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标签:sqrt   with open   get   open   dir   png   inter   原理   开始   


一 高斯正反算基本原理

1 高斯投影坐标正算



1 高斯投影坐标反算








二 实现代码


  1 import tkinter
  2 import tkinter.filedialog as fdg
  3 import re
  4 import math
  8 """
  9 =================> 用户UI界面相关 <==================
 10 """
 11 root = tkinter.Tk()
 12 root.title(杨宇航-高斯正反算)
 13 root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
 14 root.geometry(500x700)
 19 # #   =============== 高斯正算UI界面 ==============
 20 # # 文本坐标文件导入
 21 label_wel_zheng = tkinter.Label(root,text=<高斯正算>,font=(黑体,16),fg=black)
 22 label_wel_zheng.place(x=185, y=10)
 23 label_open = tkinter.Label(root,text=1.请选择转化文件:,font=(黑体,10),fg=black)
 24 label_open.place(x=5, y=40)
 25 open_pth_Z = tkinter.Variable()
 26 entry_open = tkinter.Entry(root,width=59,textvariable=open_pth_Z).place(x=70, y=70)
 27 bot_open = tkinter.Button(root,width=8,height=1,text=导入文件,font=(黑体,9),fg=black,bg=orange,command=lambda :File_Open_Z())
 28 bot_open.place(x=5,y=70)
 29 # # 椭球选择
 30 label_glo = tkinter.Label(root,text=2.请选择椭球(填入相应椭球代号):,font=(黑体,10),fg=black)
 31 label_glo.place(x=5, y=100)
 32 glo_Z = tkinter.Variable()
 33 entry_glo = tkinter.Entry(root,textvariable=glo_Z).place(x=227,y=100)
 34 label_gloa = tkinter.Label(root,text=A:克拉索夫斯基椭球,font=(黑体,12),fg=black)
 35 label_gloa.place(x=5, y=125)
 36 label_glob = tkinter.Label(root,text=B:WGS-84椭球,font=(黑体,12),fg=black)
 37 label_glob.place(x=255, y=125)
 38 label_gloc = tkinter.Label(root,text=C:CGCS-2000椭球,font=(黑体,12),fg=black)
 39 label_gloc.place(x=5, y=155)
 40 label_glod = tkinter.Label(root,text=D:IUGG-75椭球,font=(黑体,12),fg=black)
 41 label_glod.place(x=255, y=155)
 42 # # 投影带选择
 43 label_num = tkinter.Label(root,text=3.请选择投影带(填入相应投影带代号):,font=(黑体,10),fg=black)
 44 label_num.place(x=5, y=190)
 45 num = tkinter.Variable()
 46 entry_num = tkinter.Entry(root,textvariable=num).place(x=255,y=190)
 47 label_num3 = tkinter.Label(root,text=A:三度带投影,font=(黑体,12),fg=black)
 48 label_num3.place(x=5, y=220)
 49 label_num6 = tkinter.Label(root,text=B:六度带投影,font=(黑体,12),fg=black)
 50 label_num6.place(x=255, y=220)
 51 # # 最终坐标文件保存
 52 label_save = tkinter.Label(root,text=4.请选择转化结果输出路径:,font=(黑体,10),fg=black)
 53 label_save.place(x=5,y=250)
 54 save_pth_Z = tkinter.Variable()
 55 entry_save = tkinter.Entry(root,width=59,textvariable=save_pth_Z).place(x=70, y=275)
 56 bot_save = tkinter.Button(root,width=8,height=1,text=保存文件,font=(黑体,9),fg=black,bg=orange,command=lambda :File_Save_Z())
 57 bot_save.place(x=5,y=275)
 58 # # 定义开始转换按钮及其他内容
 59 bot_start_Z = tkinter.Button(root,text=开始转化,font=(黑体,10),fg=white,bg=blue,command=lambda :Gaosi_Zheng())
 60 bot_start_Z.place(x=210, y=310)
 61 show1 = tkinter.Variable()
 62 label_show = tkinter.Label(root,textvariable=show1).place(width=480,height=42,x=5,y=333)
 67 # #   =============== 高斯反算UI界面 ==============
 68 # # 文本坐标文件导入
 69 label_open = tkinter.Label(root,text=<高斯反算>,font=(黑体,16),fg=black)
 70 label_open.place(x=185, y=380)
 71 label_open = tkinter.Label(root,text=1.请选择转化文件:,font=(黑体,10),fg=black)
 72 label_open.place(x=5, y=410)
