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论文笔记:Parallel Tracking and Verifying: A Framework for Real-Time and High Accuracy Visual Tracking

时间:2017-09-15 12:22:31      阅读:275      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

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Parallel Tracking and Verifying: A Framework for Real-Time and High Accuracy Visual Tracking 


本文目标在于 tracking performance 和 efficiency 之间达到一种平衡。将 tracking 过程分解为两个并行但是相互协作的部分:

  一个用于快速的跟踪(fast tracking);

  另一个用于准确的验证(accurate verification)。 


本文的 Motivation 主要是:

  1. 大部分跟踪的序列,都是比较平坦简单的,但是存在有些非常具有挑战性的片段的存在,使得跟踪的结果不是非常的好。如果处理不好,还会导致跟踪的丢失。本文利用 verifiers 将进行这些关键点的处理。

  2. 计算机视觉当中多线程计算已经非常普遍,特别是 SLAM。By splitting tracking and mapping into two parallel threads, PTAM (parallel tracking and mapping) [23] provides one of the most popular SLAM frameworks with many important extensions.   

  3. 最近快速、准确的跟踪算法提供了有效的 building blocks,并且鼓励我们去寻找组合的解决方法(呵呵了。。。)






  1. we propose to build real-time high accuracy trackers in a novel framework named parallel tracking and verifying (PTAV). 

  2. The key idea is : while T needs to run on every frame, does not. As a general framework, PTAV allows the coordination between the tracker and the verifier: V checks the
tracking results provided by T and sends feedback to V; and V adjusts itself according to the feedback when necessary. By running T and V in parallel, PTAV inherits both the high
efficiency of T and the strong discriminative power of V.


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论文笔记:Parallel Tracking and Verifying: A Framework for Real-Time and High Accuracy Visual Tracking

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