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Barefoot Networks P4 Studio Build Tool

P4 Studio Build is a tool that helps a user to install dependencies, build
and install all the required components of P4 Studio (SDE), and build and
install example P4 programs.

The P4 Studio Build tool provides three different modes of invocation for the
p4studio_build.py script:
1. Interactive mode (default)
2. Profile mode
3. Command line mode

Interactive mode:

In interactive mode, the P4 Studio Build tool queries the user for information
about how the SDE will be used. The answers provided may be saved into a
configuration profile that can be reused when running in ‘Profile‘ mode.
The user may then indicate to build the SDE based on the provided information.

Execution: ./p4studio_build.py

Profile mode:

In profile mode, the P4 Studio Build tool builds the SDE based on a
configuration profile provided by the user. A configuration profile contains
the information about which components of SDE to build and any additional
parameters that are required to build that component. The
‘sample_profile.yaml‘ file in $SDE/p4studio_build/profiles is an example
template that includes all the components that could be built.

Execution: ./p4studio_build.py --use-profile switch_p416_profile

A few sample profiles are provided for reference.
1. all_profile.yaml # builds all components and their dependencies
2. diags_profile.yaml # builds diag and its dependencies
3. p414_examples_profile.yaml # builds P4 14 examples and their dependencies
4. p416_examples_profile.yaml # builds P4 16 examples and their dependencies
5. switch_p416_profile.yaml # builds switch P4 16 and its dependencies
6. p4_runtime_profile.yaml # builds switchd with native P4Runtime support
7. stratum_profile.yaml # builds the SDE so it can be integrated with Stratum

Command line mode:

In command line mode, the P4 Studio Build tool builds the SDE based on the
arguments provided by the user. The arguments supported are as follows:
-up, --use-profile
Specifies what configuration needs to be installed.
USAGE: --use-profile example_profile

-bp, --build-profile
                      Indicates to build a profile in interactive mode.
                      USAGE: --build-profile

-sd, --skip-dependencies
                      Specifies that no dependencies have to be installed.
                      DEFAULT: False
                      USAGE: --skip-dependencies

-sdc, --skip-dependencies-check
                      Indicates to disable sanity dependency checks.
                      DEFAULT: False
                      USAGE: --skip-dependencies-check

-pco, --bf-platforms-configure-options
                      Sepcifies additional configure options that needs to
                      be passed for bf-platforms package. Typical
                      DEFAULT: None
                      --bf-platforms-configure-options= "--with-tof-brgup-plat"

-b-path, --bsp-path
                      Specifies the directory containing bf-reference-bsp
                      (the BSP package path).
                      This is required if bf-platforms needs to be installed.
                      DEFAULT: None
                      USAGE: --bsp-path .../path/to/bf-reference-bsp/

-d, --bf-diags
                      Indicates to build the bf-diags package.
                      USAGE: --bf-diags

-diags-co, --bf-diags-configure-options
                      Specifies additional configure options that need to
                      be passed to build bf-diags package.
                      DEFAULT: None
                      --bf-diags-configure-options ‘--enable-thrift‘

-sw, --switch
                      Indicates to build switch-p4-16.
                      DEFAULT: None
                      USAGE: --switch,
                             --switch switch-p4-16

-sp, --switch-profile
                      Indicates to build a specific profile of switch.
                      DEFAULT: None
                      USAGE: --switch-profile x1_tofino

-sw-co, --switch-configure-options
                      Specifies additional configure options that need to
                      be passed to build a switch package.
                      DEFAULT: None
                      USAGE: --switch-configure-options ‘P4FLAGS=--create-graphs‘

-e, --p4-examples
                      Specifies which p4-examples to build.
                      DEFAULT: None
                      USAGE: --p4-examples p414 p416
                             --p4-examples p414
                             --p4-examples p416

-ta, --tofino-architecture
                      Specifies the target device architecture to use.
                      DEFAULT: tofino
                      USAGE: --tofino-architecture tofino
                             --tofino-architecture tofino2
                             --tofino-architecture all

-sys-co, --bf-syslibs-configure-options
                      Sepcifies additional configure options that need to
                      be passed to build bf-syslibs package.
                      USAGE: --bf-syslibs-configure-options= "--disable-tcmalloc"