 73 open_pth_F = tkinter.Variable()
 74 entry_open = tkinter.Entry(root,width=50,textvariable=open_pth_F).place(x=70, y=440)
 75 bot_open = tkinter.Button(root,width=8,height=1,text=导入文件,font=(黑体,9),fg=black,bg=orange,command=lambda :File_Open_F())
 76 bot_open.place(x=5,y=440)
 77 # # 椭球选择
 78 label_glo = tkinter.Label(root,text=2.请选择椭球(填入相应椭球代号):,font=(黑体,10),fg=black)
 79 label_glo.place(x=5, y=470)
 80 glo_F = tkinter.Variable()
 81 entry_glo = tkinter.Entry(root,textvariable=glo_F).place(x=227,y=470)
 82 label_gloa = tkinter.Label(root,text=A:克拉索夫斯基椭球,font=(黑体,12),fg=black)
 83 label_gloa.place(x=5, y=495)
 84 label_glob = tkinter.Label(root,text=B:WGS-84椭球,font=(黑体,12),fg=black)
 85 label_glob.place(x=255, y=495)
 86 label_gloc = tkinter.Label(root,text=C:CGCS-2000椭球,font=(黑体,12),fg=black)
 87 label_gloc.place(x=5, y=525)
 88 label_glod = tkinter.Label(root,text=D:1975国际椭球,font=(黑体,12),fg=black)
 89 label_glod.place(x=255, y=525)
 90 # # 最终坐标文件保存
 91 label_num = tkinter.Label(root,text=3.请选择文件输出路径:,font=(黑体,10),fg=black)
 92 label_num.place(x=5, y=560)
 93 save_pth_F = tkinter.Variable()
 94 entry_save = tkinter.Entry(root,width=59,textvariable=save_pth_F).place(x=70,y=590)
 95 bot_save = tkinter.Button(root,width=8,height=1,text=保存文件,font=(黑体,9),fg=black,bg=orange,command=lambda :File_Save_F())
 96 bot_save.place(x=5,y=590)
 97 # # 定义开始转换按钮及其他内容
 98 bot_start = tkinter.Button(root,text=开始转换,font=(黑体,10),fg=white,bg=blue,command=lambda :Gaosi_Fan())
 99 bot_start.place(x=210, y=620)
100 show2 = tkinter.Variable()
101 label_show = tkinter.Label(root,textvariable=show2).place(width=480,height=42,x=5,y=665)
106 """
107 =====================> 操作函数相关 <======================
108 """
110 # # 坐标文件显示函数
111 def File_Open_Z():
112     file_open_name = fdg.askopenfilename()
113     open_pth_Z.set(file_open_name)
114 def File_Open_F():
115     file_open_name = fdg.askopenfilename()
116     open_pth_F.set(file_open_name)
118 # # 椭球选择函数
119 def Ch_Glob_Z():
120     s = glo_Z.get()
121     if s == A:
122         a = 6378245
123         e2 = 0.006693421622966
124         e_2 = 0.006738525414683
125     elif s == B:
126         a = 6378137
127         e2 = 0.00669437999013
128         e_2 = 0.00673949674227
129     elif s == C:
130         a = 6378137
131         e2 = 0.00669438002290
132         e_2 = 0.00673949677548
133     elif s == D:
134         a = 6378140
135         e2 = 0.006694384999588
136         e_2 = 0.006739501219473
137     return [a, e2, e_2]
139 def Ch_Glob_F():
140     s = glo_F.get()
141     if s == A:
142         a = 6378245
143         e2 = 0.006693421622966
144         e_2 = 0.006738525414683
145     elif s == B:
146         a = 6378137
147         e2 = 0.00669437999013
148         e_2 = 0.00673949674227
149     elif s == C:
150         a = 6378137
151         e2 = 0.00669438002290
152         e_2 = 0.00673949677548
153     elif s == D:
154         a = 6378140
155         e2 = 0.006694384999588
156         e_2 = 0.006739501219473
157     return [a, e2, e_2]
160 # # 高斯正算主函数
161 def Gaosi_Zheng():
162     with open(open_pth_Z.get(), r, encoding=utf-8) as f_open:
