标签:poj ike bsp targe 除了 and etc 分享 integer
1.Algorithm:每周至少做一个 leetcode 的算法题
给定一个链表: 1->2->3->4->5, 和 n = 2. 当删除了倒数第二个节点后,链表变为 1->2->3->5.
用快慢指针,快指针先移 n 个节点。
一起移动,两指针之间一直保持 n 个节点,当快指针到链表底了,操作慢指针,删除要删除的元素
这周一直在跟 Josh hug 的CS61B. 感觉可以考虑讲其中一小部分 .
比如其中一个问题 : 数组和类什么区别 Array VS Classes
Simply to say ,array is to think of it as a numbered sequence of memory boxes :
1) To get ith item of array A 例如 : use A[i]
2) Unlike class instances which have named memory boxes
例如 : (假定Walrus 是一个已经写好的POJO实体类)
int x ; −− Gives us a memory box of 32 bits that stores ints.
Walrus W1; −− Gives us a memory box of 64 bits that stores ints.
Walrus w2 = new Walrus(30,5.6); −− Gives us a memory box of 64 bits that stores Walrus references, and also gives us 96 bits for storing the size (32 bits) and double tusksize (64 bits) of our walrus.
Array :
array consist of :
A fixed integer length (cannot change)
A sequence of N memory boxes where N=length , such that :
1) All of the boxes hold the same type of value (and have same # of bits)
2) The boxes are numbered 0 through length-1.
like instances of classes:
You get one reference when its created.
If you reassign all variables containing that reference , you can never get the array back
Unlike classes , arrays do not have methods.
标签:poj ike bsp targe 除了 and etc 分享 integer