且只会存在一个overseer,如果当前的overseer fail了那么SolrCloud就会选出新的一个overseer,就跟下文要讲的shard leader 选取类似。

      每一个Index 实例,无论是leader还是replica都会在/clusterstate.json上注册一个watcher以便于接受集群状态变更的通知,当有一个新的Solr节点加入Zookeeper时候,overseer就会更新修改/clusterstate.json,一旦/clusterstate.json发生修改,Zookeeper就会通知所有的Index 实例,让他们更新集群信息的缓存。同理其他的集群状态变更。

3.3 Shard leader 选举

      Shard leader的选举对于SolrCloud来说还是很重要的过程,虽然Shard leader选举并不直接影响SolrCloud的查询,但是却大大影响了SolrCloud的建索引过程。关于SolrCloud的Index过程将在下一节介绍。Shard leader在index过程中主要起到以下作用:

  • 接受shard的update请求
  • 在需要的update的document中加入_version_域,并实施 optimistic lock
  • 将document写入update log
  • 并行发送document到所有的replica,直到replica返回完成相应才结束

    首先,任何node 包括replica都可以被自动选举为leader,leader的选举同样依靠Zookeeper。选举过程如下:


  • 当Index实例(shard)上线时,它会尝试短连接至zookeeper,并在Zookeeper创建对应shard的Znode,比如/collections/logmill/leader_select/shard1/election/XXX_node1_0000001,其中logmill表示collection的名字,shard1表示是shard的编号,XXX_node1_0000001表示最终创建的Znode的名字,XXX我们暂时不关心。
  • 如果我们设置多个Replica时候,那么一个shard就会有多个Index实例去短连接至zookeeper,并同样在Zookeeper上创建shard的Znode,比如/collections/logmill/leader_select/shard1/election/XXX_node1_0000002。
  • Zookeeper的短连接成功后,会给Znode创建一个编号,这个编号是同步自增的,也就是说,多个短连接请求时候Zookeeper会保证处理完一个后再处理另一个,所以不同的短连接生成的Znode编号是递增的且不会重叠的。由于受到节点自身的性能以及网络等影响,不同节点短连接存在先后顺序从而造成Znode编号不同,比如XXX_node1_0000001,XXX_node1_0000002,那么SolrCloud选举Shard Leader的策略很简单,即始终保持leader_select/shard1/目录下编号最小的为leader,其他的为replica,比如XXX_node1_0000001为leader,XXX_node1_0000002为replica。
  • 选好leader后,会在/collections/logmill/leader/shard1下生成leader的信息。
  • Replica知道自己不是leader后,它会在leader的节点上(比如XXX_node1_0000001)注册一个watcher,该watcher一直监控leader的状态。



  • 正常运行的SolrCloud已产生一个leader(Znode编号最小,比如XXX_node1_0000001),后续的Replica后在leader节点上注册Watcher。当Leader下线时候,即短连接断开,那么Zookeeper上的Znode(比如XXX_node1_0000001)就会被删除。
  • 此时,所有Replica在Leader节点上的watcher就会监控到这一变化,所有的Replica就会进行leader选举,选举的原则依然是判断自己是不是目前注册在/collections/logmill/leader_select/shard1/election下的Znode编号最小的那位,是的话就是Leader,否则就是Replica
  • 如果判断自己是Replica,就会继续在leader的Znode上(这个时候的leader是XXX_node1_0000002)注册watcher,等待leader下线再次触发选举leader。
  • 如果这个时候原先下线的leader上线了会怎么样,它就会被当做新的一个Solr节点注册到Zookeeper上,并获取一个比现有Znode更大的编号,在Leader Znode节点上注册watcher,等待它的选举机会。