163         STR_LI = f_open.readlines()      # 最初数据读入列表
164     for i in STR_LI:
165         INT_list = list(eval(i))
166         L1 = INT_list[0]
167         B1 = INT_list[1]
168         # 投影带选择get
169         nnn = num.get()
170         if nnn == A:
171             n = int(L1 / 3)
172             l = math.radians(L1 - n * 3)
173             L, B = math.radians(L1), math.radians(B1)
174             TUP = Ch_Glob_Z()
175             a = TUP[0]
176             e2 = TUP[1]
177             e_2 = TUP[2]
178         elif nnn == B:
179             n = int(L1 / 6) + 1
180             l0 = 6 * n - 3
181             l = math.radians(L1 - l0)
182             L, B = math.radians(L1), math.radians(B1)
183             TUP = Ch_Glob_Z()
184             a = TUP[0]
185             e2 = TUP[1]
186             e_2 = TUP[2]
187         t = math.tan(B)
188         q = e_2 * (math.cos(B) ** 2)
189         # 高斯正算函数主体
190         # 计算X
191         m0 = a * (1 - e2)
192         m2 = (3 / 2) * e2 * m0
193         m4 = (5 / 4) * e2 * m2
194         m6 = (7 / 6) * e2 * m4
195         m8 = (9 / 8) * e2 * m6
196         a0 = m0 + (1 / 2) * m2 + (3 / 8) * m4 + (5 / 16) * m6 + (35 / 128) * m8
197         a2 = (1 / 2) * m2 + (1 / 2) * m4 + (15 / 32) * m6 + (7 / 16) * m8
198         a4 = (1 / 8) * m4 + (3 / 16) * m6 + (7 / 32) * m8
199         a6 = (1 / 32) * m6 + (1 / 16) * m8
200         a8 = (1 / 128) * m8
201         X1 = a0 * B - (1 / 2) * a2 * (math.sin(2 * B)) + (1 / 4) * a4 * (math.sin(4 * B)) - (1 / 6) * a6 * (
202             math.sin(6 * B)) + (1 / 8) * a8 * (math.sin(8 * B))
204         N = a / (math.sqrt(1 - e2*(math.sin(B)**2)))
205         X2 = (1 / 2) * N * math.sin(B) * math.cos(B) * (l ** 2)
206         X3 = (1 / 24) * N * (math.sin(B)) * (math.cos(B) ** 3) * (5 - t ** 2 + 9 * q + 4 * (q ** 2)) * (l ** 4)
207         X4 = (1 / 720) * N * (math.sin(B)) * (math.cos(B) ** 5) * (61 - 58 * t ** 2 + t ** 4) * (l ** 6)
208         X = (X1 + X2 + X3 + X4)  # X坐标通用值
209         X = round(X, 5)
210         Y1 = N * (math.cos(B)) * l
211         Y2 = (1 / 6) * N * (math.cos(B) ** 3) * (1 - t ** 2 + q) * (l ** 3)
212         Y3 = (1 / 120) * N * (math.cos(B) ** 5) * (5 - 18 * t ** 2 + t ** 4 + 14 * q - 58 * q * t ** 2) * (l ** 5)
213         Y = (Y1 + Y2 + Y3) + 500000 + (n * 1000000)  # Y坐标通用值
214         Y = round(Y, 5)
215         Q = str((X, Y))
216         with open(save_pth_Z.get(),a,encoding=utf-8) as f_save:   # 将转换成功的坐标文件存入用户所选路径
217             f_save.write(Q + ,)
218         show1.set(坐标转化成功!)
220 # # 高斯反算主函数
221 def Gaosi_Fan():
222     with open(open_pth_F.get(), r, encoding=utf-8) as f:
223         ff = f.readlines()
224         a = eval(ff[0])
225         for i in a:
226             X = i[0]  # X 为 float 类型
227             st = str(i[1])
228             n = eval(re.findall(^.., st)[0])
229             Y = i[1] - n*1000000 - 500000
230             # 根据椭球选择相应的 a,e2,e_2
231             TUP = Ch_Glob_F()
232             a = TUP[0]
233             e2 = TUP[1]
234             e_2 = TUP[2]
235             m0 = a * (1 - e2)
236             m2 = (3 / 2) * e2 * m0
237             m4 = (5 / 4) * e2 * m2
