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emacs quick open and jump file (or buffer) which name is current word

时间:2014-05-15 15:02:20      阅读:373      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

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Sometime, we need to open a file or buffer which name began with current word in emacs.

Here I give the solution as follows.

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; quick-file-jump.el
;; Why this module?
;;     Sometimes, we need to open a file or buffer which name 
;;            began with current word in emacs.
;;     Here is the solution.
;; Install.
;;   put this file (quick-file-jump.el) in your load path and
;;   add follow codes into your initial emacs files (.emacs or init.el)
;;   (require ‘quick-file-jump)
;;   (global-set-key (kbd "<M-return>") ‘ab/quick-buffer-jump)
;; Author:
;;   Aborn Jiang (aborn.jiang@foxmail.com)
;;   2014-05-13
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(provide ‘quick-file-jump)
(defun ab/quick-buffer-jump ()
  "Quickly jump to buffer/file which name is current word"
  (setq fname (current-word))
  (setq blist (buffer-list))
  (setq status nil)
  (setq switchedbuffer "nil")
  (dolist (value blist)
    (when (and (bufferp value)
               (buffer-file-name value)
               (not status)
               (string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote fname))
                             (buffer-name value)))
      (progn (switch-to-buffer (buffer-name value))
             (setq status t)
             (setq switchedbuffer (buffer-name value)))
  (if status                     ;; success search in buffer list.
      (message "skip to %s buffer" switchedbuffer)
    (ab/quick-file-jump)))       ;; find files in current path.

(defun ab/quick-file-jump ()
  "Quickly open and jump file with name begin with current word"
  (setq fname (current-word))
  (setq switchedfile "nil")
  (setq dflist (directory-files (ab/get-current-path)))
  (dolist (value dflist)
    (when (and (file-regular-p value)
                (concat "^" (regexp-quote fname)) value))
      (find-file value)
      (setq switchedfile value)
      (setq status t)))
  (if status                     ;; success search in file list
      (message "open and skip to %s file." switchedfile)
    (message "not find file name begin %s" fname)))

(defun ab/get-current-path ()
  "Get the current path"
  (message (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))))

;; default global key setting
(global-set-key (kbd "<M-return>") ‘ab/quick-buffer-jump)

emacs quick open and jump file (or buffer) which name is current word,布布扣,bubuko.com

emacs quick open and jump file (or buffer) which name is current word

标签:des   blog   class   code   c   int   


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