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What next? ---class, def, pickle, dictionary, make a address book

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标签:next   ogr   __init__   arch   load   users   search   rom   lin   

<A Byte of Python> Chapter 16. What next?

Problem: create your own command-line address-book program using which you can add, modify, delete or search for your contacts such as friends, family and colleagues and their information such as email address and/or phone number. Details must be stored for later retrieval. 

Hint.  Create a class to represent the person‘s information. Use a dictionary to store person objects with their name as the key. Use the cPickle module to store the objects persistently on your hard disk. Use the dictionary built-in methods to add, delete and modify the persons. 

ab = {Xiaopeng Yang: (18000001219, 18700000019@139.com)}
del ab[Xiaopeng Yang]

class AddressBook:
    ‘‘‘Represents any information.‘‘‘
    def __init__(self, name, phonenumber):
        self.name = name
        self.phonenumber = phonenumber
        print (Initialized AddressBook: %s) %self.name
    def tell(self):
        ‘‘‘Tell my details.‘‘‘
        print Name:"%s" Phone number:"%s" % (self.name, self.phonenumber),

class Friend(AddressBook):
    ‘‘‘Represents a teacher.‘‘‘
    def __init__(self, name, phonenumber, emailaddress):
        AddressBook.__init__(self, name, phonenumber)
        self.emailaddress = emailaddress
        print (Initialized Friend: %s) % self.name

    def tell(self):
        print Email address: "%s" %self.emailaddress
        ab[self.name] = (self.phonenumber, self.emailaddress) # add friend information to dictionary
class Family(AddressBook):
    def __init__(self, name, phonenumber):
        AddressBook.__init__(self, name, phonenumber)
        print (Initialized Family: %s) % self.name

    def tell(self):
        ab[self.name] = (self.phonenumber,[])
        print #print s blank line

class Colleague(AddressBook):
    def __init__(self, name, phonenumber, emailaddress):
        AddressBook.__init__(self, name, phonenumber)
        self.emailaddress = emailaddress
        print (Initialized Colleague: %s) % self.name

    def tell(self):
        print Email address: "%s" %self.emailaddress
        ab[self.name] = (self.phonenumber, self.emailaddress)
        print #print s blank line
f = Friend(Qiping Kong, 1590100007, 000004369@qq.com) 
a = Family(Haixia Li, 13522000000)
c = Colleague(Maggie Zhang, 13000000827,MZhang@mmmmmm.org)
print #print s blank line

members = [f, a, c]
for member in members:
    member.tell() # works for Friend, Family and Colleague
if Qiping Kong in ab:
    print I am Qiping Kong, my phone numberis %d email is %s % ab[Qiping Kong]

for name, (phone, email) in ab.items():
    print Contact %s phone number is %d, email address is %s % (name, phone, email)

import cPickle as p
#import pickle as p

AddressListfile = AddressList.data # the name of the file where we store the information

AddressList = ab

# Write to the file
f = file(AddressListfile, w)
c = p.dump(AddressList, f) #dump the object to a file

del AddressList # remove the AddressList

#Read back from the storage
d = file(AddressListfile)
shoredlist = p.load(d)
print shoredlist


================ RESTART: /Users/zhouxin/Desktop/What next.py ================
(Initialized AddressBook: Qiping Kong)
(Initialized Friend: Qiping Kong)
(Initialized AddressBook: Haixia Li)
(Initialized Family: Haixia Li)
(Initialized AddressBook: Maggie Zhang)
(Initialized Colleague: Maggie Zhang)

Name:"Qiping Kong" Phone number:"1590100007" Email address: "000004369@qq.com"
Name:"Haixia Li" Phone number:"13522000000"
Name:"Maggie Zhang" Phone number:"13000000827" Email address: "MZhang@mmmmmm.org"

I am Qiping Kong, my phone numberis 1590100007 email is 000004369@qq.com
Contact Maggie Zhang phone number is 13000000827, email address is MZhang@mmmmmm.org
Contact Qiping Kong phone number is 1590100007, email address is 000004369@qq.com
Contact Haixia Li phone number is 13522000000, email address is []
{‘Maggie Zhang‘: (13000000827L, ‘MZhang@mmmmmm.org‘), ‘Qiping Kong‘: (1590100007, ‘000004369@qq.com‘), ‘Haixia Li‘: (13522000000L, [])}

What next? ---class, def, pickle, dictionary, make a address book

标签:next   ogr   __init__   arch   load   users   search   rom   lin   


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