238             m6 = (7 / 6) * e2 * m4
239             m8 = (9 / 8) * e2 * m6
240             a0 = m0 + (1 / 2) * m2 + (3 / 8) * m4 + (5 / 16) * m6 + (35 / 128) * m8
241             a2 = (1 / 2) * m2 + (1 / 2) * m4 + (15 / 32) * m6 + (7 / 16) * m8
242             a4 = (1 / 8) * m4 + (3 / 16) * m6 + (7 / 32) * m8
243             a6 = (1 / 32) * m6 + (1 / 16) * m8
244             a8 = (1 / 128) * m8
245             # 计算底点纬度 Bf
246             Bfi1 = X / a0
247             for i in range(100):
248                 Bfi = Bfi1
249                 FBi = -(a2 / 2) * math.sin(2 * Bfi) + (a4 / 4) * math.sin(4 * Bfi) - (a6 / 6) * math.sin(6 * Bfi)
250                 Bfi1 = (X - FBi) / a0
251                 if Bfi1 - Bfi < 0.00000000001:
252                     Bf = Bfi1
253             # 定义其他量 Nf, Mf, qf, tf
254             Nf = a / (math.sqrt(1 - e2*(math.sin(Bf)**2)))
255             Mf = (a*(1-e2)) / math.sqrt((1-e2*(math.sin(Bf)**2))**3)
256             tf = math.tan(Bf)
257             qf = e_2 * (math.cos(Bf))**2
258             # 纬度值 B
259             B1 = tf * (Y**2) / (2*Mf*Nf)
260             B2 = tf * (5+3*(tf**2)+(qf**2)-9*(qf**2)*(tf**2)) * (Y**4) / (24*Mf*(Nf**3))
261             B3 = tf * (61+90*(tf**2)+45*(tf**4)) * (Y**6) / (720*Mf*(Nf**5))
262             BB = Bf - B1 + B2 - B3
263             BB = math.degrees(BB) + 0.000001
264             B = round(BB,5)
265             # 经度值 L
266             L0 = 0
267             L1 = Y / (Nf*math.cos(Bf))
268             L2 = ((1+2*(tf**2)+qf**2)*(Y**3)) / (6*(Nf**3)*math.cos(Bf))
269             L3 = (5+28*(tf**2)+24*(tf**4)*(Y**5)) / (120*(Nf**5)*math.cos(Bf))
270             if n >= 12 and n <= 23:
271                 L0 = math.radians(6)*n - math.radians(3)
272             if n >= 24 and n <= 45:
273                 L0 = math.radians(3)*n
274             LL = L0 + L1 - L2 + L3
275             LL = math.degrees(LL) + 0.000001
276             L = round(LL,5)
277             A = (L, B)
278             END = str(A)
279             with open(save_pth_F.get(), a, encoding=utf-8) as f_save:
280                 f_save.write(END + ,)
281             show2.set(坐标转化成功!)
284 # 最终计算结果输出函数
285 def File_Save_Z():
286     file_save_name = fdg.asksaveasfilename(
287     defaultextension = .txt,              # 默认后缀名
288     filetypes = [(文本文件类型,*.txt),     # 下拉文件类型
289                 (其他类型,*.*)],
290     initialdir = C:\\Users\\Desktop,      # 默认打开路径
291     initialfile = text,                   # 默认文件保存名
292     title = 文件另存为
293     )
294     save_pth_Z.set(file_save_name)
296 def File_Save_F():
297     file_save_name = fdg.asksaveasfilename(
298         defaultextension = .txt,              # 默认后缀名
299         filetypes = [(文本文件类型,*.txt),     # 下拉文件类型
300                     (其他类型,*.*)],
301         initialdir = C:\\Users\\Desktop,      # 默认打开路径
302         initialfile = text,                   # 默认文件保存名
303         title = 文件另存为
304     )
305     save_pth_F.set(file_save_name)
309 root.mainloop()



标签:sqrt   with open   get   open   dir   png   inter   原理   开始   


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