-uco, --bf-utils-configure-options
                      Sepcifies additional configure options that need to
                      be passed to build bf-utils package.
                      --bf-utils-configure-options= "--disable-bf-python"

-dr-co, --bf-drivers-configure-options
                      Specifies  additional configure options that need to
                      be passed to build bf-drivers package.
                      USAGE: --bf-drivers-configure-options= "--enable-p4rt"

-wk, --without-kdrv
                      Indicates to not build with kernel drivers.
                      DEFAULT: False
                      USAGE: --without-kdrv

-rt, --bf-runtime
                      Indicates that Barefoot P4 Runtime should be enabled.
                      DEFAULT: False
                      USAGE: --bf-runtime

-p4rt, --p4-runtime
                      Indicates that native P4Runtime support should be enabled.
                      DEFAULT: False
                      USAGE: --p4-runtime

-pi, --pi             To be provided if needed to enable PI
                      DEFAULT: False
                      USAGE: --pi 
--grpc                Indicates that the Google RPC package should be enabled.
                      DEFAULT: False
                      USAGE: --grpc

-gco, --global-configure-options
                      Specifies global configure options to use.
                      DEFAULT: None
                      USAGE: --global-configure-options ‘-host=i386-linux-gnu
                      The above example is used to cross-compile the
                      package libraries for a 32-bit i686 CPU based target.

-t, --thrift
                      Indicates that Thrift should be enabled.
                      DEFAULT: False
                      USAGE: --thrift

-j, --jobs
                      Specifies the number of jobs to run in parallel.
                      DEFAULT: None
                      USAGE: --jobs 8

-ptf, --ptf-modules
                      Indicates that PTF dependencies and utilities should
                      be installed.
                      DEFAULT: False
                      USAGE: --ptf-modules

-fa, --force-autogen
                      Indicates that autogen.sh should be re-run.
                      DEFAULT: False
                      USAGE: --force-autogen

-scl, --skip-cleanup
                      Indicates that install/build/log directories should
                      not be cleaned.
                      DEFAULT: False
                      USAGE: --skip-cleanup

-soc, --skip-os-check
                      Indicates to skip verifying that the current
                      system has a supported OS.
                      DEFAULT: False
                      USAGE: --skip-os-check

-osd, --os-detail
                      Specifies the OS to use as a baseline for dependency
                      DEFAULT: None
                      USAGE: --os-detail Ubuntu_16.04
                             --os-detail Debian_9

-shc, --skip-kernelheader-check
                      Indicates to skip the installation of kernel headers.
                      DEFAULT: False
                      USAGE: --skip-kernelheader-check

-bm, --build-modules
                      Specifies the modules to be built.
                      DEFAULT: None
                      USAGE: --build-modules switch-p4-16
                             --build-modules bf-drivers bf-diags

 -rb, --resume-build
                      Indicates that the build will resume from the point
                      it was last left off
                      DEFAULT: False
                      USAGE: --resume-build

 -sdsc, --skip-diskspace-check
                      Indicates to skip checking of the disk space.
                      DEFAULT: False
                      USAGE: --skip-diskspace-check

 -iod, --install-only-dependencies
                    To be provided to install only the dependencies
                    required for a given profile.
                    DEFAULT: False
                    USAGE: -iod
 -kdir KDIR, --KDIR KDIR
                    To be provided to build the kernel module, if building
                    DEFAULT: None
                    USAGE: --KDIR /lib/modules/4.4.0-83-generic/build

 -preserve_env, --preserve_env
                    To be provided to use preset environment variables: SDE, SDE_INSTALL.
                    DEFAULT: False
                    USAGE: -preserve_env

NOTE: If no command line argument is passed then the user enters interactive
NOTE: Command line options are also accepted in ‘Profile‘ mode to further
customize the installation.

Manual Dependency Installation:

If the user desires to manually install the dependencies required by the SDE,
a convenient enumeration is provided in the dependencies.yaml file found in
\(SDE/p4studio_build. Convenience utilities are also provided in \)SDE/p4studio_build/third_party/install*.py to aid installing dependencies,
which can be customized based on the user‘s chosen OS.

The required third party source package dependencies are present under


标签:ubunt   tom   without   google   kernel   lin   option   sys   utils   


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