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Office Politics

时间:2021-04-05 12:23:05      阅读:0      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

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Here is my advice to you for how to succeed at office politics without becoming a backstabber.


Don‘t keep your head in the sand.Office politics is a reality,and it‘s better to participate than to pretend it doesn‘t exist.But remember keep it positive.

办公室政治是客观存在的, 与其主观假装它根本不存在倒不如参与其中,但一定要保持积极、阳光的态度。

If you are respectful to your collegeagues,and everyone likes you,you are less likely to get stabbed in the back.


Devlop good relationships with your coworks.You never know when you need someone on your side.


Do nice things for people when the opportunity comes up.Be supportive of your coworkers,and they will support you.


 Also,develop good relationships with higer-ups.Seek their advice.They‘ll appreciate your desire to grow as an employee.


If possible,find a mentor,a more experienced colleague who can offer you valuable advicve.He or she can also advocate for you when you are considered for a promotion.


Notice how things get done.Think about the values of the company,and gain an understanding of the culture of the organization.If you show that you like the way the company works,your boss and your boss‘s bosses will be happier to make you an important part of your compnay.



Also get to know your coworkers.If you seek to understand your coworkers,you may avoid potential disagreements.

Top managers know that the key to management is being a good listerner and taking the time to understand the needs of the peole around them.



No matter how much you don‘t like someone,don‘t let your anger or annoyance show.Don‘t humiliate them,attack them or insult them.What goes around comes around.Your persional attack may seem justified,but by doing this, you will gain an ememy for later.



Office Politics

标签:for   support   别人   ann   ati   价值观   style   工作   list   


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