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UNIX - Copying a File

时间:2020-05-15 09:38:36      阅读:50      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:comm   files   second   first   lock   win   content   writing   result   

To make a duplicate copy of a file, use the command cp. For example, to create an exact copy of the file called firstfile, you would type:

cp firstfile secondfile

This results in two files with different names, each containing the same information. The cp command works by overwriting information. If you create a different file called thirdfile and then type the following command:

cp thirdfile firstfile

you will find that the original contents of firstfile are gone, replaced by the contents of thirdfile.

UNIX - Copying a File

标签:comm   files   second   first   lock   win   content   writing   result   


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