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项目管理 - Coding Standard

时间:2021-01-28 12:20:52      阅读:0      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:测试   ica   hand   thrown   param   代码结构   form   strong   sse   

Code Structure 代码结构


Boolean方法,起名要以"is" / "has"开头。




Design Principles 设计原则

Apply the Single-Responsibility principle to increase cohesion

Apply the Open-Closed principle for extensible design




Structural Complexity 结构复杂度

Cyclomatic Complexity should not exceed 10

  • Methods should not be too complex
  • Classes should not have too many methods

Depth of Inheritance Tree should not exceed 5

Lines of code per function should not exceed 100

Parameters per function should not exceed 7



Error Handling 错误处理

Throwable.printStackTrace(...) should not be called

Exceptions should not be thrown in finally blocks

Don‘t swallow exceptions without commenting why



Logging 日志

Do not log Sensitive / Confidential data (such as passwords)

Log all authentication success and failures



Unit Testing 测试用例

Write unit tests for all new code/projects, and for all bug fixes (including legacy code)

Each function should have unit tests that cover normal conditions, edge conditions and error handling

Use Mock objects in Unit Tests


Information Security  信息安全

Use strong authentification process

All forms of user input should be validated and sanitized


项目管理 - Coding Standard

标签:测试   ica   hand   thrown   param   代码结构   form   strong   sse   


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