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Conceptual blockbusting--chap6 Alternate thinking languages

时间:2014-05-01 20:13:44      阅读:433      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:int   com   for   rom   image   man   form   mat   roc   phi   block   

The well-armed problem-finder/solver is fluent in many mental languages and is able to use them interchangeably to record information, communicate with the unconscious, and consciously manipulate.

Visual thinking

a) Perceptual imagery, is sensory experience of the physical world; it is what one sees and records in his brain

b) Mental imagery, which is constructed in the mind and utilizes information recorded from perceptual imagery

c) Graphic imagery, imagery that is sketched, doodled, drawn, or otherwise put down in a written communicable form, either to aid in your own process of thinking or to aid in communication with others

Conceptual blockbusting--chap6 Alternate thinking languages,码迷,mamicode.com

Conceptual blockbusting--chap6 Alternate thinking languages

标签:int   com   for   rom   image   man   form   mat   roc   phi   block   


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