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A Book Store Application Using AngularJS and Asp.Net Web Api

时间:2014-04-30 21:19:35      阅读:625      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:android   com   http   style   class   code   java   c   t   tar   javascript   

There are many examples out there demonstrating how AngularJS and Web API can be used together but almost all of them are in MVC, so I tried to implement this using Asp.Net web forms and this is what I came up with.  

For those who are new to AngularJS and Web API, please refer to the following links:


Asp.Net Web API 

What To Expect 

This application demonstrates how to use Asp.Net Web API RESTful services to send and receive data with angularJS. Apart from that you can see how angularJS is very effective in creating applications where we need to do real-time DOM manipulation.  Also this is a single page application which utilizes angular views to navigate to different pages. 

This application does not contain any kind of user management or any payment processing system as this is outside the boundary of the scope of this article, but you can implement them easily enough if you want to by modifying the existing code. 

This application uses a modified version of ToolTipJS which is a small javascript library to implement tooltips for web page elements. I have already covered that here







A Book Store Application Using AngularJS and Asp.Net Web Api,码迷,mamicode.com

A Book Store Application Using AngularJS and Asp.Net Web Api

标签:android   com   http   style   class   code   java   c   t   tar   javascript   


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