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April 7 2017 Week 14 Friday

时间:2017-06-13 12:39:13      阅读:129      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

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A good heart is better than all the brains in the world.


A good heart can be useful to this world, at least a good-hearted person seldom does harm to the society.

That can be a good explaination for why we often makes friends with some good-hearted but somewhat useless person and why we may feel unconfortable when interacting with those so-called elites who don‘t show their kindness to us.

When we are interacting with those good-hearted, we feel confortable and safe, however, when with those who are not good-hearted, we have to be aware of what they are doing and what they are talking, really a tiresome thing.

Neverthelss, in this world, it is far from adequate for us to live well only with good heart, we must combine it with other traits so as to make our good hearts useful, and more powerful.

Maybe I am a man with good heart but without practical benefits to others.

What should I do to make myself useful to others, especially in a bad economy?


The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other‘s life.


Bear in mind that the most important thing we can do for our family is to repest our family members‘ life and share joynesses with them.

Blood, may be also important, but I have witnessed many family members beame hostile to each others due to their divergence in money, or other conflicts of interests.

Be brave to the past of others and the past of yourself.

Don‘t let those past disappointments spoil your current life.

April 7 2017 Week 14 Friday

标签:apr   ble   fit   friends   ade   tab   ber   ack   import   


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