  • joinElection 主要实现shard节点在Zookeeper上建立短连接,并生产Znode,获取Znode编号。

 1 public int joinElection(ElectionContext context, boolean replacement) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException, IOException {
 2     context.joinedElectionFired();
 3     //select Znode节点的路径
 4     final String shardsElectZkPath = context.electionPath + LeaderElector.ELECTION_NODE;
 6     long sessionId = zkClient.getSolrZooKeeper().getSessionId();
 7     String id = sessionId + "-" + context.id;
 8     String leaderSeqPath = null;
 9     boolean cont = true;
10     int tries = 0;
11     while (cont) {
12       try {
13         //在Zookeeper创建短连接,并创建Znode,生成Znode编号
14         leaderSeqPath = zkClient.create(shardsElectZkPath + "/" + id + "-n_", null,
15             CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL, false);
16         //Znode路径
17         context.leaderSeqPath = leaderSeqPath;
18         cont = false;
19       //如果短连接建立失败,进行多次尝试。
20       } catch (ConnectionLossException e) {
21         // we don‘t know if we made our node or not...
22         List<String> entries = zkClient.getChildren(shardsElectZkPath, null, true);
24         boolean foundId = false;
25         for (String entry : entries) {
26           String nodeId = getNodeId(entry);
27           if (id.equals(nodeId)) {
28             // we did create our node...
29             foundId  = true;
30             break;
31           }
32         }
33         if (!foundId) {
34           cont = true;
35           if (tries++ > 20) {
36             throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,
37                 "", e);
38           }
39           try {
40             Thread.sleep(50);
41           } catch (InterruptedException e2) {
42             Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
43           }
44         }
46       } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
47         // we must have failed in creating the election node - someone else must
48         // be working on it, lets try again
49         if (tries++ > 20) {
50           throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,
51               "", e);
52         }
53         cont = true;
54         try {
55           Thread.sleep(50);
56         } catch (InterruptedException e2) {
57           Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
58         }
59       }
60     }
61     //Znode的编号
62     int seq = getSeq(leaderSeqPath);
63     //开始进行leader选举
64     checkIfIamLeader(seq, context, replacement);
66     return seq;
67   }
  • checkIfIamLeader 开始真正的leader选举,根据Zookeeper上创建的Znode的编号大小判断自己是否是leader,如果是replica,则在leader的Znode上注册watcher,等到再次进行leader选举

 1 private void checkIfIamLeader(final int seq, final ElectionContext context, boolean replacement) throws KeeperException,
 2       InterruptedException, IOException {
 3     context.checkIfIamLeaderFired();
 4     // get all other numbers...
 5     final String holdElectionPath = context.electionPath + ELECTION_NODE;
 6     //获取现有的select Znode节点下已注册的所有的Znode
 7     List<String> seqs = zkClient.getChildren(holdElectionPath, null, true);
 8     //对所有shard的Znode按Znode编号进行从小到大排序
 9     sortSeqs(seqs);
10     List<Integer> intSeqs = getSeqs(seqs);
11     if (intSeqs.size() == 0) {
12       log.warn("Our node is no longer in line to be leader");
13       return;
14     }
15     //如果自己的shard的Znode编号是最小的,那么就进行自己就是leader
16     if (seq <= intSeqs.get(0)) {
17       // first we delete the node advertising the old leader in case the ephem is still there
18       try {
19         zkClient.delete(context.leaderPath, -1, true);
20       } catch(Exception e) {
21         // fine
22       }
24       runIamLeaderProcess(context, replacement);
25     } else {
26       //如果自己的shard的Znode编号不是最小的,那么自己就是replica,则在Znode找出谁是leader
27       // I am not the leader - watch the node below me
28       int i = 1;
29       for (; i < intSeqs.size(); i++) {
30         int s = intSeqs.get(i);
31         if (seq < s) {
32           // we found who we come before - watch the guy in front
33           break;
34         }
35       }
36       int index = i - 2;
37       if (index < 0) {
38         log.warn("Our node is no longer in line to be leader");
39         return;
40       }
41      //找出leader后,在leader的Znode上注册watcher,监视leader状态。
42       try {
43         zkClient.getData(holdElectionPath + "/" + seqs.get(index), watcher = new ElectionWatcher(context.leaderSeqPath , seq, context) , null, true);
44       } catch (KeeperException.SessionExpiredException e) {
45         throw e;
46       } catch (KeeperException e) {
47         log.warn("Failed setting watch", e);
48         // we couldn‘t set our watch - the node before us may already be down?
49         // we need to check if we are the leader again
50         checkIfIamLeader(seq, context, true);
51       }
52     }
53   }





Solr In Action 笔记(3) 之 SolrCloud基础

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