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ICPC2019徐州 现场赛M Kill the tree 树的重心

时间:2020-02-02 18:03:18      阅读:130      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:转化   com   问题   can   否则   algorithm   code   bsp   有一个   






 1 #include <cstdio>
 2 #include <algorithm>
 3 using namespace std;
 4 const int MAXN = 210000;
 5 int n,cnt;
 6 int head[MAXN],siz[MAXN],fa[MAXN],son[MAXN],ans[MAXN][2],to[2 * MAXN],nxt[2 * MAXN];
 7 void dfs1(int x)
 8 {
 9     siz[x] = 1;
10     for (int i = head[x];i;i = nxt[i])
11     {
12         if (to[i] == fa[x])
13             continue;
14         fa[to[i]] = x;
15         dfs1(to[i]);
16         siz[x] += siz[to[i]];
17         if (siz[to[i]] > siz[son[x]])
18             son[x] = to[i];
19     }
20 }
21 void dfs2(int x)
22 {
23     for (int i = head[x];i;i = nxt[i])
24     {
25         if (to[i] == fa[x])
26             continue;
27         dfs2(to[i]);
28     }
29     int t = ans[son[x]][0];
30     if (t == 0)
31         t = x;
32     while (t != x && max(siz[son[t]],siz[x] - siz[t]) >= max(siz[son[fa[t]]],siz[x] - siz[fa[t]]))
33         t = fa[t];
34     ans[x][0] = t;
35     if (max(siz[son[t]],siz[x] - siz[t]) == max(siz[son[son[t]]],siz[x] - siz[son[t]]))
36         ans[x][1] = son[t];
37 }
38 void add(int x,int y)
39 {
40     nxt[++cnt] = head[x];
41     to[cnt] = y;
42     head[x] = cnt;
43 }
44 int main()
45 {
46     scanf("%d",&n);
47     int tx,ty;
48     for (int i = 1;i <= n - 1;i++)
49     {
50         scanf("%d%d",&tx,&ty);
51         add(tx,ty);
52         add(ty,tx); 
53     }
54     dfs1(1);
55     dfs2(1);
56     for (int i = 1;i <= n;i++)
57     {
58         if (ans[i][1] != 0 && ans[i][1] < ans[i][0])
59             swap(ans[i][1],ans[i][0]);
60         printf("%d",ans[i][0]);
61         if (ans[i][1] != 0)
62             printf(" %d\n",ans[i][1]);
63         else
64             printf("\n");
65     }
66     return 0;
67 }


ICPC2019徐州 现场赛M Kill the tree 树的重心

标签:转化   com   问题   can   否则   algorithm   code   bsp   有一个   


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